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Reproduction. Also known as: Responsible sex for pets. Why should we breed pets?. Reasons to Breed. Perpetuate the breed or specific breed characteristics Provide more animals for people wanting pets Experience the miracle of birth Breeding is _________ Pets need to reproduce Others?.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Reproduction Also known as: Responsible sex for pets

  2. Why should we breed pets?

  3. Reasons to Breed • Perpetuate the breed or specific breed characteristics • Provide more animals for people wanting pets • Experience the miracle of birth • Breeding is _________ • Pets need to reproduce • Others?

  4. Perpetuate the breed or characteristic • Genes + ___________ outcome • Whose genes? Mother AND father(s) • Identical genes? No • Environment and life experiences exactly the same for offspring as for parents? • More issue with ____________ • Less issue with ___________ characteristics • What about cloning?

  5. Experience Birth • “My children should witness the miracle of birth” • Dogs & cats • Usually whelp/queen _______ • Prefer quiet & privacy (cats can be especially secretive and move kittens a lot) • May become stressed, aggressive, inhibited • What if something goes wrong?!

  6. Pets NEED to reproduce • Choices of mate • Owner’s decision – pet may/may not breed • Pet’s decision – may/may not be owners’ choice (relatives, offspring, “wrong” breed) • Risks of reproduction • Injury (fighting, accidents, etc), death • Damage and strain on tissues • ______________, _____________ • Life span of intact animals (ex: rabbits)

  7. Available homes • Overpopulation • Shelter issues • Rescue issues • Fates of unwanted pets • Homeless/feral • Shelters • Incompatible homes • Dog fighting bait

  8. Breeding is profitable • Costs incurred • Obtaining the parent(s), food, housing, materials • Veterinary care, testing, treatments, vaccines • Breeding fees and travel • Housing, equipment, feeding during pregnancy, birth, & lactation • _______________ care if problems • Puppy/kitten costs (care, vaccines, tests, etc) • Finding homes (ads, calls, screening) • ____________ (monitor homes, problems)

  9. Breeding is profitable • Costs outside the checkbook: • Time • Emotional investment • Relationships

  10. Breeding is profitable • Income expected • Sale of puppies or kittens (all sold?) • Sale of “extras” – diet foods, treats, grooming supplies, “how to” books, birth videos, etc. • Referrals for future sales (investment) • If income > costs, • If income < costs,

  11. Birth control • Female: • Hormone treatments to stop cycling • ___________ = Ovariohysterectomy • General anesthesia & abdominal surgery • ↓ mammary cancer, repro damage & cancers • Male • Neutersol® injections to atrophy testicles • “Neuter” = ______________ • General anesthesia, scrotal or abdominal surgery • ↓ prostate cancer, eliminates testicular cancer

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