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What are the roles of vegetables and fruits in complementary feeding

Fruits and vegetables provide minerals, vitamins and dietary fiber, which all contribute to the nutritive value of foods. Minerals are essential for life and are found in all foods.<br>Ajay Prakaash is the best paediatrician and neonatologist in tirunelveli. Dr Ajay prakaash, offers complete pediatric care for every infant in all through online.<br>https://engadoctor.com/doctor_profile/dr-ajay-prakaash-t-r-paediatrician-neonatologist-tirunelveli-ed002

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What are the roles of vegetables and fruits in complementary feeding

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  1. What are the roles of vegetables and fruits in complementary feeding? Fruits and vegetables provide minerals, vitamins and dietary fiber, which all contribute to the nutritive value of foods. Minerals are essential for life and are found in all foods. They include calcium and phosphorus, which are needed for strong bones; iron, which helps carry oxygen in the blood; and potassium, which helps regulate water balance in cells and maintain normal muscle function. Vitamins are important for normal growth and development. They include thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin (vitamin B3), vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E and folate (folic acid). Dietary fiber is indigestible carbohydrates that help to keep your digestive system regular by bulking up your stool so it passes through your intestines more easily. Fiber can also help lower cholesterol levels in the blood.

  2. Green leafy vegetables, carrots, pumpkin and seasonal fruits such as papaya, mango and banana are important sources of vitamin A (beta-carotene), B vitamins (folacin and pyridoxine) and iron. Carrots are the lowest in calories among all vegetables. They are also high in many nutrients that promote good health, including vitamin A, calcium, potassium and dietary fiber. Pumpkin is a rich source of beta carotene which converts to vitamin A when digested. Pumpkin is high in lutein and zeaxanthin which prevent eye diseases. Banana is rich in vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), selenium and potassium. It also contains tryptophan which helps the body produce serotonin, which regulates moods and feelings of well-being. The first step to eating well is to eat vegetables and fruits. You can't get enough vitamins, minerals, fiber and other nutrients from food alone.

  3. But even if you're eating a healthy diet, some people still don't get enough of certain nutrients. That's why it's important to make fruits and vegetables a regular part of your diet, since they're cheap and nutritious. The following tips will help you increase your intake of fruits and vegetables: Buy organic produce whenever possible. Organic foods are grown without pesticides or chemicals that can be toxic to humans or animals. They don't contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Organic farming usually uses less water than conventional farming methods do; organic farms also use organic

  4. fertilizer instead of synthetic chemicals that can harm the environment as well as the health of farmers and farm workers who handle them. Choose whole fruits over packaged fruit snacks such as dried apricots or raisins because they add fiber to your diet without adding extra calories or sodium (if they're unsweetened). Whole fruits provide more vitamins and minerals than their processed counterparts do — for instance, 100 percent juice contains about half the amount of vitamin C found in 100 percent orange juice For More Detailed visit https://engadoctor.com

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