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Credit Risk Assessment of Corporate Sector in Croatia. Saša Cerovac, Lana Ivičić Croatian National Bank Financial Stability Department. Structure of the presentation. Intro – motivation and credit risk assessment framework Data & definitions Migration matrices Logit model
Credit Risk Assessment of Corporate Sector in Croatia Saša Cerovac, Lana Ivičić Croatian National Bank Financial Stability Department
Structure of the presentation • Intro – motivation and credit risk assessmentframework • Data & definitions • Migration matrices • Logit model • Applications and further steps
Objective • Modeling credit risk of non-financial businesses entities: • assessment and predicting of the rating migration probabilities • predicting the probability of being in the default state • A contribution to the development of the CNB's technical infrastructure designed for the credit risk assessment (Figure 1)
Data sources • Two primary databases: • CNB’s database with prudential information on bank exposures and exposure ratings (quarterly frequency) • Financial Agency (FINA): micro data on corporate financial accounts (annual frequency)
Data preparation & cleaning (I) • Detailed CNB’s database available since June 2006 • full coverage of the banks and detailed risk classification • Entries for non-residents, non-corporates, non-market based firms, group of activities and unidentified debtors (other debtors and portfolio of small loans) are removed from the population • All exposures towards each single debtor are summed according to their ID number and multiple entries are avoided by prioritizing them according to supervisory actions
Data preparation & cleaning (II) • Exposures towards small debtors – those not exceeding 100,000 kunas (13,500 euros) - are also removed • reducing the volatility steaming from group of debtors that have marginal share in total liabilities of the corporate sector • Negative values (“overpayments”) were treated as no exposure • Sample was stabilized by removal of enterprises entering and/or exiting the database during the period under observation(year, quarter)
Combining the CNB’s and FINA’s databases • Some further data reductions took place in the modeling phase due to errors and omissions in FINA’s database • Merging CNB’s database with annual financial statements of private non-financial companies obtained from FINA reduced sample dataset to 7,719 firms during 2007 and 2008 (covering more than 75% of bank’s exposures towards market-oriented corporates) • Final data set: non-balanced panel of 12,462 observations of binary dependent variable – default state.
Construction of credit rating (I) • The CNB's database provides only information on the risk classification of individual exposures (placements and off-balance sheet liabilities) - no risk classification of debtors • AX - standard • A90d – standard, but over 90 days overdue • B – substandard (over 90 days overdue) • C – delinquent (over 365 days overdue)
Construction of credit rating (II) • The procedure for classifying debtors into distinct risk categories is based on solving a simple optimization problem derived from the risk classification of their total debt to the banking system as a whole
Distribution of rateddebtors from June 2006 to December 2008
Definition of default • Following the provisions of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (Basel II Accord) and applying general definition of default (Official Journal of the European Union, I.177 p. 113) : Default state: ratings A90d, B or C
Rating migrations and the probability of default • Migration matrix • Migration frequency: • Discrete multinomial estimator: • Migrations forecast: • Domestic corporate sector: no absorbing state (reversals are possible); k=4 where over horizon
Unconditional migration matrices PD Degree of rating stability PR Note: Initial rating in rows, terminal rating in columns
Conditional matrices I Hypothetical distributions of rating upgrades/downgrades
Quarterly conditional migration matrices II Note: a. Initial rating in rows, terminal rating in columns b. Differences in migration frequencies that are statistically significant (5% level) in relation to the parameters of unconditional matrix are in italic[4]. [4]The t-statistics is derived from binominal standard error.
Empirical regularities Probability of default (reversal) in correlation with credit rating Historical evolution of PDs across sectors
One-year forecasts Note: Initial rating in rows, terminal rating in columns
Modeling default state • Multivariate logit regression • Binary dependent variable yi,t explained by the set of factors X • The probability that a company defaults is • Using the logit function:
Selection of explanatory variables • Initial set: • Financial ratios: liquidity (16), solvency (23), activity (12), efficiency (7), profitability (27) and investment indicators (1) • Size variables • Sectoral dummies • Time lag: t-1 • Correction of outliers: winsorization
Selection of explanatory variables • Univariate analysis • Mean equality test • Graphical analysis: scatterplots • Univariate logit models: ROC
ROC • The predictive power of a discrete-choice model is measured through its: • Sensibility (fraction of true positives): the probability of correctly classifying an individual whose observed situation is “default” • Specificity (fraction of true negatives): the probability of correctly classifying an individual whose observed situation is “no default”
ROC curves in univariate analysis • Profitability indicators seem to have highest univariate classification ability: AUCs ranging from 0.69 to 0.75 • Among liquidity indicators, the best performing is the ratio of cash to total assets • Funding structure appears to be a good individual predictor of default too: ratios of equity capital to total assets and to total liabilities reach AUC values of above 0.70
Multivariate models • Intermediate choice: 28 financial ratios • Numerous models including different groups of variables were tested • Final multivariate model was chosen among best performing combinations of 3, 4, 5 and 6 explanatory variables + economic activity dummy
Best performing competing models Indicator Sector Liquidity Financial leverage Activity Profit Size
Kernel density estimate of default probabilities distribution for defaulted and non-defaulted companies
Cross-border lending effects on creditrisk distribution "In the presence of the effective credit limits, foreign bankshelp arrange direct cross-border borrowing for their clients, typically for the most creditworthy large corporates, leaving the Croatian banks mostly with customers with no other sources of financing.” IMF (2008): Republic of Croatia: Financial System Stability Assessment—Update
Model application I (debt) Cumulative distribution of debt according to the origin of a creditor
Model application II (debtors) Cumulative distribution of debt according to the origin of a creditor
Further steps • Refinements of theapproach: • Searching for alternative definitions of default • Applying alternative estimators and modeling conditionality of ratings dynamics • Examining alternatives for the selection of explanatory variables • Correcting for selection bias using multinomial logit • Modeling the event of default (PD) • Modeling the event of reversal (PR) • Improving explanatory power using macroeconomic variables (contingent on longer data series) • Model applications: • Forecasts of EAD • Stress-testing of the corporate sector