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National Travel Forum US Coast Guard TAC-ON 26 June 2006. CWO3 Andrew Alkire Branch Chief, PSC Travel Branch Mrs. Karen Stadler Supervisor, Travel Systems Support Team Mrs. Kimberley Valenzuela Supervisor, Travel Audit Team YN2 Rebekah McLean Auditor, Travel Audit Team.
CWO3 Andrew Alkire Branch Chief, PSC Travel Branch Mrs. Karen Stadler Supervisor, Travel Systems Support Team Mrs. Kimberley Valenzuela Supervisor, Travel Audit Team YN2 Rebekah McLean Auditor, Travel Audit Team Presented by PSC Travel
PSC Procedures T-PAX Functions: Passwords / Retrieve Request / Print Travel Voucher Summary Sheets T-PAX Navigation: Special Claims T-PAX Post Audit Process Various Types of Per Diem Items To Be Discussed …
CWO A. Alkire Branch Chief, Travel Business Line Production YNC R. Webb Audit K. Valenzuela System Support K. Stadler Travel Support YNC B. Bartsch • Audit all TDY & PCS • Releases all claims to FINCEN for payment • Researches corrective action for claims that FINCEN is unable to pay • Process Supplementals issued by CCB • Researches CC Calls • Process TDY & PCS • Forwards TPAX claims for release 15 Team mbrs 7 Team mbrs 6 Team mbrs 5 Team mbrs
PSC Procedures • PSC batches travel claims through T-PAX daily • PSC examines/enters Travel Claims • Daily transmissions to FINCEN for disbursement of Funds • PSC requests Audits for T-PAX claims monthly- <$2,500 & Random Sampling • PSC creates negative supplementals to recoup erroneous payments (if not authorized or legal)
Member Responsibilities • Prompt submission of claims • Providing package upon receiving audit requests • Check FINCEN pay history site for payments • Closely review TVSs (Travel Voucher Summary sheets) – now available On-Line via PSC or FINCEN websites (also available thru T-PAX) • Submit supplementals when necessary (new claim – signatures required)
Travel Claim Volume June 12th – 16th • 399 PCS Claims week (8000 expected) • 3030 TDY – T-PAX Claims week • 468 TDY – Manual Claims week • 603 Advances week • $88 Million Yr – 180K transactions
T-PAX Password Resets Eight characters Alphanumeric No special characters (i.e. @#$&) Make sure Authentication information is filled out correctly and you can remember it!!! If the member forgets their password, they can click forgotten password, enter their Authentication information, and T-PAX will e-mail them the password. T-PAX: Password Resets
This option will retrieve a claim forwarded to the AO for approval as long as the AO has not approved it. T-PAX: Retrieve Request
Can be obtained from TPAX by: Opening “settlement” Click on “print request” Select “print voucher” ** For more information, please see T-PAX tutorial located http://cgweb.psc.uscg.mil ** Travel Voucher Summary Sheets
TDY Claims Only – NO PCS at this time See it, Try it, Know it, Do it On-Demand tools Quick Reference Guides for a number of actions (http://cgweb.psc.uscg.mil/pd.aspx) Few changes with T-PAX from UTS system Layout is Windows Based T-PAX: Navigation
The More Difficult Claim Back to Back claims paid for by different Tono’s TDY within TDY (Reserve recall members are sent TDY while on recall with a different Tono) The “Not So Normal” Travel Claim
Note this is the new Tono for the TDY after the 1st trip Member starts the TDY claim the next day
This will cover the entire day of per diem due to the reduction on the beginning day of travel
25% to cover the reduction for travel days Dual lodging, due to recall.
T-PAX Post Audit Process
Audit Request notifications are sent out monthly by PSC TVL Branch. Audit Request notifications are auto-generated. Three Audit Request notifications will be sent to mbr for any claim that meets audit criteria. T-PAX Audit Process
Audit Criteria: All claims resulting in an entitlement of $2500.00 or more. 10% of the remaining claims for a specified Month. T-PAX Audit Process(continued)
Audit Request notifications are sent to mbr’s email addresses listed in: T-PAX Direct Access **** Keep email addresses in T-PAX and Direct Access updated **** T-PAX Audit Process (continued)
1st notification of Audit Request is sent to mbr. 2nd notification of Audit Request is sent to mbr if no response is received after 30 days of 1st request. 3rd and Final notification of Audit Request is sent to mbr if no response is received after 30 days of 2nd request. T-PAX Audit Process (continued)
If no response is received after 30 days of 3rd Request: TVL will process a supplemental to recoup all monies previously paid against that claim. TVL will send email notification of debt to mbr. T-PAX Audit Process (continued)
Unit reports Sent to all units Attn: Commanding Officer Lists all members attached to unit with pending Audit Requests. Lists 1st, 2nd, and 3rd audit requests for the unit. Provides stats to unit Stats include # of audits requested from unit # of those audits correct # of those audits incorrect T-PAX Audit Process (continued)
Audit packages should include COPIES of: Audit Request notification e-mail Travel Claim Must be signed by mbr and AO Orders Must be signed by Authorizing Official Amendments / Endorsements (if any) T-PAX Audit Process (continued)
Audit packages should include COPIES of: Itemized Lodging receipts Airfare receipts Must show form of payment and $$ amount Rental Car receipts Any receipts $75.00 or more T-PAX Audit Process (continued)
Audit packages should be mailed to: Commanding Officer (TVL: T-PAX Audits) U.S. Coast Guard Personnel Service Center PO Box 3551 Topeka, KS 66601 T-PAX Audit Process (continued)
Audit packages received by PSC TVL are: Logged as received in database Reviewed for completeness If incomplete, the audit package is discarded and mbr is notified to resubmit with complete package. 30 days begin the day mbr is notified to resubmit complete package. Reviewed for errors T-PAX Audit Process (continued)
No errors found: Audit is logged as complete. No further action is required. Errors found: In member’s favor – TVL will attempt to notify mbr of the possible missed expense. It is mbr’s responsibility to review claim and submit a supplemental. Against mbr – TVL will process a negative supplemental to recoup the overpayment. Audit is logged as complete. T-PAX Audit Process (continued)
Supplementals submitted in response to a post-audit claim that resulted in a debt and: Debt has begun collecting from mbr’s pay (both Military and Civilian) TVL will process the supplemental to pay mbr the additional entitlement and let the existing debt run against mbr’s pay. T-PAX Audit Process (continued)
Supplementals submitted in response to a post-audit claim that resulted in a debt and: Debt has not begun collecting from mbr’s pay (both Military and Civilian) TVL will process the supplemental to lower or cancel the existing debt depending on the previous debt amount and amount of entitlement. T-PAX Audit Process (continued)
TDY PER DIEM • A per diem allowance is designed to offset the cost of lodging , meals, and incidental expenses incurred by a member while performing travel, and/or TDY away from the member’s PDS. A per diem allowance is payable for whole days, except for the departure day from and for the return day to the PDS. • 75% of the appropriate M&IE rate is paid for the days of departure from and/or return to the PDS in connection with TDY, regardless of what time the member departs or returns. On these days, the GMR or PMR do not apply.
TDY Per Diem • Commercial Rate (Locality) • Government Meal Rate • Proportional Meal Rate • Deductible Meal Rate • Non-deductible Meals • Actual Expense • Actual Expense Lodging Plus • Super Actual Expense • Reduced Per Diem • No Per Diem