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Guajome Park Academy. The news source for Guajome Park Academy Students & Parents. *Also available at www.guajome.net!. Arts House Update.
Guajome Park Academy The news source for Guajome Park Academy Students & Parents *Also available at www.guajome.net! Arts House Update The Arts are growing at GPA! We have expanded the courses offered at both the middle school and high school levels. We have opened four new areas of the Arts: Music, Dance, Culinary, Textiles & Fashion, and expanded Drama and the Visual Arts. New for 2005-2006: High School: Beginning Guitar Dance Class Drawing & Painting Studio and 3-Dimensional Art Stagecraft Consumer Foods Class Fibers, Fabric & Fashion Professional Culinary Class partnership with Mira Costa Middle School: 7th Grade Art Appreciation 8th Grade Beginning Voice, Beginning Guitar 8th Grade – 2 Dance Classes 8th Grade – Mixed Media Art 8th Grade – Semester-length Drama classes Changes for 2005-2006: 6th grade students take Visual Art and Drama as part of their Tech/Arts 6-week rotation. 7th grade students take Visual Art and Music as part of their Tech/Arts 6-week rotation. 8th grade students have a choice of electives in the Visual and Performing Arts. These are semester or year-long classes instead of 6-week rotations. High school students have a choice of elective classes to select from instead of a specific Arts class required for a particular grade level. The number of sections of Arts classes including New Media I – Graphic Design/New Media II /Photography, and Drama I have increased. These have been exciting and challenging times as we have worked to create classes, schedule students, and hire new teachers. We are working with the Artists in Residence program to bring local artists into the classroom. We will be working to expand our program to include more instrumental music, art classes, leveled dance classes, and performance groups. We will be working with local artists and school volunteers to showcase the talent of local arts, and student artists and performers at the Annual Celebration of the Arts in May, 2006.~Kathy Hamamoto, Arts House Leader Contacts Administrative Site Secretary - Dawn Voss - 631-8500 x1222 - Vossda@guajome.net Administrative Assistant & Athletic Director - Marjorie Giordani - 631-8500 x1202 - Giordanima@guajome.net Dean of Discipline - Jeff Ukrainetz - 631-8500 x1204 - Ukrainetzje@guajome.net Registrar - Debbie Sheehan - 631-8500 x1124 - Sheehande@guajome.net Attendance/Health - Becky Wade - 631-8500 x1122 - Wadebe@guajome.net Counselor Assistant - Kay Preston - 631-8500 x1210 - Prestonka@guajome.net Counselor - Christine Uriarte - 631-8500 x1206 - Uriartech@guajome.net 2000 North Santa Fe Ave, Vista, Ca 92083 Phone: (760) 631-8500 Fax: (760) 631-8503 www.Guajome.net Guajome Park Academy The news source for Guajome Park Academy Students & Parents *Also available at www.guajome.net! Arts House Update The Arts are growing at GPA! We have expanded the courses offered at both the middle school and high school levels. We have opened four new areas of the Arts: Music, Dance, Culinary, Textiles & Fashion, and expanded Drama and the Visual Arts. New for 2005-2006: High School: Beginning Guitar Dance Class Drawing & Painting Studio and 3-Dimensional Art Stagecraft Consumer Foods Class Fibers, Fabric & Fashion Professional Culinary Class partnership with Mira Costa Middle School: 7th Grade Art Appreciation 8th Grade Beginning Voice, Beginning Guitar 8th Grade – 2 Dance Classes 8th Grade – Mixed Media Art 8th Grade – Semester-length Drama classes Changes for 2005-2006: 6th grade students take Visual Art and Drama as part of their Tech/Arts 6-week rotation. 7th grade students take Visual Art and Music as part of their Tech/Arts 6-week rotation. 8th grade students have a choice of electives in the Visual and Performing Arts. These are semester or year-long classes instead of 6-week rotations. High school students have a choice of elective classes to select from instead of a specific Arts class required for a particular grade level. The number of sections of Arts classes including New Media I – Graphic Design/New Media II /Photography, and Drama I have increased. These have been exciting and challenging times as we have worked to create classes, schedule students, and hire new teachers. We are working with the Artists in Residence program to bring local artists into the classroom. We will be working to expand our program to include more instrumental music, art classes, leveled dance classes, and performance groups. We will be working with local artists and school volunteers to showcase the talent of local arts, and student artists and performers at the Annual Celebration of the Arts in May, 2006.~Kathy Hamamoto, Arts House Leader Sports Update Please be checking www.guajome.net, under the “Frog Army” link, for all our game dates, highlights, pictures, try outs and other information regarding our sports programs. If you have any questions please contact our athletic director, Margie Giordani, at Giordanima@guajome.net. 2000 North Santa Fe Ave, Vista, Ca 92083 Phone: (760) 631-8500 Fax: (760) 631-8503 www.Guajome.net September 13, 2005 September 13, 2005 Issue 2.1 Issue 2.1
Page 2 Answer Key GPA Revised Traffic Flow Chart Mornings, 7:00 -7:45, and Afternoons To ensure your student is on time, it’s best to arrive by 7:20. refer to the map legend at the bottom of the page when reading the plan below. ·will enter Museum Way (1) ·that are on site for drop-off and/or to park will head down towards the Antique Gas and Steam Engine Museum ·entering the museum grounds, cars will make a left hand turn into the far dirt lot (there will be signs as well as cones for direction) (2) ·will make a u-turn, then either pick their student up from area 3 or 4 or enter the west entrance to pick their student up at area 6. ·that need to park without a morning appointment will not exit the parking lot, they will make a right hand turn prior to exiting and park (7) ·East entrance is only for staff, students, volunteers, and visitors with morning appointments (8) NO PARKING ON EITHER SIDE OF MUSEUM WAY OR IN BUS AREA. POLICE HAVE BEEN NOTIFIED AND WILL BE TICKETING! **The gates to enter the main campus will be closed at 7:45 daily. Any student arriving after this time is required to go to the lower level of the WELLNESS CENTER and see the attendance staff. DO NOT go to the Student Support Building.** Map Legend: 1. Museum Way Entrance 2. Dirt Lot 3, 4, 6 These are G.P.A.’s only designated pick up and drop-off area. CHOOSING TO PICK UP ANY OTHER PLACE MAY PUT YOUR STUDENT(S) AT RISK AS WE HAVE NO STAFF AT OTHER LOCATIONS TO ENSURE YOUR CHILDS SAFETY. 5. West Entrance to Parking Lot DURING MORNING TRAFFIC THIS WILL BE THE ONLY EXIT OUT OF THE PARKING LOT .NO EXCEPTIONS 7. Staff and Visitor Parking Lot 8. East Entrance for staff, students, volunteers, and visitors with appointments or early schedules. There will be NO access through this entrance from 3:00-3:30 (Tues-Fri) and 1:40-2:15 (MONDAY) 9. This area is for the city bus drop-off and pick-up only! No exceptions. You can be fined and ticketed by the sheriff’s department for using this as a personal pick up and drop off location. 10. Do not go into the housing tracts or use their turn-out areas on North Santa Fe or Taylor Street to pick up students. Students must have a note from parent to be excused early. The student must meet the parent at the wellness center so the parent can sign him or her out.
Issue 2.1 Page 3 “The RITZ” “The RITZ (the library) has had an already exciting year. Students are coming into the RITZ to browse the shelves, check out books and use the computers. In the morning some students are playing board games, doing their homework and reading! Students who had overdue books and fines have been taking care of them. What are new and exciting are the new resources we have for those students in the IB (International Baccalaureate) program. It is an IB library from grades 6-12 with resources and literature books to back up this international program. Parents are encouraged to explore the selection. There are books to help with the SAT prep and college selection as well. The RITZ has completed orientation with most of the middle school students and many high school students. It is really a treat as students connect with reading and the resources available. Ask your student about the rules they came up with during their orientation in the library. In the works also is training for library aides to make it a student run-student supported library. For a little background information: The library has over 15,000 books, tapes, movies. More than 3,000 of those were added brand new last year. At the current time, books on tape and supporting videos are being added to complement the curriculum and to serve the needs of those students who learn best with audio or visually. “ Thanks for all your support, Judy Maddox Library Media Specialist ASB News Nicole Batard, HS Biology/MYP Teacher, ASB Advisor 1. Congratulations to the following new ASB commissioners: Zana Zmily - Activities Commissioner Nidal Zmily - Community Service Commissioner Matt Traugh - Entertainment Commissioner Marissa Montjoy - Spirit/Publicity Commissioner Kylie Coughlin - Student Liaison Also congratulations to Matt Quan for becoming GPA’s student representative to the V.U.S.D. Board and to Lanae Harper for becoming the GPA student representative to the GPA Board. 2. Spirit Week is next week Students will be awarded Spirit points for participating in the events. At the end of the week, points will be tallied. At the end of the year, all points will go towards the winner class’ party sponsored by ASB. Monday 9/12: Pajama Day Tuesday 9/13: Nerd Day Wednesday 9/14: Decade Day 12 - 50s 11 - 70s Disco 10 - 80s 9 - 90s Staff - 60s Hippie Thursday 9/15: Pirate Day Friday9/16: Spirit Day and Homecoming Dance from 7-11pm ***Students must arrive at the Homecoming Dance no later than 8pm to be admitted. Tickets will be sold during lunch for $10 until next Friday. There will be complimentary drinks and snacks at the dance.*** 4. 9th Grade House Hurricane Katrina Fundraiser - Please bring all your donations to Ms. Ravenscroft.
Sports Update Please be checking www.guajome.net, under the “Frog Army” link, for all our game dates, highlights, pictures, try outs and other information regarding our sports programs. If you have any questions please contact our athletic director, Margie Giordani, at Giordanima@guajome.net. Page 4 Answer Key GPA Recycles Our community service classes are encouraging everyone to recycle.There will be large blue binson each floor of the high school building for paper.will be blue recycling bins for plastics and cans in the lunch area, by the administration building and at the bottom of the stairs.us bytrash in the proper container.will be collecting our plastic and cans every day.paper will be picked up once a week. School Events Please visit www.Guajome.net for the latest information 2000 North Santa Fe Ave, Vista, Ca 92083 Phone: (760) 631-8500 Fax: (760) 631-8503 www.Guajome.net We’re on the web: www.guajome.net