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Implementing S&OP | Sales and Operations Planning

Implementing S&OP application can gain broader value and competitive advantage by using it with connected applications such as Demand Planning, Supply Chain Planning, Inventory Planning

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Implementing S&OP | Sales and Operations Planning

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Presentation Transcript

  1. We have reasons! why you should opt Sales and Operations Planning

  2. In the last decade, it was recognized that sales and operations, as well as inventory, need to work hand-in-hand. Hence, Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) has been at the forefront of all the leading edge companies.

  3. Reasons • Accountability • Teamwork • Alignment • Decision Making • Visibility • Finance Integration • Responsiveness • Monitoring • Risk Management • New Product Introduction

  4. Reasons Accountability It helps to make a recovery plan in place before the next meeting. Teamwork It help in improving teamwork

  5. Monitoring S&OP monitor the key corporate metrics in order to identify and resolve poor performance or preferably to reverse negative trends. Risk Management It evaluates the risk management strategy in light of new demand plans, new supply plans, and new product introductions

  6. New Product Introduction Sales and operations planning is a perfect place to manage the new process of production. Responsiveness S&OP typically deals with longer term concerns; procuring equipment, adding capacity, updating of outsourcing strategies

  7. Visibility The sales and operations planning process provide team members with visibility in a couple of different ways. Finance Integration Any successful S&OP process must include Finance to ensure that the financial plan and the operational plan are in alignment.

  8. Alignment Sales and operations planning forces alignment at multiple levels of the company. Decision Making One of the huge benefits of a sales and operations planning process is that it brings people together to make decisions

  9. Implementing S&OP application can gain broader value and competitive advantage by using it with connected applications such as: • Demand Planning • Supply Chain Planning • Capacity Planning (Constraints) • Inventory Planning • Inventory Management

  10. Contact Us Contact Us Call @ (310) 642-2100 (888) 300-7692 Send your queries @ info@adexa.com or do visit @ http://adexa.com/

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