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The "Naabhi Chakra" provides inner peace, contentment, and satisfaction. We assist individuals to break their diseases from the roots. And our customers also feel happy regarding the services that we are providing. Our whole goods and services are useful and beneficial for everyone as we are believing in healing through natural powers. So if you want to take overview regards with our services then get the provided link.<br>https://futurefitwellness.com/products/naabhi-chakra-5-tablets-in-one-box?variant=41339866415283
A PREMIUM PRODUCT BY INTUITION HERBALS INDIA Shop Now 0 S TOR E ABOUT US NEWS FAQ'S CONTACT US NA A B H I CH A K R A ( 5 TAB L E T S I N O NE B OX ) A L L/N A A B H I C H A K R A ( 5 T A B L E T S I N O N E B O X ) Naabhi Chakra (5 TABLETS IN ONE BOX) CATEGORY ₹ 495.00 Brand : Intuition Herbals Product Type : Availability : In Stock SKU: IH1001 NABHI CHAKRA TABLET IS THE ONLY MEDICINE TO ALIGN NABHI, IN ENGLISH KNOWN AS SOLAR PLEXUS. NABHI CHAKRA IS THE THIRD CHAKRA IN THE ENERGETIC SYSTEM IN HUMAN BODY. Q: WHO SHOULD TAKE THE ‘NAABHI CHAKRA’ MEDICINE? (FOR ALIGNMENT OF NABHI OR NABHI VIDEO CHAKRA – IN ENGLISH CALLED AS... - + 1 Quantity : ₹ 495.00 Subtotal : BUY IT NOW ADD TO WISHLIST ADD TO CART 0 Product Description Reviews Shipping Details NABHI CHAKRA TABLET IS THE ONLY MEDICINE TO ALIGN NABHI, IN ENGLISH KNOWN AS SOLAR PLEXUS. NABHI CHAKRA IS THE THIRD CHAKRA IN THE ENERGETIC SYSTEM IN HUMAN BODY. Q: WHO SHOULD TAKE THE ‘NAABHI CHAKRA’ MEDICINE? (FOR ALIGNMENT OF NABHI OR NABHI CHAKRA – IN ENGLISH CALLED AS SOLAR PLEXUS) The ‘Naabhi Chakra'(Nabhi Chakra) medicine should be taken by: Those aspiring for GOOD HEALTH: ‘Health is Wealth’. It is virtually impossible to have a healthy and disease free body without having a healthy Naabhi Chakra. Those aspiring for SPIRITUAL GROWTH: The ‘Naabhi Chakra Tablet’ is especially beneficial for those who want to activate their innate spiritual powers. Naabhi Chakra is the THIRD CHAKRA IN THE ENERGETIC SYSTEM. A healthy Naabhi Chakra ensures proper functioning of the TWO Chakras below it. It also helps open up the path for the FOUR Chakras above it. Without correcting the Naabhi Chakra, spiritual growth is not possible. Q: WHAT IS THE ‘NAABHI CHAKRA TABLET’ EXACTLY?
This Tablet is use alignment of Nabhi or Nabhi Chakra – in English called as Solar Plexus. The NAABHI CHAKRA tablet aligns the dislodged Naabhi chakra or solar plexus chakra in the body , through a unique combination of divine herbs. There is no reference of this medicine in any book. For Alignment of Nabhi or Nabhi Chakra – in English called as Solar Plexus Q: IN WHAT SITUATIONS SHOULD THE ‘NAABHI CHAKRA TABLET’ BE TAKEN? In the following situations: Not obtaining benefit even after yogic kriya / activities. Feeling lazy, tired, irritable, unable to concentrate on work, dark circles underneath eyes, feeling of hopelessness, feeling fearful without any reason, weakness, constipation, gas, acidity, unexplained abortion, irregular menstrual periods, excessive pain during periods, migraine, infertility, impotency etc. Not obtaining a satisfactory explanation of why feeling unwell even after consulting doctor, vaidya, hakim and various medical tests. After knowledge of dislodgement of Naabhi Chakra. For spiritual upliftment. Q: ARE THERE ANY POINTS TO BE KEPT IN MIND WHILE TAKING THE MEDICINE? Crushing or chewing of tablet is to be avoided, as that will render the medicine ineffective. Q: CAUSES OF DISLODGEMENT OF NAABHI CHAKRA ? There are several factors that can cause the Naabhi Chakra / Nabhi Chakra / solar plexus chakra to become dislodged. LIFTING HEAVY WEIGHTS STRENUOUS EXERCISES (particularly for women when practiced during the menstrual cycle) CHILDBIRTH SURGICAL PROCEDURES AROUND THE ABDOMINAL REGION EXTREME EMOTIONAL AND MENTAL STRESS ETC. Dislodgement/displacement of the Naabhi Chakra Centre cannot be cured with the use of any Drugs (except this medicine) nor will this condition show up in any X-RAY or SCAN or ULTRASOUND. But if this condition is not corrected, it can lead to a host of Very Severe Ailments, including Damage to the Digestive and Nervous Systems. Q: WHAT ARE THE WAYS OF CHECKING ALIGNMENT OF NAABHI CHAKRA? By joining Manibandh Rekha of hands and checking height of little fingers: This is a simple way of checking whether the Naabhi Chakra or Nabhi is balanced. Bring your hands together so that the Manibandh Rekha is in one straight line. Straighten your palms and check the height of the little fingers. If the height is equal, Naabhi Chakra or solar plexus chakra is balanced. If there is a difference in height, the Naabhi Chakra or Nabhi is dislodged. How to Check your Nabhi Alignment by Swami Muktanand How to Check your Nabhi Alignment by Swami Muktanand By checking the pulse under the Naabhi: You can check to see if the Naabhi is Centered, by lying on your back. Put two fingers and thumb of one hand together. Place them on the Naabhi and press in about one inch deep. You should feel the pulse there. If pulse is not there that means the Naabhi Chakra is displaced/dislodged. By measuring from Naabhi and Chest Nipple (for men): Take one thread of approx. half meter. Measure the distance from left and right chest nipple to the Naabhi. If there is a difference in the lengths, this means the Naabhi Chakra(Nabhi in English called as Solar Plexus) is displaced/dislodged. By measuring level of Toes: Another way to identify this is to lie on your back with your hands straight beside your body. Keep your toes upright. Ask someone to check the big toes of both the feet. If the toes are not level (i.e. the height of both the toes isn’t equal) it indicates that there is dislodgement /displacement of the Nabhi Chakra. Q: WHAT PROBLEMS ARISE DUE TO DISLODGEMENT OF NAABHI CHAKRA? If the Naabhi Chakra or solar plexus chakra has shifted downwards, one will tend to have Diarrhoea. If the Naabhi Chakra or solar plexus chakra has shifted upwards, one will tend to be Constipated. If the Naabhi Chakra or solar plexus chakra has shifted to either side, one will tend to have a Nervous Disorder.
In women, if the Naabhi Chakra(Nabhi in English called as Solar Plexus) has shifted to the left, then the woman will tend to have a female disorder like Menstrual Disorder, Leuchoria, Swelling in Fallopian Tubes, Ovaries, Uterus and other parts. If the Naabhi Chakra is left uncorrected over a period of time, a host of severe ailments connected to other organ systems are likely to develop. Get the latest information about Have any Doubts? Need an Offers & Products Appointment? Call us + 91- 8 800 0 01105 + 91 - 88 000 0 11 06 Email address SUBSCRIBE GET IN TO UCH Y O U R L E I S U R E I S O U R B U S I N E S S +91-88000 01105 Take care of your body which is the only place you have to live! It is a living temple. Honor it, +91-88000 01106 take care of it, and enjoy your life to live to its full potential...Nabhi Chakra merely helps you info@futurefitwellness.com do that! India FF-32, RDC Raj Nagar, 201002, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh DELIVERY & RETURN POLICY TERMS & CONDITIONS PRIVACY AND COOKIES Powered by 'INTUITION HERBALS INDIA' & Design By @ Phanom Professionals