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Assessment of Water Quality Used in Food Industry

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Assessment of Water Quality Used in Food Industry

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  1. Assessment of Water Quality Used in Food Industry Challenges of Assessment of Water Quality used in Food Industry are many and varied. These come up when people begin to have a concern for the way their food is grown, processed and packaged. The various challenges of assessing water quality include the impact on crops and the resulting loss of yield. The impact on animal nutrition also comes into the picture. When it comes to issues of human health, Challenges of Assessment of Water Quality used in Food Industry includes the relationship between pesticides used during growing or harvesting, the chemicals used in livestock farms and so on. In the context of crop production, biological contamination is a problem. This poses a risk to the consumers as well as the food supply. There are residues left after growing organic vegetables and fruits. In the context of packaging, there is the challenge related to using plain water for storing or transporting food. In the context of packaging, another important issue arises with the increasing use of plastic. The material leaching BPA or the phthalate is used as an additive to enhance strength and durability of the product. Another additive is the bi specific resin which provides additional protection against bacteria. As a result of this, the process of assessment of water quality needs to be specific to each product. There is a need for flexible and updated systems that are specific to the food industry. Sticking with the same systems used in the agricultural sector does not make sense. In fact, this approach of approaching this issue from a big industry perspective has the potential to compromise the quality of drinking resource. Different approaches are needed to assess this matter. Sticking with the same process that has been followed for decades may not give a clear and accurate assessment of the quality of the drinking resource. It may even lead to increased health risks. The assessment process needs to include two major aspects. The first one deals with the physical aspect of quality. Here we consider different elements such as the concentration of various elements in the resource. This includes temperature, turbidity, solid content, biological contamination, etc. The next step involves a technical aspect of the resource's ability to meet the quality expectations. Here, again, various factors come into play such as processing methods, nutrients, fertilizers, chemicals, etc. The next aspect focuses on management processes. It takes into account the supply chain management system and the involvement of suppliers. These supply chains have a major role in meeting quality targets for water quality. This is one step that should not be left out when the assessment of water quality is done. Water quality assessment is a continuous process. Changes can occur over time. Processes may change due to regulatory requirements. New sources can come into play. New techniques need to be tried out. It would be a mistake to expect that all changes are easy to implement and that quality will improve immediately. This is because even after implementation of any improvement there is always residual variability left. It is important to address all possible risks and to continuously monitor quality at every stage of the supply chain. There is a lot of information available on the Internet that is relevant to assessing water quality used in the food. The sources available there provide a wealth of data on water quality. The assessment of water quality used in the food industry involves several steps. One of these is an analysis of the present soil condition. This includes determining the mineral content as well as the pH level. Both of these are important since they affect the nutritional value of the product. Another step involves testing samples of the food produced. Samples are analysed using different methods depending on the sample type. When samples are analysed in a laboratory, different analytical methodologies are applied. For instance, a molecular detection method is used on positive results. As mentioned above, it is important to consider all possible threats to the product when doing this process. Assessment of water quality used in the food is a critical process. It needs to be performed repeatedly so as to check and ensure that the present conditions of the quality of product and the soil are good. When doing this, SolutionBuggy www.solutionbuggy.com Page 1

  2. Assessment of Water Quality Used in Food Industry it is important to use the right equipment and materials. Different types of test kits are available in the market. Food processors should always follow the requirements set by regulatory agencies in their area. If you are planning to start a food processing industry in Maharashtra and looking for food consultants in Pune, then kindly register with SolutionBuggy, India’s thought leader in the manufacturing sector. SolutionBuggy provides you access to expert food processing consultants in Pune who can help you start your food processing business in an easy manner. SolutionBuggy also helps existing food processing industries address their business and technical challenges and realign their business strategy to better growth. SolutionBuggy’s food consultants in Pune provide a wide range of services, including but not limited to market research, product identification, product ideation, development, plant setup, technology adoption, funding, shelf-life improvement, R&D, business development, sales, marketing, supply chain management, etc. Company name: SolutionBuggy EMAIL: info@solutionbuggy.com URL: https://www.solutionbuggy.com/geo/food-consultants-pune.html Phone no: +91 6360553113 +91 80 42171111 Logo : SolutionBuggy www.solutionbuggy.com Page 2

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