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Branding with Purpose How Paper Tubs in India Enhance Corporate Social Responsibility

The trend now emerging is the use of Paper Tubs in India for branding. On balance, paper tubs if sourced with sustainable production in mind, then used by a company, then represent a strong signal of sustainable responsibility

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Branding with Purpose How Paper Tubs in India Enhance Corporate Social Responsibility

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  1. Branding with Purpose: How Paper T… Made with Branding with Purpose: How Paper Tubs in India Enhance Corporate Social Responsibility Words that often appear in the popular proverb, ‘Every little change counts. ’ Particularly when organisations implement what might appear as minor but significant shifts to improve their corporate social responsibility strategies. The trend now emerging is the use of   for branding. On balance, paper tubs if sourced with sustainable production in mind, then used by a company, then represent a strong signal of sustainable responsibility. Disadvantages include the fact that they are made of paper thereby making them environmentally friendly and responding to the world trend of minimising the use of plastics. Paper Tubs in India For instance, there are organisations such as Coca-Cola that have used Paper Tubs as a marketing strategy to support their green efforts. Beyond just cups that contain beverages and are branded with slogans of environmental consciousness, these are cups that incorporate environmentalism into the brand. Other examples are Red Bull and Burger King, which has embraced this trend also using Paper Tubs to market its sustainability agenda and appeal to environmentally conscio s clients These are not the onl ad antages; there are social

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