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Overview of Student Records Resources Presented by Alexis Smith Information Technologist Administrative Information Services Client Advocacy Office Office of Planning and Budgets Registrar’s Office Revised: 04/04/06 General Outline of This Presentation Introduction
Overview of Student Records Resources Presented by Alexis Smith Information Technologist Administrative Information Services Client Advocacy Office Office of Planning and Budgets Registrar’s Office Revised: 04/04/06
General Outline of This Presentation • Introduction • Privacy and Confidentiality • Means of Access • Access Administration • Training • Student Records Systems
What are the functions involved in offering courses and majors, having students enroll in those courses, grading the students, offering advising to the students, and maintaining records of all of these activities? In this class we will identify the computer applications involved in these activities, the sorts of records generated by these systems, and what is necessary to obtain access to the applications relevant to carrying out your job functions.
Systems associated with student records are of a variety of types: • Infrastructure systems – ones to create courses, create schedules, etc., but which do not contain any student records themselves • (2) Statistical reporting systems – ones that utilize student records to do counts and make calculations, e.g., averages, but do not contain individual student records • (3) Individual student records reporting systems –ones that have data for a particular student or lists of students (cont.)
Systems associated with student records are of a variety of types: (cont.) (4) Advising & Placement systems –systems that allow a student to make an appointment with an advisor or an advisor to have the relevant information about the student or student’s major. (5) Enrollment systems – systems that permit a student to enroll for classes or a major. (6) Databases which store the information from these other activities and make it accessible.
Examples of questions we might want to ask or actions we might want to take. What was the number of students in a particular major in SS04? What was the average GPA of individuals graduating with a degree in a particular major over the last five years? Who was enrolled in a particular class in FS03? How is a student, with permission of the instructor, enrolled in class already over its enrollment limit? What requirements does a student need to satisfy in order to graduate with a particular major?
What are the exit expectations after taking this course? • Know of the available MSU computer systems relating to student data • Basic functions of each of the resources • Authorization requirements and procedures • Sources of information on available training. • Privacy and confidential restrictions on data use.
Privacy and Confidentiality • FERPA • Pursuant to the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the University has established policies governing privacy and release of student records. The University has designated certain personally identifiable information as directory information, which may be released at the discretion of the University to anyone who makes a request. http://www.reg.msu.edu/ROInfo/Notices/PrivacyGuidelines.asp
Directory Information • Directory information is defined as:a. nameb. local address and telephone numberc. MSU Net IDd. permanent address and telephone numbere. current enrollment status or dates of attendancef. program level, class, majorg. current term candidacy for degree and/or teacher certificationh. information pertaining to awards and honors achievementsi. MSU degree(s) earned and dates (Cont.)
Directory Information (cont.) • j. recommendation to the State of Michigan for teaching certificate and effective datesk. participation in officially recognized MSU activities and sports--including weight and height of athletic team membersl. recognition documents of student organizationsm. employment status as a graduate teaching assistant or research assistantn. office address and office phone number.
CONFIDENTIAL RECORDS All personally identifiable information that is not directory information is confidential and shall only be disclosed according to University policy. That information includes, but is not limited to: a. academic evaluations and grades,b. counseling and advising records,c. disciplinary records,d. financial aid records,e. letters of recommendation,f. medical and psychological records,g. police records,h. transcripts and other academic records,i. scores on tests required for new students,j. billing and fee payment record.
MSU'sGuidelines Governing Privacy and Release of Student RecordsWhat Every University Employee Should Know:FERPA 101 (PowerPoint) (PDF)Student Records: Institutional Responsibility and Student Rights FERPA 101 Self-diagnostic quiz (PowerPoint) (PDF)Test your knowledge of: Student Records and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and MSU�s Guidelines Governing Privacy and Release of Student Records
Especially for Administrators, Security Contacts and Support Staff:FERPA 102 (PowerPoint) (PDF)Student Records: Institutional Responsibility and Student Rights. Helpful Guide for Administrators, Security Contacts, and Support StaffFERPA 102 Self-diagnostic quiz (PowerPoint) (PDF)For Administrators, Security Contacts, and Support Staff Test your knowledge of: Student Records and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and MSU’s Guidelines Governing Privacy and Release of Student Records
As a faculty or staff member you have access to student educational information only for legitimate use in the completion of your responsibilities as a university employee. Need-to-know is the basic principle. Having a need-to-know, is determined by the head administrator of the unit retaining the information. Student educational records are confidential and may generally not be released without written consent of the student. You have a responsibility to protect educational records in your possession.
Gaining Access to Systems Requiring Authorization • Gaining access may entail some or all of the following: • Having a need to know established by a supervisor and approved by a security contact/administrator. • Obtaining any required training. • Having the appropriate software available on your office computer. • 4. Having the actual transactions made to grant access.
Tools for gaining access • Terminal emulation access to mainframe • Utilizing a Web browser • Hummingbird Host Explorer for access to the AIS 3270 mainframe • MS Access, Crystal Reports and other query and reporting tools to access databases on MSUDATA
AIS Mainframe Access – 3270 Emulation and FTP Effective 10/31/05: • usage SSL-enabled 3270 emulation software to be used to connect to the AIS mainframe. • Removal of NC-Pass and the SecurID card • extension of the mainframe password from 4 to 8 characters • SSL-enabled FTP software
Authorization Administration 1. AIS Administration – generally requires that an Access Request Memorandum (ARM) be filled out by the individual’s security contact, the relevant signatures obtained and sent to Administrative Information Services to provide access. 2. Distributed & Delegated Administration – the unit security administrator can grant the access. Procedures necessary to obtain authorization will vary by unit. 3. Application Steward Administration – conditions to obtain access and the process are determined by the application steward.
Levels of Authorization • In some applications the level of authorization can vary from authorized individual to authorized individual. • According to what can be viewed – may be restricted to data on individuals in one’s own unit, may be university wide, may be restricted as to what data elements may be viewed irrespective of population to which access has been given. • 2. According to the permissible actions that can be taken – view only, view and update, the range of the updates possible, etc.
http://aissecuritycontact.ais.msu.edu/arms/For help call 353-4420 Ext.311
SISARM:http://aissecuritycontact.ais.msu.edu/arms/sis.docTraining: SIS Basics – General Navigation –Part A SIS Basics – Student Academic History and Data Organization – Part B This is the mainframe application dealing with student records. It is the primary source of official records and the real time live source of student data. Many of the various web applications and the student records databases on MSUDATA obtain data from or are sources of data for SIS. Within SIS one can obtain information regarding a particular student or class and conduct certain transactions.
Course Management Systems –ANGELhttps://angel.msu.eduTraining: ANGEL A; ANGEL B; Gradebook; Groups; Quizzes ANGEL is a Learning Management System (LMS) created by Cyber Learning Labs. ANGEL is also an acronym which stands for "A New Global Environment for Learning". Everyone with a current MSUNet ID and password automatically has an ANGEL account. Faculty teaching courses have courses as part of their ANGEL site as a result of being linked to the course in CLIFMs.
Course Management Systems – LON/CAPAhttp://www.lon-capa.msu.edu/Training: Authoring; Basics; Advanced Course Coordination; Exams LON-CAPA is an open-source freeware Learning Content Management System, which started in the College of Natural Science and Michigan State University. Instructors may request creation of a LON-CAPA course using the online request form. A request should be made for creation of a LON-CAPA course for each semester for which LON-CAPA is to be used, as a separate course (and unique courseID) will exist for each semester
CLIFMS - Course Load, Instruction, Funding and Modeling Systemhttp://clifms.ais.msu.edu/Authorization: Request authorization from OPB. Training:Introduction to CLIFMS (Course Load, Instruction, Funding and Modeling System)Application is used by units to enter:Instructors' effort distributions, The course and instructor linkages (LINK), and apportion effort distribution across the courses. Professional accomplishments data Non-credit instructional outreach activities
Spartan Bookstore Textbook Requisition SystemEntry to system at http://www.reg.msu.edu; under Faculty/Staff; select Instructor Systems Menu.Authorization: MSUNet ID and password System for on line ordering the textbooks to be used in a class. There are four choices: 1. Begin a new requisition.2. Modify an existing requisition. 3. Provide a list of courses with or without requisitions. 4. Allows duplication of a previous requisition. For help call the MSU Bookstore. Bookstore has responsibility for this application. Phone: 517-355-3450 or toll-free 1-877-267-4700
WORKCOPY for Schedule of CoursesAccessed at: http://www.reg.msu.edu; under Faculty/Staff; select Online Forms Menu. Authorization: Via your unit security contact. This workcopy is a reflection of the previous year’s authorized courses/sections and what is authorized for the upcoming year. Instructions can be accessed from the main menu of the workcopy. This system is only available September through November
Classroom Events Calendar and Request Systemhttps://www.reg.msu.edu/Forms/EventSched/PublicCalendarView.aspAuthorization: None to view. Requires MSUNet ID and password to make room request. Regularly scheduled classes are listed by course, subject and section code. Events are listed by description and are highlighted in red. Not all final exams are listed on the calendar. Contact Classroom Scheduling at 355-4522 for scheduling during finals week. One can Search for an Event or Search for/request an open room as well as get a listing of events in a room for a specific month.
COURSES – Course Request SystemNew Courses web at www.reg.msu.edu/courses/coursesmenu.asp. Authorization: MSUNetID and password plus authorization ARM: http://aissecurity contact.ais.msu.edu/arms/courses.pdf The COURSES system provides the capability for departments and colleges to propose new, changed, or deleted undergraduate and graduate courses which are routed to the University Committee on Curriculum and through academic governance. Use COURSES to search for approved, interim, pending, and old courses.
Graduate Assistant Appointment SystemARM: http://aissecuritycontact.ais.msu.edu/arms/e03.pdf Initial information is entered in this system which then produces a paper copy of the appointment form for signatures. This is terminal emulation access.