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The Million Dollar Project

Hello! I am Jayden Jordan. In this presentation you will find some really interesting things I have decided to by with one million dollars. Please stay till the end. Enjoy!

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The Million Dollar Project

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Million Dollar Project By : Jayden Jordan Teacher: Mrs. Patrick

  2. College I have $1,000,000. I had to sit aside $100,000.00for college. My college is going to be University of South Alabama. My major will be in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering. I chose this college because in 3rd grade we had a derby race. After the race we were able to tour the college. What we saw was AMAZING! I also wanted to stay close to family. This made me want to enroll at this college.

  3. Vacation For vacation, I have an extrem e getaw ay for m any people. Our vacation is going to be on a D isney C ruise . Our ship is D isney W onder. W e'll be on the getaw ay for 16 days starting M arch 6th, 2020. I'll be bringing Jayden Jordan(m e), M arcus Jordan Jr.(brother),M arcus Jordan Sr.(dad),and C herm ika Jordan(m om ) , B rian B eard, M arquise G rasham , M addison W illiam s and B randon N unn. That’s m y fam ily . H ere are som e you m ay know : A vengers –C hris H em sw orth, Tom H olland, C hris Pratt, Scarlett Johansson and D escendants C ast. Our places w ill be C ozm uel,M exico + San D iego, C alifornia + C abo San L ucas, M exico + Puerto Vallata, M exico + G eorge Tow n, G rand C aym an + C artagena, C olom bia and Panam a C anal. W e'll be leaving from N ew Orleans. W e'll be taking a Ford Transit W agon for$27,020.00 W e w ill also take a H yundai E lantra for $20,315.00 The cruise w ill be$13,647.00. Tw o of the sights youm ight find is the M usicals, and The M arvels Room . It contains superherogreetings such as Spiderm an and B lack W idow . You can also test your pow ers w ith Spidey and E lsa. You can join the dance party and learn how to cow boy dance w ith the group of Toy Story. W e'll be taking a plane back to N ew Orleans from C alifornia at a cost of $11244.83.

  4. My Car I chose a 2019 Cadillac Escalade ESV.It comes equipped with regular headphones, a pair of Bluetooth headphones, three TV's (1 on the passenger side,one on the driver’s seat on the back, one on the ceiling of the car) A Safety Alert Alarm for the driver, DVD and Blu-ray and a computer voice caller. The price was $84,326.00. $84,326.00

  5. My House My house is in Birmingham, AL. The cost was $300,900.00. It does not come with a pool but we planned to have River Pools input a pool in the large backyard. The cost will be $20,000.00 One of the features of the pool is the hot tub and glowing lights when its dark.

  6. Charity I am going to put in $108,412.00 for the Asthma and Allergy Foundation. I chose this because in my life I know I have bad allergies and bad asthma issues. I don’t want kids to have to got through the things I went through . This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-NC This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND

  7. Another Charity I’ll Find You video supporting St. Jude’s Hospital I will be putting in $36,000 for the children at St. Jude’s Hospital. I want to help researchers find the cure for the ill kids in the hospital. I have put in a short clip of a song made for St. Jude’s Children’s Donations. If you have the time please watch the video.

  8. MacBook Air "11" $39.99 Visio LED Smart TV 40“ $199.99 iPad Pro 12.9 in. $1,899.00 Fortnite Case for iPad 12.9 in iPad Pro $18.99 Descendants 3 Soundtrack $10.99 Interactive Boxer $12.29 Apple TV+ Cable $199.99 Customized PS4 + Controller $759.00 Nintendo Switch Lite $199.00 Nintendo Switch $265.00 iPhone XR Max $40.00 Electric Couch $1,398.00

  9. Descendants 3 Add- Ons Hades Audrey Carlos Harry Celia Descendants 3 bed $49.95 All of these are Descendants 3 Cardboard Standups are $41.00 $41.99x8=$335.92 Evie Mal Uma

  10. Samsung Refrigerator $2,194

  11. My Toys $28799.00 299.00 X 4 299.00 X 4 I bought a few play toys for fun. The electric transports w ere scooters, bikes, and hover shoes. I bought 4 each. They totaled $6778.00. I also got a yacht for $229,000.00 and a Spyder for $28,799.00. They going to be so m uch fun. 299.00 X 4 $229,000.00

  12. https://www.wayfair.c om/v/checkout/basket/ show?fromadd=1 https://disneycruise.disney.go.com/cruises- destinations/list/DW1736/14-night- westbound-panama-canal-cruise-from-new- orleans-ending-in-san-diego/march-6-2020- disney-wonder/ https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/105-Munich-Cir- Birmingham-AL-35211/63561043_zpid/? https://www.myinmotion.com/ https://www.united.com/ual/en/us/fl ight-search/book-a- flight/reviewflight/reva https://www.target.com/p/vizio-d-series- 40-class-39-50-diag-1080p-full-array-led- smart-hdtv-d40f-g9/-/A-53855744 https://www.ajmadison.com/cgi- bin/ajmadison/RF265BEAESR.html?utm_source=google&utm_m edium=cse&utm_term=RF265BEAESR&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIrI C1hPi_5AIV8__jBx1k7QGgEAQYASABEgJF9fD_BwE The next few things will have the to the things I bought.

  13. https://www.charitynavigator.org/index.cfm?bay=search.summ ary&orgid=6716 https://www.wayfair.c om/v/checkout/basket/ show?fromadd=1 https://disneycruise.disney.go.com/cruises- destinations/list/DW1736/14-night- westbound-panama-canal-cruise-from-new- orleans-ending-in-san-diego/march-6-2020- disney-wonder/ https://www.galatiyachts.com/yachts/details/2716328/ 1988/hatteras/70-cockpit-motor-yacht/70/lq02/ hallsmotorsports.com/shop/land/2020-can-am-spyder- rt-limited-(se6)-deep-marsala-metallicchrome/ https://okayteez.myshopify.com/produc ts/Fortnite_Poster_Character_Fnd_ika_ iPad23456_iPadAirAir2_iPadMini123 4_iPadPro_Case?gclid=EAIaIQobChM IjbzP7e685AIVioTICh12zQ73EAQYA SABEgJFMfD_BwE&variant=172229 06511431 https://www.apple.com/shop/buy- ipad/ipad-pro/12.9-inch-display-1tb- space-gray-wifi- cellular?afid=p238|sWah4r4RI- dc_mtid_1870765e38482_pcrid_24638 6725839_pgrid_22468939930_&cid=a os-us-kwgo-pla-ipad--slid-----product- MTJU2LL/A https://www.hyundaiusa.com/ build-your- hyundai/index.aspx?vehicle= elantra&year=2020&trim=ela ntra-2020-en-US-se https://www.united.com/ual/en/us/fl ight-search/book-a- flight/reviewflight/reva https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc =s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2 ahUKEwjqtbmmkoHkAhUDGc0KHWZVAWsQF jAAegQIAhAB&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ch aritynavigator.org%2Findex.cfm%3Fbay%3Dsear ch.summary%26orgid%3D6716&usg=AOvVaw3 7TNOufx7I9EJe-xukiKDA https://www.target.com/p/vizio-d-series- 40-class-39-50-diag-1080p-full-array-led- smart-hdtv-d40f-g9/-/A-53855744

  14. Music by Bruno Mars and Travie McCoy I Wanna Be A Billionaire

  15. Hope you enjoyed this slide show. for Watching.! BYE!

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