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Post Secondary Plans!

Post Secondary Plans!. Post- Secondary Plans. University. Community/Junior College. Military. Work. Technical or Trade School. College Preparation. ACT. SAT. A. Take the _____ or _____ college admission test for a four-year university admission. colleges & careers.

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Post Secondary Plans!

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  1. Post Secondary Plans!

  2. Post- Secondary Plans University Community/Junior College Military Work Technical or Trade School

  3. College Preparation ACT SAT A. Take the _____ or _____ college admission test for a four-year university admission. colleges & careers B. Start exploring ____________________. Resources include ______________, ______________, _______________, and ______________________. Guidance Office Career Center Bridges website college websites/visits College applications C. ___________ ____________ are submitted by October of your senior year. Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) D. ____________________________________________ is completed in January of senior year. Scholarships Student Loans Grants E. ____________, ________________, ___________, and _________________ are options for paying for your college education. Work Study

  4. Community College Admissions diploma A. A student who earned his/her ____________ is eligible for admission to a community college. 2 year B. A community college is a ___ - ______ college designed to enable students to either: 1. ____________ to a university or 2. receive ___________ training. transfer vocational C. If entering a community college for the purpose of transferring to a university, it is recommended that a student complete ____________ _____________ while in high school. university requirements

  5. Arizona University Admissions ASU A. The three state universities in Arizona are ______ in Tempe, _______ in Tucson and ________ in Flagstaff. U of A NAU B. The best ways to assure admission to AZ universities are to meet these minimum requirements: 1. Rank in the top ____ % of the graduating class, or 2. have earned a GPA of _____ or better in core classes or 3. score a _____ on the SAT or a ____ on the ACT. 25 3.0 1040 22 C. Each university has merit scholarships to help pay tuition and other expenses. You need to be in the _______________ to be considered. Top 5 %

  6. Graduation/University Requirements 4 4 3 2 0 1 14 12 2 “C” All core classes must be completed with an average grade of _______ or better.

  7. Military A. The preferred requirement for military enlistment is a ___________________. high school diploma Armed B. During your junior year consider taking the ________ ___________ _____________ ______________ ____________ (ASVAB). Aptitude Services Vocational Battery • The military offers options for financial assistance to attend college: • _______________________________________________ • _______________________________________________ • _______________________________________________ ROTC Scholarships Attend a U. S. Military Academy Montgomery G.I. Bill (during or after enlistment)

  8. Vocational Schools, Training and other Options health care A. Examples of vocational schools are ___________, ____________ and _____________ schools. cosmetology technical Apprenticeship B. _________________ programs are available to learn skills in specific areas such as carpentry, plumbing, electrical work, air conditioning and refrigeration.

  9. Closing Assignment Write a summary of your post-secondary goals and plans. • Name post-secondary plans and goals • Include courses you may need in high school to meet these goals • Identify any additional requirements you have learned about today to prepare yourself.

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