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FOODBORNE ILLNESS. Created by Tamra Rauzi For - Food I & II or ProStart/Culinary Arts. What are Food Borne Illness. Where do they come from How can they be prevented What are they types of Illnesses What are the symptoms What are the foods involved What is the temperature danger zone

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Presentation Transcript

  1. FOODBORNE ILLNESS Created by Tamra Rauzi For - Food I & II or ProStart/Culinary Arts

  2. What are Food Borne Illness • Where do they come from • How can they be prevented • What are they types of Illnesses • What are the symptoms • What are the foods involved • What is the temperature danger zone • What is HCCP • What is FI-FO • What is Irradiation

  3. Born or Borne… What is the difference • Born is to be delivered • Borne is to carry • So a Food Borne Illness is an illness that is carried by food

  4. Salmonellosis – (Bacteria) • Cause by eating contaminated food or coming in contact with a carrier • Carried by rodents and pets, especially turtles, birds, dogs and cats • Can live and grow in human digestive tract • Grow and multiply at temperatures between 60 ° and 125 ° F.

  5. Systems of Salmonellosis • Severe headaches, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, abdominal cramp • Infants and elderly or people with low resistance most susceptible • Severe infection can cause death

  6. What are Food Borne Illness • Where do they come from • How can they be prevented • What are they types of Illnesses • What are the symptoms • What are the foods involved • What is the temperature danger zone • What is HCCP • What is FI-FO • What is Irradiation

  7. Foods involved with Salmonellosis • Poultry and poultry products • Some meat and meat products • Fish • Dairy products • Protein Foods • Fresh Produce

  8. Prevention for Salmonellosis • Wash raw foods thoroughly • Keep Hot foods hot • Above 140° F • Keep cold foods cold • Below 40° F • Keep hands, counter and utensils clean

  9. Botulism - Clostridium (Toxin) • Cause by eating contaminated food • Spore-forming bacteria that grow and produce deadly toxin • Found in soil and water • Spores are heat resistant • Lives in absence of oxygen • Found in low acid foods • Canned food not properly processed

  10. Foods involved with Botulism • Under processed foods • Low acid foods • Sautéed onions in butter • Baked Potatoes • Untreated garlic

  11. Trichinosis (Parasite) • Found in pork and wild game

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