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Complex Travel Without Tripology. Africa Traveler. Asia Traveler. S. American Traveler ... Tripology has proven travel specialists will pay for leads from online travelers. We are ...

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WELCOME Social Media in Travel Meetup Jan 13, 2010 John T. Peters, CEO / Tripology

  2. Today’s Agenda Introductions Short Presentations; 5 min each Open Discussion Audience Participation encouraged Challenge the speakers Ask questions

  3. Today’s Main Topic • Social Media • There are no gurus, but there are “Advanced Students” • A show of hands… • Speaking of Social Media, what’s your strategy?

  4. Social Media Strategy & What IS Tripology anyway? Jan 13, 2010 John T. Peters, CEO / Tripology

  5. Today’s Topics • Travel Agents are not dead. • What is Tripology anyway? • Social Media Strategy; our thoughts

  6. Travel Agents • The industry has changed, but travel agents aren’t dead. • There are three camps when it comes to travel agents: I Travel Agents What the HELL is a Travel Agent ? Travel Agents

  7. Today’s Topics • What is Tripology anyway?

  8. The Tripology Solution Middle EastTraveler AsiaTraveler S. AmericanTraveler AfricaTraveler Complex Travel Without Tripology Complex Travel With Tripology Middle EastTraveler AsiaTraveler S. AmericanTraveler AfricaTraveler Spam Referrals Yellow Pages Flyers Newspaper AsiaSpecialist AfricaSpecialist Middle East Specialist S. AmericanSpecialist AsiaSpecialist AfricaSpecialist Middle East Specialist S. AmericanSpecialist

  9. How Tripology Works

  10. How Tripology Works

  11. How Tripology Works What the travel specialist receives: What the consumer receives: Email with contact and trip details: “We’ve Matched You” Email: Specialist’s Intro Email:

  12. Tripology has proven viable & scalable After only 2 years: • Tripology has created the largest network of lead-buying travel specialists, now at 13,500. • Tripology has proven online travel consumers will complete online trip requests, now at 120,000+ • Tripology has proven travel specialists will pay for leads from online travelers. • We are growing our leads beyond US travel agents to other countries.

  13. In summary Tripology is the official “I give up” button of internet travel. I GIVE UP

  14. Social Media – 10 Steps to a Strategy

  15. Twitter Strategy. v3

  16. THANK YOU • John T. Peters • Email: jpeters@tripology.com • Twitter: @tripology • facebook.com/tripology

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