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Birds Uniformity

Birds uniformity calculation

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Birds Uniformity

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Birds uniformity Dr. S. Kumaresan

  2. Flock uniformity Uniformity indicates the percentage of the flock that falls within a certain range of the average flock bodyweight. It can be expressed as the coefficient of variation in live weight, with increase CV values indicate decreased uniformity.

  3. Uniformity importance Uniformity in breeders importance because we have to apply the management to the whole flock, where smaller or less developed birds need another management then bigger or more developed birds. In broilers it determines the range of bodyweight and intense breast meat yields. It also increase average body weight of the flock.

  4. Uniformity of flock influenced by Brooding quality of flock Diseases Competition for feeder (feeder space) Feed distribution method Birds space Grading (separation in weight groups)

  5. Benefits of flock uniformity Improve production % of flock Uniform immunity of flock Reduce mortality % of flock Up to 10% increase the fertility and hatchability Improve birds welfare (reduce feed wastage, stress and pecking).

  6. Uniformity calculation 1. Uniformity % = No. of birds within range ± 10% of mean wt. x 100 Total birds weighted 2. CV % = (High weight – low weight) x 100 Avg. wt. X F value Normal CV % of chicks < 8 %

  7. Thank You

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