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Must haves for any Student Kitchen

When you live in a students accommodation facility away from your home, making arrangements for your daily food would be one of the major concerns that you would face. Choosing accommodation for students that is equipped with kitchen facilities would be the best thing to do in order to enjoy healthy food that stays within your budget. <br>

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Must haves for any Student Kitchen

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  2. MUST HAVES FOR ANY STUDENT KITCHEN When you live in a students accommodation facility away from your home, making arrangements for your daily food would be one of the major concerns that you would face. Choosing accommodation for students that is equipped with kitchen facilities would be the best thing to do in order to enjoy healthy food that stays within your budget.  1. Sandwich Toaster 2. Kitchen Scales 3. A Blender 4. Travel Mugs

  3. #1Sandwich Toaster These days, not many students carry the traditional notebooks to take down lecture notes. Tablets, smart phones, and laptops have replaced them due to easy accessibility and user-friendliness. Ever note is one of the best note taking apps that you can find today. It is a cloud-based software which will help you to save the lecture notes to a cloud account.

  4. #2 Kitchen Scales During your academic life, you will definitely have to complete a lot many assignments which would require referencing and the inclusion of citations. When you sit in the students home preparing your assignments after reading a plethora of books, it wouldn’t be quite easy to note down all references. This is where RefMe app seems to be of great help. 

  5. #3 A Blender During your hectic schedules at the university, you might not always remember to make a note of the tasks that you are supposed to complete within a specific timeline. You might be involved in the lecture sessions and might miss out on the important dates mentioned by your course guide regarding the submission of project works and other assignments.

  6. #4 Travel Mugs What will you do if you happen to miss out an important lecture session due to an unforeseen emergency? Well, if you have an iOS powered device, all you need is to install the iTunesU app on your gadgets. You will gain access to umpteen lecture sessions on various verticals if you have this app. 

  7. # Contact Us OUR HEAD OFFICE CSL STUDENT LIVING (SELEGIE) PTE LTD 1A Short Street Singapore 188210 Telephone: +65 6238 6339 Fax: +65 6238 1178 Email: enquiries@cslstudents.com.sg Website: www.cslstudents.com.sg

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