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How Does My Carbon Footprint Impact Climate Change

If I reduce my carbon footprint it may lead to decrease in greenhouse gas emission. u200bContact us!

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How Does My Carbon Footprint Impact Climate Change

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How Does My Carbon Footprint Impact Climate Change 

  2. 1) Global Warming and Fossil Fuels Today are 90% of the work is dependent on fossil fuels and non-renewable resources and by burning fossil fuels we are increasing the emission of greenhouse gases which result in increased climate change.

  3. 2) Climate Change in Recycling As we know the life of all the living is dependent on climate change, we are using such types which are recyclable but we are not recycling and due to this there is an increase in greenhouse gas and this results in the climate change on the earth which distribute the life of all the living being. If I reduce my carbon footprint it may lead to decrease in greenhouse gas emission. 

  4. 3) Increase in Carbon Footprint Leads to Harmful Acid Rain When there is an excessive increase in carbon footprint. It leads to harmful acid rain as it destroys all the plants, and as the plants are affected there is a huge effect on the climate change 

  5. 4) Climate Change Due to Air Pollution In air pollution several greenhouses gases are included. These contribute to the rising temperature of the earth due to which there are several problems and the main problem is climate change as the farmers are unable to guess when to sow what crop and many more problem.

  6. 5) Development As we know due to development. Many problems have occurred, but one of the major problems is climate change as we are cutting trees and we are making more use of non-renewable resources and it emits  carbon which  is responsible for climate change. 

  7. 6) Water Pollution As we know there are lots of industries that emit lots of greenhouse gases in  the ocean water and thus result in lowering PH water and it reduces or increases the water temperature due to which there is a very bad change in the climate.  

  8. 7) Measuring the Carbon Footprint There is a  tool by which you can measure the carbon footprint and you can how much your company is emitting carbon footprint in the atmosphere the name of the app is a carbon footprint calculator.

  9. 8) Ecological Balance There are several  methods to reduce our carbon footprint if we want to maintain the ecological balance and want to save the environment like carpooling, avoid unnecessary use of electricity and many more and after sometimes it become necessary for all of to reduce carbon footprint

  10. Thank You!  For more details, visit - Lowsoot

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