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Shia Quran

The aim of our Quran Center is to promote Islam and establish an online Islamic and Quran education institution whose curriculum shall include Quran education and Islamic studies from Shia perspective. The aim of our center is to arrange Quran classes for the students in an easy and flexible way and also in the lowest cost possible.

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Shia Quran

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Wellcome To Masoomeen Quran Center Masoomeen Quran Center is an online Shia Quran Center established on 2005 as an online platform for Quran and Islamic education

  2. Who Can Study? • MasoomeenQuran center is a Shia Quran Online center so only Shia Muslims can study Tajweed course with us. We teach the course online. If you are interested in learning the Tajweed online, register with us. • You need a PC, and an internet connection to start the course. This course is for the students of all ages and both genders.

  3. The students learn the rules of Tajweedlike Reading the Quran with Tajweedis very important because it adds beauty to the recitation. • Makharij-ul-Huroof • Sifaat-ul-huroof • Noon(Sakinah, tanween) • Meen (Sakinah) • Muddud • Laam (Qamariyya and Shamsia

  4. The benefits of Tajweed Course with Masoomeen Quran center are that the students can learn the Quran from Shia teachers. Momineenfrom all over the world can learn Tajweed without leaving home. The students can learn at their own pace by taking as much time as they need. We provide a very comfortable environment for our students where they themselves choose the time of learning. Benefits of Tajweed course with us • The students after the course completion will be able to abstain from making the hidden and apparent mistakes. • Our Shia Quran Reciter is a great blessing for the worldwide Momineen. • Masoomeen Quran Center offers the Tajweed course for the Momineen kids and adults. It is our responsibility to read each word of the Quran correctly. Register with us

  5. Thank you masoomeenqurancenter@gmail.com https://www.masoomeenqurancenter.com

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