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Forehead Lift

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Forehead Lift

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Forehead Lift

  2. Index • Introduction • Why its done • Advantages • Cost • Types • Result • About Meddco

  3. Introduction • A forehead lift, also known as a brow lift or forehead rejuvenation, is a cosmetic procedure to raise the brows. A brow lift improves the appearance of the forehead, the brow and the area around the eyes by raising the soft tissue and skin of the forehead and brow. • You might choose to have a brow lift if you have a low, sagging brow or brow asymmetry. A brow lift might also boost your self-confidence.

  4. Why is it done • Aging typically causes the brows to move down. As skin and soft tissues lose elasticity, the distance between the eyebrows and eyelashes also shortens. • The lower position of the eyebrows can make you look tired, angry or sad. A brow lift can raise the eyebrows and restore a refreshed, more pleasing appearance. • You might consider a brow lift if you have a low or sagging brow that's contributing to sagging upper eyelids.

  5. Advantages • A brow lift will improve the look of not just your forehead, but your entire face. • It will raise your eyebrows, making you appear younger and awake. You’ll look inviting, happy and friendly.

  6. Cost • The cost of browlift surgery in India falls in the range of ₹90,000 to ₹2 lakh. The cost varies based on the method used and the extent of lift. Different surgeons will also charge different amounts, based on their experience and skill.

  7. Types • There are two types of surgical techniques available for a forehead lift, including the classic forehead lift and the endoscopic forehead lift. • In the classic forehead lift, the surgeon will make an incision that is similar to a headphone-like pattern. • The difference between the endoscopic forehead lift and the classic forehead lift is the size of the incision. With the endoscopic forehead lift, the surgeon makes three to five short scalp incisions that are each less than an inch long.

  8. Results • By raising the soft tissue and skin of your forehead and brow, a brow lift can give your face a more youthful appearance. • Keep in mind that brow lift results won't last forever. As you age your facial skin might begin to droop again. Sun damage also can age your skin.

  9. About Meddco • MEDDCO.COM is India's first digital pricing online platform, where price transparency is the key. • Visit us at Meddco.com for more details. • Find the best packages for Forehead Lift at the most affordable cost through Meddco.com

  10. Visit us at Meddco.com for more details.

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