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NUCLEAR POWER:. SECURE ENERGY for the 21 st CENTURY Mike Corradini Nuclear Engineering & Engineering Physics. Nuclear Power:Villain or Victim; M.Carbon, Pebble Beach Publishers (2002) Decision-Makers’ Forum: A Unified Strategy for Nuclear Energy (2004).
NUCLEAR POWER: SECURE ENERGY for the 21st CENTURY Mike Corradini Nuclear Engineering & Engineering Physics Nuclear Power:Villain or Victim; M.Carbon, Pebble Beach Publishers (2002) Decision-Makers’ Forum: A Unified Strategy for Nuclear Energy (2004) Non-CO2-emitting Energy Sources for the Future
Need for a Unified Energy Strategy Internationally: • Population continues to increase worldwide • Energy usage growing at similar rates (1-2%/yr*) • Electrical energy usage increasing faster (>3%/yr*) Nationally: • Abundant & secure energy is critical to our future • Continued & growing concern of fossil fuel emission • Alternative energy technologies must be considered Need to ensure energy security with bipartisan initiatives and executive priority for nuclear energy *EIA (2002) Non-CO2-emitting Energy Sources for the Future
SUSTAINABILITY ISSUES Conditions for Sustainability: • Acceptable area usage • Minimal by-product streams • Economically feasible technology • Large supply of the energy resource • Neither the power source itself nor the technology to exploit it can be controlled by a few nations/regions (people/countries/regions) Non-CO2-emitting Energy Sources for the Future
Power Plant Land Use Required (km2 / MW) Source: J. Davidson (2000) Nuclear 0.001/0.01 Coal 0.01/0.04 1000 MW POWER PLANTS RUNNING AT 100 % CAPACITY (8766 GWh/year) Biomass 5.2 Geothermal 0.003 Non-CO2-emitting Energy Sources for the Future
1000 MWe-yr Power Plant Emission* CoalGasNuclear Sulfur-oxide ~ 1000 mt Nitrous-oxide ~ 5000 mt 400 mt Particulates ~ 1400 mt Trace elements ~ 50 mt** <1 mt Ash ~ 1million mt CO2 > 7million mt 3.5mill. mt ** TRACE: e.g., Mercury, Lead, Cadmium, Arsenic Spent Fuel 20-30 mt Fission Products ~1-2 mt *Source: EIA (2002) Non-CO2-emitting Energy Sources for the Future
CARBON DIOXIDE EMISSIONS Construction/Operation/Fuel Preparation (kg CO / kWh) * Source: J. Davidson (2000) 2 1.4 /kWh) 1.2 1.04 2 Natural Gas 1 0.8 0.79 Emissions (kg CO 0.58 0.6 Geothermal Solar-PV Coal Nuclear 0.47 0.4 Wind 0.38 Hydro 2 CO 0.2 0.1 0.06 0.025 0.004 0.022 0.025 0 Non-CO2-emitting Energy Sources for the Future
Cost of Electricity (Global Average) (¢/kWh) * Source: J. Davidson (2000) Non-CO2-emitting Energy Sources for the Future
Top 10 Nuclear Countries (1999) • U.S. nuclear electricity generation is: • as large as France and Japan (#2 and #3) combined; and • larger than the other 7 nations in the top 10 combined billion kilowatt-hours Source: IAEA Non-CO2-emitting Energy Sources for the Future
Record U.S.Nuclear Electricity Production (Billions of Kilowatt-hours) Source: EIA Non-CO2-emitting Energy Sources for the Future
Industry Capacity FactorContinues at Record Level 86.8% in 1999 89.6% in 2000 90.7% in 2001 91.7% in 2002 Non-CO2-emitting Energy Sources for the Future
2003 Arkansas Nuclear One Unit 2Browns Ferry 2,3 Farley 1,2 Dresden 2,3 Quad Cities 1,2 Cook 1,2 Nine Mile Point 1 ,2 2004 Brunswick 1, 2 Beaver Valley 1,2 Pilgrim Davis-Besse Millstone 2,3 2005 Susquehanna 1,2 License Renewal:Extends Value Already filed North Anna 1,2 Surry 1,2 Catawba 1,2 McGuire 1,2 Peach Bottom 2,3 St. Lucie 1,2 Fort Calhoun Robinson 2 Summer Ginna Approved Calvert Cliffs 1,2 Oconee 1,2,3 Arkansas Nuclear One Unit 1 Hatch 1,2 Turkey Point 3,4
Safety of Current Nuclear Plants • There has not been a loss of life in the US due to commercial nuclear plants (TMI released a small amount of radiation) • Chernobyl accident - a terrible accident with a bad design • These plants are now closed or redesigned for operation • Russian nuclear plant operations are being assisted by IAEA • Regional deregulation of the electricity industry introduces challenges to continue & enhance the safety of nuclear plants. • - Upgrades of power plant equipment and reliable replacement schedule • - Risk-informed decision making by the industry should be cost-effective US nuclear plants are now self-insured via Price-Anderson Act and we should renew Price-Anderson legislation for long-term Non-CO2-emitting Energy Sources for the Future
Nuclear Power High Level Waste (HLW) • All nuclear fuel cycle waste (except HLW) has been safely and reliably disposed through DoE and NRC regulations; milling, enrichment, fabrication by-products as LLW • Since 1982, US law ‘defines’ spent nuclear fuel as a HLW, since reprocessing has not occurred since 1976 (Japan & Europe currently reprocess spent nuclear fuel for recycle) • Spent fuel is currently stored at ~105 nuclear power plant sites (~ 2000 mt/yr; total ~50,000 mt) & is planned to be stored/buried at one site in the US (Yucca Mtn) • All nuclear electricity is taxed at 1mill/kwhre for a HLW fund (~$0.8 billion/yr; total fund ~ $20 billion) Reassert criteria, achieve licensing & begin operation of Yucca Non-CO2-emitting Energy Sources for the Future
Generation I Early Prototype Reactors Generation II Commercial Power Reactors Generation III AdvancedLWRs Generation IV • Shippingport • Dresden,Fermi-I • Magnox • LWR: PWR/BWR • CANDU • VVER/RBMK • System 80+ • EPR • AP1000 • ABWR Gen IV Gen I Gen II Gen III 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 Evolution of Nuclear Power Systems • Enhanced Safety • Improved Economics • Minimized Wastes • Proliferation Resistance Non-CO2-emitting Energy Sources for the Future
Nuclear Energy: Defense-in-Depth • Reliable Operation • Safety is foremost • ‘Doing it right’ • Credible Regulation • Risk-based stds. • Public access • Improving Engr. • System Designs • Instrumentation • Materials - New plants (GenIII) require predictable plant licensing processes - Enhance and reestablish a vibrant human infrastructure Non-CO2-emitting Energy Sources for the Future
Nuclear Safety Enhanced • Current nuclear power plants have high levels of safety: i.e., reliable operation, low occupational radioactivity dose to workers and with minimal risk and health effects from severe accidents. • Future nuclear reactor systems will meet and exceed safety performance of current reactors. • Decay heat removal, minimize transients and allow time for operator actions are the keys to successful safety performance. • Advanced LWR’s will be simplified, thus more economic and continue to minimize emissions Deploy advanced light-water reactor systems (GenIII) Non-CO2-emitting Energy Sources for the Future
Advanced LWR: AP-1000 Non-CO2-emitting Energy Sources for the Future
Advanced LWR: ESBWR Non-CO2-emitting Energy Sources for the Future
Generation IV Reactor Systems • Safety: must meet and exceed current nuclear power plant reliability, occupational radiation exposure and risk of accident consequences • Sustainability: minimize waste streams during spent fuel disposal or reprocessing and recycle • Proliferation and Physical Protection of facilities • Economics: continue to reduce the total cost of electricity ($/Mwhr-e) to remain competitive with leading technologies (e.g., gas, coal and wind) Develop and demo advanced reactors & fuel cycles (GenerationIV) Non-CO2-emitting Energy Sources for the Future
Very-High-Temperature Reactor (VHTR) • Characteristics • High temperature coolant • 900 - 1000°C outlet temp. • 600 MWth • Water-cracking cycle • Key Benefit • High thermal efficiency • Hydrogen production by water-cracking by High-Temp Electrolysis or Thermo-chemical decomposition Non-CO2-emitting Energy Sources for the Future
Process Heat for Hydrogen Production 200 C 1000 C Aqueous-phase Carbohydrate Reforming (ACR) Thermochemical Processes Hydrogen Carbon Recycle H2, CO2 CATALYST AQUEOUS CARBOHYDRATE CxHy LM Condensed Phase Reforming (pyrolysis) Non-CO2-emitting Energy Sources for the Future
Hi-Temp. Electrolysis Process Non-CO2-emitting Energy Sources for the Future
GAS-COOLED REACTOR Non-CO2-emitting Energy Sources for the Future
Nuclear Power Fuel Cycle[1000 MWe-yr – (A) Once Thru (B) U-Pu recycle] IAEA-1997 U3O8 &daughters (A)10 mt (B) 6mt Mining/Milling Milling waste stream (A) 205mt (B)120mt UF6 &daughters (A) 167mt(B) 0.5mt Convert/Enrichment Conv/Enrich Waste Tails (A) 37mt (B)11.5mt UO2 & daughters (A) 0.2mt (B) 0.16mt Fuel Fabrication Fuel Fabrication Waste (A) 36.8mt (B) 36.4mt (U-Pu) Reactor (1000MWe) Spent Fuel as Waste (A) 35.7 mt U, 0.32mt Pu (B) 36mt U, 0.5mt Pu Reprocessing Plant Reprocessing Waste (FP) (B) 1.1 mt U, 5kg Pu Non-CO2-emitting Energy Sources for the Future
Liquid-Metal Cooled Fast Reactor (LFR) • Characteristics • Na, Pb or Pb/Bi coolant • 550°C to 800°C outlet temperature • 120–400 MWe • Key Benefit • Waste minimization and efficient use of uranium resources Non-CO2-emitting Energy Sources for the Future
To Advance the Use of Nuclear Energy: Ensure energy security with bipartisan initiatives and an executive branch priority on nuclear energy Enact long-term Price-Anderson legislation Demonstrate predictable nuclear plant licensing processes Reassert criteria, achieve licensing & begin operation of Yucca Mountain Repository Deploy current light-water reactors in the U.S. (Gen-III) Develop/demonstrate advanced reactors & fuel cycles (GenIV) Reestablish a vibrant educational infrastructure =>Build public confidence and support for nuclear energy Non-CO2-emitting Energy Sources for the Future