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That’s probably one of the many dreaded things you don’t want to hear about your car while starting for office.
How to Revive a Drained Car Battery Dead car battery! That’s probably one of the many dreaded things you don’t want to hear about your car while starting for office. There can be a host of reasons behind a depleted battery. Some of the standard explanations for it include leaving any of the car lights on, or using its air condition while the car is parked. It also happens when the vehicle is not in use for a long time, Mg Auto or you don’t take the car for regular servicing. Many breakdo wn services say they get calls most of the time for dead car batteries. These garages, like MG Auto Motorsport even offer dedicated packages to revive Car Battery Ripley. However, if you face a similar situation with no breakdown services nearby, fret not!
Solutions for a Dead Car Battery 1. Epsom Salt and Distilled Water Epsom salt is magnesium sulphate and a strong acid that contains various hydrates. The reason for a failing car battery can be low levels of electrolyte. If so, then the salt can tip its chemical balance and charge it to the point that it will be able to start the car’s engine. Using the Epsom salt solution is simple.Make a solution with one part of the salt and three parts of distilled water; then pour this solution into each cell. Distilled water acts as an electrolyte booster, thus, submerging the cell plates in it will also resuscitate its charge. 2. Aspirin Solution You’ll require twelve 500 mg aspirin tablets. Crush them and dissolve the powder in 6ozof warm distilled water. Add this solution in equal amounts to each of the cells. It can chemically alter the battery’s electrolyte mix. 3. Chainsaw Chainsaw method is an effective way to charge your car’s dead battery. It enables you to drive the car’s alternator to provide charge for the battery. For this technique to work, first remove the chain, blade, and other parts of the chainsaw to make it more like a pulley. Now, remove the alternator’s drive belts and use them for attaching the drive spindle of the chainsaw and drive pulley together. Apply moderate pressure on those belts and start the unit until they start charging the battery. However, this can be a risky method to start your car’s battery because of unguarded belts. Therefore, take extra care while adhering to this technique. 4. Jumper Cables It is a common and well-known method of kick-starting a dead car battery. This method requires jumper cables and another vehicle that has a well-charged battery. However, avoid using this process of charging if the battery is splintered or cracked and it is leaking acid.
You can carry objects like aspirin, distilled water, Epsom salt, and jumper cables in your car to overcome such situations. Numerous ways are there to prevent battery failures; driving your car often, keeping the contacts clean, measuring its voltage periodically, and taking it for a battery repair in Bicester whenever needed should do the trick. Therefore, you must take care of all the car components to ensure the smooth and safe functioning of your vehicle.