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Functions of circulation

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Functions of circulation

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Functions of circulation

    3. Comparative circulatory systems

    4. 1. Pump 2. Channels 3. Blood/Hemolymph Components of circulation system

    5. Methods of circulation

    6. Open vs. closed systems

    8. Types of pumps:

    9. Flow in rigid tubes

    10. Flow dynamics

    11. Flow dynamics

    13. The body plan of platyhelminths makes diffusion an effective mechanism of transport.

    14. A very simple distributing system: the gastro-vascular system of Cnidaria

    15. Open circulation in insect

    16. Insect circulation

    17. Typical crustacean circulation

    20. Amphibian (bullfrog, Rana)

    21. Control of heart rate

    22. How change amount transported?

    23. Heart rate decreases w/size

    24. Heart rate decreases w/ mammal size

    25. Heart mass directly proportional to body mass (0.6%) in mammals

    26. Heart rate v. Stroke volume

    30. Distribution of blood

    31. Control of cardiovascular systems

    33. Control of capillaries

    35. Pressure in humans

    41. Distribution of blood flow

    42. Relative osmotic pressure & exchange

    43. Phylogeny of respiratory pigments

    44. Respiratory Pigments

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