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Welcome to the Information Literacy Student Tutorial You have been assigned a research project and you are not sure where to begin. The Touro College Libraries have many resources to assist you. This instruction module is designed to introduce you to a variety of
Welcome to the Information Literacy Student Tutorial You have been assigned a research project and you are not sure where to begin. The Touro College Libraries have many resources to assist you. This instruction module is designed to introduce you to a variety of useful library resources and services and to prepare you to research your topic. Research can seem a little overwhelming at first, but we believe you will feel much better prepared after you complete this step-by- step module.
Let's get started A worksheet is available for you to use as you complete the tasks at the end of each section. At the bottom of each assignment page there are links to the Touro College Virtual Library. Click on the following student worksheet link and use the WindowsFile Print command to print a copy of the worksheet. Student Worksheet. Then click the back arrow to return to the tutorial.
Touro College Virtual Library The Virtual Library is located at the following URL: www.touro.edu/library/ The Virtual Library has information on and links to: • About the Libraries • Library Services • Find Resources
Using this tutorial, you will learn: • How to search for books, media, and ebooksby subjectin theLibrary Catalogand how to use ebooks. • How to search for full text periodicals usingProprietary Databases • How to use aSubject Directorytolocate quality Web sites selected by human editors • How to use aSearch Engineto find Web resources selected by computer programs • How to evaluate Web sitesusing five basic rules to determine if the information is appropriate for your research assignment • How to complete your bibliographyusing astyle guideandNoodleTools
You can search for books and media using an online catalog. To access our online catalog, click on the Books & Media (Library Catalog) link. Part 1: Using the Library Catalog
Touro College Library Catalog The Library Catalog SIMPLE SEARCH screen appears. This catalog includes all physical items (books and media) in the library collections as well as ebooks, etheses, and ejournal databases.
Searching the Catalog Let’s do a subject search in the Touro College Library Catalog. For this section we will use the subject terms global warming to retrieve information about books and media in the libraries. Type the terms in the Search box (arrow). Click the down arrow next to Any Field (circled),to view the list of options that allows you to specify the area in the record to search.
Searching the Catalog The following options can be used to search for resources: • Any field • Author • Title • Subject (non-medical) • Subject (medical) • LC Call number (non-medical) • NLM Call number (medical) • ISBN/ISSN • OCLC number
Searching by Subject (non-medical) Searching by Subject (non-medical) To search on a subject area that we are interested in, click onSubject (non-medical) (arrow). We are using the search terms: global warming
Searching by Subject (non-medical) Place the cursor on Subject (non-medical). This option will fill in the second box as is displayed to the right (circled). Click (arrow).
Search Results Your search results will appear on the screen as shown to the right. If there isnot an exact match to your subject terms, the catalog will provide nearby LC SUBJECTS. Let’s look at the third entry on the listtitled:Global warming -- Economic aspects : Moore, Thomas Gale; for which there is 1 entry. Click the title link (arrow).
Search Results Now we will examine the catalog entryfor the book: “Climate of fear : why we shouldn't worry about global warming …”
Book Details This screen depicts the following details about the book (circled). • Title/Author • Imprint • Location • Call # • Status • Additional Subjects Let’s review each detail.
Title / Author The book detail screen shows the bookTitle followed by the author’s or editors name. In this example the book title is: “Climate of fear : why we shouldn't worry about global warming” / Thomas Gale Moore
Location The Location describes where the book is physically located. In this example, the book, “Climate of fear : why we shouldn't worry about global warming …” is located at the Midtownlibrary.
Call # The Call # refers to the number that was assigned to this book using the Library of Congress Classification System. Each book has a unique number that organizes it on the shelves by subject area. The Call # for this book is: QC981.8.G56 M64 1998 Note that the call number ends with the publication year so you will know how current the book is.
Status TheStatus lets you know if the book is available. Examples of status types include: Available Reserved On Hold Checked Out In Transit Non-TC ILL Missing Overdue In this example, the book is Available.
Subject Headings You can search for more books in the catalog by clicking on Subject links in the book details. Additional subjects are listed towards the bottom of the book detail record. For example: Global warming -- Economic aspects (arrow).
Locating ebooks in the Catalog Touro College Libraries subscribe to over 40,000 ebooks. Let’s go back to the Catalog SIMPLE SEARCH screen and type the search terms global warming Select to search in Any Field Click (circled). Advance to continue orclick here to return to the Index
Locating ebooks in the Catalog Review the result list and select an entry that is noted Electronic Resources.The entry will have the following as its location: College E-Books (circled). On the screen to the right, scroll down to locate the ebook titled, “Wildlife responses to climate change North American case studies ”. Click on the title link for this book to open the record (arrow).
Locating ebooks in the Catalog The catalog entry for this ebook appears on the screen. Notice the blue box in the center of the screen. Click here to access the electronic book Click on this link to open the ebook record (arrow).
Reviewing an ebook This ebook is one of many entries that is available through an electronic book service called ebrary. After you have opened the ebook, you can scroll through the Table of Contents, Chapters, index, etc. by clicking on one of the links. (arrow) Click on the link for Contents…(circled).
Reviewing an ebook - Contents You will see the Table of Contents appear on the right side of the window. You can scroll up and down through the Contents of the book on screen. (arrow). Next, let’s do a search for specific concepts relating to Global Warming within this ebook.
Searching within an ebook To search within an ebook, use the Infotools feature at the top of the ebrary menu bar. Click on the down arrow next to InfoTools (circled). A list of choices appear on screen. Highlight the option to Search document (arrow).
Searching within an ebook Type in the search terms for the information that you are seeking within the ebook (arrow). For example: temperature changes Click Search
Searching within an ebook The first instance of the term temperature changes appears on screen, highlighted in red (arrow). You can read the context right on the screen to see if this is suitable for your research.
Searching within an ebook To go to the next instance of the terms temperature change, click onthe symbol for next search page (circled). ?
Search for additional ebooks in ebrary To do a Simple search for additional ebooks type your terms global warming in the white box (circled) and click search (arrow).
Using Advanced Search in ebrary To do an Advanced Search in ebrary, click on the tab for Advanced search (arrow). Type in your search terms global and warming and select search in: Subject (circled).
Using Advanced Search in ebrary Advanced Search will return a list of results. The book jacket appears on the screen to the left, followed by the Title link in blue (arrow). Publishing details are to the right (bracket), with related subjects listed at the bottom of each book entry (circled).
Assignment 1 • Go to the Touro College Virtual Library and perform a Library Catalogsearch using your topic. • Select one of the entries in your catalog search results. • Review the detailed record for a book that looks interesting and answer the questions for Assignment 1 on your worksheet. Catalog search practice Advance to continue orclick here to return to the Index
Part 2: Proprietary Databases Touro College subscribes to many online databases to help you with your research needs. Subscription databases are found on the Touro College Virtual Library by clicking on the Proprietary Databases link. Touro College subscribes to many online databases to help you with your research needs. Subscription databases are found on the Touro College Virtual Library by clicking on the Proprietary Databases link. Advance to continue orclick here to return to the Index
Proprietary DatabaseLinks The databases that you need can be viewed by clicking on a subject area link. OR You can scroll down the complete list of databases arranged in alphabetical order.
Using Academic Search Premier For this tutorial let’s use the database Academic Search Premier.This databaseis very good for general research. Scroll downthe complete alphabetical list of resources and click on Academic Search Premier.
Advanced Search in Academic Search Premier Click on the Advanced Search button indicated by the symbol in the graphic. Type in the keywords as follows: Find global And warming Click on the down arrow and select SU Subject Termsas indicated in the graphic to search IN the subject fields. Note in the circle that you can check and limit your search Full Text documents. This will eliminate citations from the results. Click on Search.
Search Results Your search results will appear on the screen. A sample is to the right. The total number of items retrieved is displayed. In this example 1-10 out of 5792 results are displayed.
Narrow Results By Subject Look at the colored box to the left of your search results. This box contains additional subjects related to your searchterms. You can narrow down your search by clicking on them. Let’s click on the subject link: GLOBAL temperature changes. Yellow Advance to continue orclick here to return to the Index
Search Results You are now searching on (SU global AND SU warming) AND DE “GLOBAL temperature changes”. In Academic Search Premier the DE tag performs an exact search for subject headings describing an article. Your result list is now 851 entriesinstead of 5792.
Citation of the Article The results of your narrowed search are displayed on the screen and are numbered. The title of each article is in blue. To view the citation of the article, click on thetitle of the article in blue.
Full Text Article When you scroll down the list of results, you will notice that one of the articles on the list is available in PDF Full Text (arrow). If you click on the PDF Full Text link, you will see a copy of the entire article. You can print out this article if you choose.
Journal Sources We are pretty comfortable with books, so now let’s take a look at journal sources. There are different classifications of journal sources. The types that you will likely encounter in your research are: Scholarly Trade Popular Advance to continue orclick here to return to the Index
Scholarly Journals Used by Academics Scholarly materials have a serious appearance and contain very little advertising. They are written for professors, students, or researchers. The authors have expertise, have done research, and are affiliated with or sponsored by a professional association.
Trade Journals Used by Professionals Trade or professional materials may have a bright cover and contain advertising that appeals to those in the industry or field. They are written to provide information of use to that particular industry or field of study.
Popular Magazines Used by Anyone Popular materials may have a bright cover, and contain many glossy pictures and lots of advertising. They are written to attract a broad segment of the population and are usually published commercially. They have second or third-hand information, are opinions on a contemporary issue, and attempt to inform/entertain a wide audience on topics of general interest. Practice Selecting a Journal Type
Assignment 2 • Go to the Touro College Virtual Library and perform a periodicalProprietary Databasesearch using your topic. • Select one of the entries in your proprietary database search results. Print the citation of the article. You will need to use this to create yourbibliography later in this tutorial. • Select an article in Full Text and answer the questions for Assignment 2 on your worksheet Practice Proprietary Databases Advance to continue orclick here to return to the Index
Part 3: Quality Internet Sites There are many Web pages published on the Internet. Your goal is to choose a quality Web site that is appropriate for your research needs. Advance to continue orclick here to return to the Index
Web & Search Sites The Touro College Virtual Library offers links to many quality web sites that can help you in your research. Under Find RESOURCES, click on Web & Search Sites. Advance to continue orclick here to return to the Index
Web & Search Sites The WEB & SEARCH SITES page is divided into four major categories: • Ready Reference • Subject Directories • Search Engines • Metasites, Portals & Gateways Let’s review Subject Directories.