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2. Overview. Evolution of QbDStatistical basis for QbDControlled ExperimentsCause and EffectDesign SpaceThree case studiesModeling. 3. .
1. 1 Statistical Basis forQuality by Design
Lynn Torbeck
Evanston, IL
2. 2
3. 3 The only thing new in the world may be the history we dont know.
All models are incorrect, but some are useful. G. E. P. Box
4. 4 Getting to Quality by Design Quality Control
Quality Assurance
Statistical Quality Control
Statistical Process Control
Quality by Design
5. 5 Quality Control Def #1: Sampling or 100% inspection, test and accept, reject, rework or scrap. The focus is on the product after is has been made. No statistics.
Def #2: The technical activities of a quality department working with other departments to achieve quality. No statistics.
6. 6 Quality Assurance Management activities needed to run a quality control department and provide oversight. This includes organization, planning, policies, procedures, documentation, training, suppliers and working with other departments.
No statistics
7. 7 Statistical Quality Control Specific statistical techniques used for end product quality control including probability, basic statistics, sampling plans, statistical metrology, repeatability and reproducibility studies, as well as tabulating and reporting defects, rejects and costs.
A passive descriptive approach.
8. 8 Statistical Process Control Specific statistical techniques used to monitor, improve and control the manufacturing process itself. These include probability, basic statistics, graphics, statistical control charts, process capability studies and designed experiments for improvement and optimization.
An active approach for the process
9. 9 Quality by Design A broad life-cycle approach to development that uses statistics but is not limited to statistics. Statistical techniques include, basic statistics, inferential statistics, graphics, experimental design and statistical model building using contour plots and response surfaces. An active approach to product and process development.
10. 10 Statistical Basis for QbD Correct data collection
Define the reportable result or value
Find summary statistics, average, S
Do controlled experiments
Develop mathematical models
Infer to the larger population
Maintain control of the product / process
11. 11 Controlled Experiments Success / Failure
Multiple-Factors-at-a-Time, DOE
Full Factorials
Fractional Factorials
Plackett Burman designs
Central Composite designs
12. 12 The Genius Sir Ronald A. Fisher
Born 1890
Died 1962
Graduated college in 1913, math, genetics
1919 joined Rothamsted Experimental Station in Harpenden, England
The right person in the right place.
13. 13
14. 14 In The Beginning 1926, The Arrangements of Field Experiments. Journal of the Ministry of Agriculture of Great Britain. Fisher.
1935, The Design of Experiments, Oliver & Boyd, London. Fisher.
1946, The Design of Optimum Multifactor Experiments, Plackett and Burman.
15. 15 More Beginning 1951, On the Experimental Attainment of Optimum Conditions, Box and Wilson.
determining optimum conditions in chemical investigations,
Finding the effect of quantitative factors on a measured response.
Thus, factor space and response space.
16. 16 Industrial Applications 1954, The Design and Analysis of Industrial Experiments, Davies, editor.
In this field [chemical industries] statistical methods have a major contribution to make to industrial research, because the use of such methods enables clear and unambiguous conclusions to be drawn from the minimum number of experiments and therefore for the minimum cost.
17. 17 The Book on DOE 1978, Statistics for Experimenters, Box, Hunter and Hunter.
This is the text that popularized DOE.
Scientific research is a process of guided learning. The object of statistical methods is to make that process as efficient as possible.
18. 18 If the experimental design is poorly chosen, so that the resultant data do not contain much information, not much can be extracted, no matter how thorough or sophisticated the analysis. On the other hand, if the experimental design is wisely chosen, a great deal of information in readily extractable form is usually available, and no elaborate analysis may be necessary. In fact, in many happy situations all the important conclusions are evident from visual examination of the data.
19. 19 Basic Science
20. 20 Classic Fishbone
21. 21 Terminology - Cause Causes =
Input variables = X variables
Independent Variables =
Factors = Factor Space
Critical Parameters for materials, processes and products or CP
22. 22 Terminology - Effect Effects =
Output variables = Y variables
Dependent Variables =
Responses = Response Space
Critical Quality Attributes for processes and products or CQAs
23. 23 Design Space FACTOR SPACE
N dimension Xs
M dimension Ys
24. 24 Design space
25. 25 More Terminology Univariable = One variable at a time
Multivariable = More than one variable
Empirical #1 = Not using DOE, Trial/Error
Empirical #2 = DOE & generic equations
Systematic = DOE & generic equations
Mechanistic = DOE and theory equation E=MC2
26. 26 Perturbation Study of Dissolution Apparatus Variables Eaton, J.; Deng, G. and Hauck, W., et all.
Dissolution Technologies, February 2007
USP dissolution apparatus 2
USP Prednisone Reference tablets
Response is mean percent dissolved & S
9 variables, each at two levels.
A 46 run resolution V design was used.
27. 27 Nine Multifactor Variables Temperature
Shaft wobble
Rotation speed
Vessel centering
Vessel tilt
Paddle height
Base plate levelness
Vessel types
Level of deaeration
28. 28 What They Found For the mean percent dissolved
Three statistically significant variables:
Level of deaeration
Vessel type
Rotation speed
29. 29 Designing in a Vacuum James Dyson of Dyson Ltd.
Invented the Dyson vacuum cleaner
Experimented with cardboard and tape
I made hundreds of cyclones, then thousands of them.
Hand built 5,127 prototypes
He claims using the Edisonian process
30. 30 Prototyping When you develop a prototype, you have to change one thing at a time. If you make several changes simultaneously, how do you know which change has improved the object and which hasnt?
You have to be very patient, testing and retesting and building a series of results.
Uniteds Hemispheres Magazine, November 2005, p86
31. 31 1954 Example Box, G. E. P. The Exploration and Exploitation of Response Surfaces, Biometrics, 10, 16, 1954
The object of this paper is to discuss and to illustrate with examples certain ideas which have arisen from the [prior] work and which it is believed may be of value in a wider field than that of chemical research.
32. 32 25-1 Fractional Factorial
33. 33
34. 34
35. 35
36. 36
37. 37
38. 38 Model Evaluation Coefficient of Determination
R Squared or R2
The percent of variability in the data that is explained by the proposed model equation.
R2 ranges from zero to one hundred %
R2 needs to be large, say greater than 90% and preferably 95% to 99%.
39. 39 Robustness a measure of its capacity to remain unaffected by small but deliberate variations in method parameters and provides an indication of its reliability during normal usage.
Reliability is consistency over time
The evaluation of robustness should be considered during the development phase.
40. 40 Ruggedness the degree of reproducibility of test results obtained by the analysis of the same samples under a variety of normal test conditions
See Torbeck, L. Ruggedness and Robustness with Designed Experiments, Pharmaceutical Technology, March 1996.
41. 41 Flat Line Variables An input variable or process parameter need not be included in the design space if it has no effect on delivering CQAs when the input variable or parameter is varied over the full potential range of operation.
A graph would show a flat horizontal line
Changing X has no effect on the value of Y
42. 42 Mechanistic Models Box, G. E. P. and Youle, P. V.
Exploration and Exploitation of Response Surfaces. An Example of the Link Between the Fitted Surface and the Basic Mechanism of the System.
Biometric, 1955
43. 43 Mechanistic Understanding The present article shows how study of the form of the empirical surface can throw important light on the basic mechanism operating and can thus make possible developments in the fundamental theory of a process.
44. 44 A Theoretical Surface A theoretical surface, based on reaction kinetics is now derived, rate constants are estimated from the data and the theoretical surface is compared with the empirical surface previously obtained.
Called Mechanistic Model Building.
45. 45 Process Reengineering Also called Reverse Quality by Design
Work on an existing or legacy product
Use historical and validation data
Use designed experiments to find the cause and effect relationships between the process parameters, factors, and the quality attributes, the responses.
46. 46 Chemometrics From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Chemometrics is the application of mathematical or statistical methods to chemical data. The International Chemometrics Society (ICS) offers the following definition:
Chemometrics is the science of relating measurements made on a chemical system or process to the state of the system via application of mathematical or statistical methods.
Chemometric research spans a wide area of different methods which can be applied in chemistry. There are techniques for collecting good data (optimization of experimental parameters, design of experiments, calibration, signal processing) and for getting information from these data.
47. 47 Chemometrics Tools Multivariate data acquisition
Principal Component Analysis
Classical Least Squares regression analysis
Multiple Linear Regression
Principal components Regression
Partial Lease Squares
Discriminant Analysis
48. 48 Take Home Points The statistical basis for QbD was first published in 1951 by Box and Wilson.
Mechanistic model concepts were first published in 1955 by Box and Youle.
49. 49 A Last Thought Statistical thinking will one day be as necessary for efficient citizenship as the ability to read and write.
H. G. Wells
50. 50 Historical Articles 1926, R. Fisher, The Arrangements of Field Experiments, J of the Ministry of Agriculture, England, Vol. 33, 1926, pp 503-513.
1937, F. Yates, Design and Analysis of Factorial Experiments, Commonwealth Bureau of Soil Science, Technical Communication No. 35, 1937.
1946, The Design of Optimum Multifactorial Experiments, Biometrika, Vol. 33, 1946, pp 305-325.
1951, G. Box and K. Wilson, On the Experimental Attainment of Optimum Conditions, J of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, Vol. XII, No. 1, 1951.
1954, G. Box, The Exploration and Exploitation of Response Surfaces: Some Considerations and Examples, Biometrics, 10: 16, 1954.
1955, G. Box and P. Youle, The Exploration and Exploitation of Response Surfaces: An Example of the Link Between the Fitted Surface and the Basic Mechanism of the System, Biometrics, Vol. 11, pp 287-323, 1955.
1957, G. Box and S. Hunter, Multi-Factor Experimental Designs for Exploring Response Surfaces, Ann Math Statistics, 28, pp 195-241.
51. 51 Historical Books 1935, R. Fisher, The Design of Experiments, Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh, 1935.
1949, K. Brownlee, Industrial Experimentation, Chemical Publishing Co., 1949.
1950, Experimental Design,, W. Cochran and G. Cox, John Wiley & Sons, 1950.
1954, O. Davies, Ed, The Design and Analysis of Industrial Experiments, Longman Group, London, 1954
1954, Statistical Analysis In Chemistry and the Chemical Industry, C. Bennett and N. Franklin, John Wiley & Sons, 1954.
52. 52 A Few of Many Articles L. Torbeck, Ruggedness and Robustness with Designed Experiments, Pharm Tech, March 1996.
L. Torbeck and R. Branning, Designed Experiments A Vital Role in Validation Pharm Tech, June 1996.
C. Chen and C. Moore, CDER/FDA, Role of Statistics In Pharmaceutical Development Using Quality by Design Approach An FDA Perspective, FDA/Industry Statistics Workshop, Washington, DC, September 27-29, 2006
X. Castells, et all, Application of Quality by Design Knowledge From Site Transfers to Commercial Operations Already in Progress, Process Analytical Technology, Vol. 3, No. 1, Jan/Feb 2006.
J. Eaton, et all, Perturbation Study of Dissolution Apparatus Variables A Design of Experiment Approach, Dissolution Technologies, February 2007, pp 20-26.
53. 53 Recommended Books R. Gunst, and R. Mason, How to Construct Fractional Factorial Experiments, ASQ Quality Press, Vol. 14, 1991.
J. Cornell, How to Apply Response Surface Methodology, ASQ Quality Press, Vol. 8, 1984.
L. Torbeck, Ed, Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Validation by Experimental Design, Informa Healthcare, 2007. Source of case studies
G. Lewis, D. Mathieu and R. Phan-Tan-Luu, Pharmaceutical Experimental Design, Marcel Dekker, 1999.
P. Mathews, Design of Experiments with Minitab, ASQ Quality Press, 2005.
G. Box, J. Hunter and W. Hunter, Statistics for Experimenters, John Wiley and Sons, 2005.
54. 54 References - Software Design-Expert, http://www.statease.com/
Minitab, http://www.minitab.com/
JMP, http://www.jmp.com/
MODDE, http://www.umetrics.com/default.asp/pagename/software_modde/c/2
55. 55 References - Internet NIST, http://www.itl.nist.gov/div898/handbook/index.htm
56. 56 How to Get Started Buy Gunst and Masons book from ASQ. Read it and the internet information
Do simple full factorials or fractional factorials by hand. Learn from them.
Buy a software package and do more experiments, gaining in expertise.
Take a formal training course.
There is no instant pudding. Deming
57. 57 THANK YOU