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Psychology of Color for Increase Website Conversions

The impact colors have on our behaviors, actions, and decisions are far greater than we think. So, what is the psychology of color? What does each color actually stand for? All of us tend to identify with color due to a particular feeling or a concept.

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Psychology of Color for Increase Website Conversions

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Introduction The impact colors have on our behaviors, actions, and decisions is far greater than we think. So, what is the psychology of color? What does each color actually stand for? All of us tend to identify with a color due to a particular feeling or a concept. It all about the psychology of color, its applications, and how it can be used to increase website conversions

  2. Red The color red denotes energy, and is by far one of the most passionate of colors. It tends to capture our attention, the moment we lay our eyes on it. This color is directly linked to love, passion, happiness, danger and even war.

  3. Green Green represents nature, health, success and piece. It is also known as the color of balance, and also provides reassurance. Nowadays, the color green is being used to denote money and wealth.

  4. Green

  5. Blue This color represents confidence, loyalty and trust. It is a calm color and gives one the feeling of calmness and relaxation. Its calming nature is one of the reasons why the doctors and nurses at the hospital don a blue uniform.

  6. Orange Orange is funky color that represents fun, excitement and joy. It also brings confidence and optimism to one’s life. Apart from being challenging, Orange brings positivity in our lives, and is a depiction of a bright sunny day.

  7. Yellow Yellow is the most luminous of all colors. Just like orange, it brings optimism and joy in a person’s life. However, physically speaking, yellow gives one the feeling of frustration and anger.

  8. Enhance the Layout With a decrease in data costs more users are accessing website through their phone. The layout of your website should be suitable for mobile and desktop. Also, make sure that mobile users don’t have to zoom-in while accessing your website through their phones.

  9. Psychology of Color and Conversion Rates When selecting a particular color for your website, you need to make sure that the color relates with your brand. The integrity and identity of your brand are the two things that must be though about before addressing a message or an environment.

  10. Conventional Buyers These are the buyers that are mainly attracted to brighter tones like pink and sky-blue. This is one of the reasons; online stores have these colors on their websites.

  11. Impetuous Buyers These are the buyers who fall for colors like red, orange and navy blue. This is why a lot of fast foods and restaurants have such colors on their websites.

  12. More Information... Click the below link for more details... Website:- https://247nywebdesign.com/using-psychology-of-color-to -increase-website-conversions/

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