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Play Ball!

Play Ball!. 0501.5.4 Construct and complete analogies. Some analogies have words that are alike or in the same group or class. Drop is to fall as bass is to _________. What word is like bass? It could be trout, crappie, blue gill, or another kind of fish . Choose the correct answer:.

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Play Ball!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Play Ball! 0501.5.4 Construct and complete analogies.

  2. Some analogies have words that are alike or in the same group or class. Drop is to fall as bass is to _________. • What word is like bass? It could be trout, crappie, blue gill, or another kind of fish.

  3. Choose the correct answer: Teach is to instruct as lake is to _______. • Tell • Pond • Topple

  4. Choose the correct answer: Teach is to instruct as lake is to _______. • Tell • Pond • Topple

  5. Try another one… • Imaginary is to make-believe as kite is to ______________. • Balloon • Sky • Secret

  6. Try another one… • Imaginary is to make-believe as kite is to ______________. • Balloon • Sky • Secret

  7. Some analogies use words that are a part of a whole. A map is to an atlas as a definition is to a ____________. • Dictionary • City • Novel

  8. Some analogies use words that are a part of a whole. A map is to an atlas as a definition is to a ____________. • Dictionary • City • Novel

  9. Try some more… • A wing is to a bird as a fin is to a ______. • Sand is to a beach as trees are to a ____. • A mattress is to a bed as a cushion is to a __________. • A recipe is to a cookbook as a photo is to an ________.

  10. Try some more… • A wing is to a bird as a fin is to a fish. • Sand is to a beach as trees are to a forest. • A mattress is to a bed as a cushion is to a chair. • A recipe is to a cookbook as a photo is to an album.

  11. Some analogies are synonyms. • Glad is to happy as enormous is to ____. a. huge b. elephant c. giggle • Chatty is to talkative as quietly is to ____. a. silently b. noisily c. quickly • Polite is to courteous as old is to ______. a. rude b. modern c. ancient

  12. Some analogies are synonyms. • Shy is to timid as top is to __________. a. meek b. summit c. bottom • Happiness is to joy as broad is to ____. a. wide b. narrow c. sorrow

  13. Some analogies are synonyms. • Glad is to happy as enormous is to huge. • Chatty is to talkative as quietly is to silently. • Polite is to courteous as old is to ancient. • Shy is to timid as top is to summit. • Happiness is to joy as broad is to wide.

  14. Some analogies are antonyms. • Risky is to safe as generous is to _____. a. helpful b. selfish c. scary • Cause is to prevent as hurry is to _____. a. happen b. destroy c. linger • Help is to hinder as lose is to _______. a. recover b. forget c. assist

  15. Some analogies are antonyms. • Risky is to safe as generous is to selfish. • Cause is to prevent as hurry is to linger. • Help is to hinder as lose is to recover.

  16. Watch out! • Sometimes analogies are written like this: Basketball : Court :: Baseball : ______. Look at the first two words and determine the relationship. Then look at the next word and think of the same relationship. Basketball : Court :: Baseball : Field

  17. Now try a mixed review! bulldozer : machine :: symphony : _____ • music b. sympathy c. crane peaceful : calm :: disturbed : _______ • warning b. upset c. relaxed red : green :: niece : ________ a. relative b. yellow c. nephew

  18. Now try a mixed review! bulldozer : machine :: symphony : music peaceful : calm :: disturbed : upset red : green :: niece : nephew

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