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Opus Consulting Solutions focuses on shaping the future of payments technology.
TalktoourPaymentsExperts WhatWeDo Resources WhoWeAre Partners Payments for theDigitalAge. Opusdelivers outcomes-drivenPayments Strategies, Solutions,andSystems 350+ 180Mn+ PaymenttSysttems CarrdAutthorriizattiion Accountts + 100 Acquiirriing&IIssuiing Systtems We are in the middle of a revolution in Payments Technologylandscape. Opus is certainly leading the pack with best of breed technology in payments ecosystem Opus is helping financial services providers with outcome-drivenPaymentsTransformation,Digital Enablement solutions, and Product Engineering services PlayVideo PlayVideo Priiiivacy----Terms
Top5BusinessDriversShapingtheFutureof Payments Technology The rapidevolutionof customer preferences and buyinghabits, coupled with the introductionofinnovative new technologies, has been driving companies toconsider new stakeholder strategies and actionsall geared toward paymentsystemsmodernization. Wehave identified thetop5 driversthat areshapingthepresentand futureof payments technology. Enablecontactless payments Streamline user experienceacross paymentchannels Modernize payment platformsandprocesses Beit inonlineshoppingorface- to-face commerce, both consumers and businesses have tried to limit their physical contact with payment devices due to stricter health protocols. Hence, the growth of contactless payment methods hasseenaglobalrise. Integrate contactless systems to your payment ecosystem seamlesslywithOpusDigital Enablement. Legacypaymentarchitecture mayhindernewdigital initiatives, resulting in a fragmented customer experience. Despite the high cost of integrating new forms of payments,thebenefitsoutweigh the costs as it means getting rid of hidden fee structures and discrepancies. Streamlinethepaymentprocess and increase profitability with OpusPaymentsTransformation. User experience is king. In an erawherecustomerscaneasily share via social platforms how great, or bad, their shopping experiences are, it’s imperative to streamline user experiences across all channels and platforms. Deepen customer satisfaction andloyaltywithOpusProduct Engineering. Learnmore Learnmore Learnmore Empoweromnichannel commerce Fosterfinancialinclusion The global health crisis highlightedtheneedtoshopfor essentials through modern platforms — regardless of the customer’s location and demographics. Weave digital capabilities into paymentsecosystemswithout business disruption with Opus DigitalEnablement. Custom mobile POS solutions, wallet provisioning, and multi- provider integration, among others, take the end-to-end payment value chain to a whole newlevelofcustomer-centricity. The empowered customer has given rise to omnichannel commerce. Createconsistentexperiences and information exchange across all channels with Opus PaymentsTransformation. Learnmore Learnmore OpusGrowthStory Priiivacy---Terms
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