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How to study smarter rather than studying longer

The purpose of this article is to provide you with better ways to study before an exam.<br>

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How to study smarter rather than studying longer

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  1. How to study smarter rather than studying longer

  2. Introduction • For many people, studying entails spending countless hours immersed in their textbooks and course materials, only to feel stressed, worn out, and with little to show for it. • Understanding your learning style is the first step in studying more effectively. Everybody is unique, so a method that works for one person might not for another. • Academic World School, as one of the best CBSE Schools in Chhattisgarh, we’ve provided some advice on how to study more effectively, with less stress, and with less time commitment.

  3. Put it in writing. • Writing something down by hand improves comprehension and memory retention. • Writing letters, as opposed to typing them, activates more brain regions, instructing the brain to process the information more thoroughly, which has been found to have cognitive benefits. • You are forced to reflect on what you are writing, which improves your ability to remember the information.

  4. Use Mnemonics • Mnemonics are a memory technique that works by associating new information with rhymes or rhythms to make it easier to remember and recall. • This memory-enhancing technique makes use of visual or auditory cues to improve the way your brain stores and recalls crucial information.

  5. Do not Multitask • Contrary to popular belief, multitasking has a negative impact on your performance rather than increasing efficiency. • Academic World School, one of the best CBSE schools in Chhattisgarh suggests that to avoid distractions by concentrating on one task or subject at a time, such as social media, texting while studying, or cooking. This lengthens the time required to learn the material and lowers the standard of learning.

  6. Test yourself or ask others to do so. • By testing yourself, you can determine what knowledge you have retained effectively and what you still need to learn. • Quizzing forces your brain to retrieve information, which improves retention. Additionally, it improves long-term retention more effectively than repeatedly reading the information for the same amount of time.

  7. Read it aloud. • Your brain stores information as a long-term memory with the aid of reading aloud and practising speaking in front of others. • Speaking and hearing simultaneously helps to make a word or statement more distinct in long-term memory, which benefits memory.

  8. Work on the most challenging subjects first. • Learn about your major topics of weakness first. We naturally want to avoid subjects we think are difficult, so we put off learning about them and instead focus on topics we already know something about. • According to some of the best CBSE schools in Chhattisgarh, Getting through the most difficult topics first also helps you avoid procrastination because, once you’ve mastered it, you’ll only have the simpler topics left to learn.

  9. It is preferable for students to spend time looking for ways to study smart rather than study hard in the modern era, when exams are becoming more competitive and syllabi are becoming more complex. While nothing can replace hard work, you must incorporate some strategies into your study plan to guarantee success. You can see how toppers have honed their skills and found time-saving strategies by watching the interviews of toppers. They achieve good grades in this manner. Academic World School, One of the best CBSE schools in Chhattisgarh, takes charge of your child’s future education, fosters their self-assurance, confidence, and prepares them to study smart for the exams.

  10. You can find out more about the school and the admission process by contacting us at: +91-9111-299-900, +91-9111-399-900 academicworldschool@gmail.com https://academicworld.co.in

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