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California GATE Program Standards and California Education Code 52200-52212 Guides for Putting Together the Pieces of Services for Gifted Students. Presented by Virginia McQueen and Nancy Gardner. “ Society gains from the advancement of all abilities and from the highest
California GATE Program Standards and California Education Code 52200-52212Guides for Putting Together the Pieces of Services for Gifted Students Presented by Virginia McQueen and Nancy Gardner
“Society gains from the advancement of all abilities and from the highest development of the talents of all of its members, whatever their strengths.” Barbara Clark
Goals for this session • Knowing and understanding GATE Program Standards and their application within a standards based curriculum.. • To understand the role and content of CA State Ed Code. • Understanding compliance issues related to gifted education.
Activity: Legislation and Policies • Using the guide sheet entitles “Legislation and Policies,” Answer yes or not to each of the 17 questions. • Note the items that are surprising to you. • Discuss your answers with your group.
History and Rationale For Gifted Education
Rationale for Gifted Education Our political and social system is based on democratic principles. The school as an extension of those principals purports to provide an equal educational opportunity for all children to develop their talents to the fullest potential.
History of Gifted Education in California •October 4, 1957 - the launching of Sputnik I by the Russians •November 3, 1957 - Sputnik II was launched which led to the creation of National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the rush to locate and educate the brightest and the best.
•1959 - Mentally Gifted Minors program and provided for identification and enriched curriculum for gifted students •1961 California Association for the Gifted held its first conference as an advocacy group to support gifted education •1959-1999 Various revisions to the original legislation, as each bill “sunsetted” •2000 AB 2313 (Corea) established permanent status for GATE •2001 – California State GATE Program Standards established
2000 - Assembly Bill 2313 • planned and organized as an integrated differentiated learning experience within the regular school day • may be augmented with other differentiated activities related to the core curriculum
History of Federal Legislation • 1958 National Defense Education Act The first federal legislation which affected gifted and talented students by offering them loans for higher education • Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 Jacob R. Javits legislation designed to to carry out a coordinated program of scientifically based research, demonstration projects, innovative strategies, and similar activities designed to build and enhance the ability of elementary and secondary schools to meet the special educational needs of gifted and talented students. .
1969 Public Law 91-230 mandated a report on education of gifted and talented from United States Office of Education Commissioner to Congress • 1971 USOE Commissioner Sidney P. Marland, Jr. submitted Report to Congress on the Education of the Gifted and Talented. (The National/State Leadership Training Institute on the Gifted and the Talented, and the clearinghouse for information services resulted from this report.)
1972 Emergency School Act This law mentions gifted and talented education in describing how desegregated schools should include programs for this category of child as well as the others. • 1974 Amendments to the Elementary and Secondary Education Act • Makes provisions for special instruction in science & foreign languages and for part-time teachers in music and art. • Introduced as “Gifted and Talented Children’s Education Act” by Senator Jacob Javits (R-NY) on February 15, 1973 and became ESEA in 1974 • Provided a statutory basis for the Office for Gifted & Talented
1975 President for vetoes a $7.9 billion education appropriations bill ($2.5 million for gifted and talented) followed the next day by the Senate’s and U.S. House of Representatives override vote. • Jacob R. Javits Gifted and Talented Students Act of 1994.
1994Jacob Javits Gifted and Talented Students Act • First U.S. Department of Education grant program • Funds grants • Provides leadership • Sponsors a national research center on the education of gifted and talented students • The Javits grant was scheduled to be eliminated from the budget during 2005 -reinstated in the amount of $11+ million by the Senate HHS Education Appropriations Committee. Final amount reduced to about half.
Long Term Studies of Gifted 1921- Louis Terman • Tested 250,000 11-13 year olds in Los Angeles •1500 showed an I.Q. of 140 or above - Top 1% of the population • Mean average was an I.Q. of 150 • The study continues today and is archived at Stanford University
1902-35 Lita Stetter Hollingworth • a contemporary of Terman • did longitudinal studies of children in a special school for gifted which she founded and was connected with New York State University • her work did not gain the same attention of Terman’s
1979 Barbara Clark • first definitive text on gifted published • others have written in the field, but her work continues to stand out and is constantly updated • she is planning a seventh edition based on new research about learning, the brain, and intelligence due this year • “Growing Up Gifted” is translated and used throughout the world
So Why Learn About the GATE Standards and the Ed Code? • Budget depends on compliance with the law. • The law for education is the Education Code. • The California Education Code, Section 52200 records the interpretation of legislation AB 2313 passed into law in 2000. There are also 17 other sites that note GATE. • Further guidelines for the law have been explained in California State Program Standards for Gifted and Talented Education.
• Each district must write a plan for GATE service based on these program standards and submit it to the state before receiving funds. • The quality of the plan dictates funding for one, two, or three year approval. -minimum standards: 1 year approval -commendable standards:2 year approval -exemplary standards: 3 year approval • Broaden awareness of all eight areas of the standards and learn strategies for implementation and practice
CA GATE Program Standards • Standards • defined • Assessment • alluded to • Accountability • mandated
CA GATE Program Standards • Intent of Ed Code and Standards • support identified students • improve quality of existing programs • experimentation in delivery of programs • variety of identification methods
• differentiated and alternative learning opportunities • develop sensitivity and responsibility to others • develop a commitment to constructive ethical standards • develop self-generated problem-solving skills to benefit mankind • develop realistic, healthy self-concepts
California GATE Program Standards • 8 GATE PROGRAM STANDARDS • 1. Program Design (EC 52205[d] and 52206[a]) • 2. Identification (EC 52202: Title 5 Regulations, Section 3822) • 3. Curriculum and Instruction (EC52206a and 52206b) • 4. Social and Emotional Development (EC 52212a1) • 5. Professional Development (EC 52212a1) • 6. Parent and Community Involvement (EC 52205 2f) • 7. Program Assessment (EC 5221211) • 8. Budgets (EC 52209. 52212a 1,2,3)
Standard 1: Program Design • provide a comprehensive continuum of services and program options responsive to the needs, interests, and abilities of gifted students and based on philosophical, theoretical, and empirical support. • a written statement of philosophy, goals and standards appropriate to the needs and abilities of gifted learners. • provides appropriate administrative groupings and structures available to all gifted learners. • • program is articulated with general education programs.
Standard 2: Identification • Procedures are equitable, comprehensive, and ongoing. They reflect the district’s definition of giftedness and its relationship to current state criteria. • The nomination referral process is ongoing and includes K-12. • Process is in place to ensue that all potentially gifted students are appropriately assessed. •Multiple service options are available within the GATE program and between other educational programs. Placement is based on the assessed needs of the student and is reviewed periodically.
Identified Students in California 2005-2006 Statewide identified GATE students female: 254,005 male: 247,225 total: 501,230 7.9% of total enrollment Siskiyou County identified GATE students female: 262 male: 216 total: 4787.4% of total enrollment
Standard 3: Curriculum and Instruction • Districts develop differentiated curriculum, instructional models and strategies that are aligned with and extend the state academic content standards and curriculum frameworks. The differentiated curriculum is related to theories, models and practices from the recognized literature in the field. • A differentiated curriculum is in place, responsive to the needs, interests, and abilities of gifted students. • The differentiated curriculum for gifted students is supported by appropriate structures and resources.
Standard 4: Social and Emotional Development • Districts establish and implement plans to support the social and emotional development of gifted learners to increase responsibility, self-awareness, and other issues of affective development. • Actions to meet the affective needs of gifted students are ongoing. • At risk gifted students are monitored and provided support (e.g. underachievement, symptoms of depression, suicide, substance abuse).
Standard 5: Professional Development • Districts provide professional development opportunities related to gifted education to administrators, teachers, and staff to support and improve educational opportunities for gifted students. • The district provides professional development opportunities related to gifted learners on a regular basis. • District personnel with direct decision-making and/or instructional responsibilities for gifted students are provided with role specific training.
Activity and Break • Read Standards 6, 7, and 8. • Take a break. • When we come back be prepared to answer: How do these three standards support the first five GATE Program Standards?
Standard 6: Parent and Community Involvement • Districts provide procedures to ensure consistent participation of parents and community members in the planning and evaluation of programs for gifted students. • Open communication with parents and the community is maintained. • An active GATE advisory committee with parent involvement is supported by the district.
Activity for Standard 6: Parent Involvement Discuss with your group the procedures in place in your district “to ensure consistent participation of parents and community member in the planning and evaluation of programs for gifted students.”
Standard 7: Program Assessment • Districts establish formal and informal evaluation methods and instruments that assess the gifted program and the performance of gifted students (which meets or exceeds state content standards). Results of data collected, including state standardized tests, are used to study the value and impact of the services provided and to improve gifted programs and gifted student performance. • The district provides ongoing student and GATE program assessment that is consistent with the program's philosophy, goals, and standards.
Assessment… • The word assessment for many people is anxiety producing. • There is a tendency to: • try to get around • ignore it • not use it as a tool for improvement
GATE Program Assessments… • Should provide guidance for improvement • Should provide information for collaborative efforts to improve services for gifted students.
Activity for GATE Standard 7: Program Assessment • With your group discuss your interpretation of GATE Program Standard 7 • Discuss at least three of the components of Standard 7, in the column for two year approval noting how your district has implemented this part of the Standard for Program Assessment. • After the discussion on your own, list an action plan with three steps that you think should be done in your district to improve Program Assessment.
Standard 8: Budget • District budgetsfor gifted programs support and provide for all the components of the district’s GATE program and meet the related standards. • The district GATE budget is directly related to the GATE program objectives with appropriate allocations: • professional development • student services • district level coordination • GATE student identification process
Expenditures of state GATE funds supplement, not supplant, district funds spent on gifted learners.
Budget for 2006: • Governor’s estimate: K-12 per pupil spending from all sources is $10,325 • Actual is closer to $7,000 • GATE is projected at $46 million -monies are allocated based on ADA for district, not number of identified GATE students -translates to about $9.80 per identified student • $49.5 million is projected for low performing schools
Mandates and Reality •All students will read by third grade •Schools will meet pre-set achievement targets •Assessment shall be with multiple measures (but only the SAT-9 results are published) •Since 1995 there have been several changes in the law concerning assessment •Education continues to be “saved” by the POD (program of the day) •Most teachers are dedicated to doing the best for all their students
Laws are guidelines and should assist in creating a balance between mandates and reality. • GATE law is not a mandate but it does encourage innovation and creativity to meet the needs of gifted students.
“There is nothing so unequal as the equal treatment of unequal people” Thomas Jefferson
Lunch Break When you come back have ready for discusson: Planning for Standards Based Learning Green Sheet
Certification Requirements • Attend all five sessions plus two conferences. • Meet timeline requirements for assignments. • Prepare reflections on readings. • Plan, develop and present three related standards-based lessons which demonstrate the use of teaching and learning strategies used to differentiate for gifted students. This unit will be scored against the NAGC rubric.
Time Line: GATE Certification • September 29 • Differentiated lesson - hard and electronic copy • October 28 • Sharing of lessons at Fall GATE Conference using NAGC Rubric - 14 copies to share • January 26 • Revised first differentiated instruction lesson due. • Second differentiated lesson (hard and electronic copy) • Second reflection from participants on implementation of second differentiated lesson - hard and electronic copy
February 23 • Revised second differentiated lesson - if needed • Third differentiated lesson - hard/electronic copy • Third reflection from participants on implementation of lesson - hard/electronic copy • March 30 • -Send differentiated unit - hard/electrionic copy to Siskiyou COE • April 21 • Share unit - Spring GATE Conference - 14 copies Send all copies to: Heidi Jandowski, 609 South Gold Street, Yreka, CA 96097 Heidi@sisnet.ssku.k.12.ca.us
Lesson Plan Template Tiered lesson planning
Activity: Lesson Plan Template • In your group review the Planning for Standards Based Learning template. • Each participant select a possible theme for a lesson and share with your group how you might get started using the guide.
Tiered Lesson Skill: Dribbling and Basketball Dribble from point A to point B in a straight line with one hand. Switch to the other hand and repeat. Use either hand and develop a new floor pattern Zigzag one hand then the other hand Increased speed Change pattern to simulate going around an opponent In and out of pylons as fast as possible Dribble with one hand - partner playing defense Increase speed and change hands