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Endocrine System Histology and Models

Endocrine System Histology and Models. ENDOCRINE SYSTEM Dry Lab Questions. Function: maintain homeostasis Thymus gland (site of maturation of white blood cells) Thyroid gland (secretes thyroid hormone and calcitonin) Parathyroid gland (secretes parathyroid hormone)

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Endocrine System Histology and Models

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Endocrine System Histology and Models

  2. ENDOCRINE SYSTEMDry Lab Questions • Function: maintain homeostasis • Thymus gland(site of maturation of white blood cells) • Thyroid gland (secretes thyroid hormone and calcitonin) • Parathyroid gland (secretes parathyroid hormone) • Adrenal gland (secretes aldosterone) • Pituitary gland (secretes FSH, etc. The neurohypophysis stores and releases hormones produced in the hypothalamus) • Ovary (also an endocrine gland; secretes estrogen) • Testes (secretes testosterone) • Pancreas (secretes insulin; lack= diabetes mellitus)

  3. ENDOCRINE MODELS • Thyroid gland • Adrenal gland • Thymus gland • Pituitary gland • Pineal gland • Ovary/Testes • Pancreas

  4. Adrenal and Thyroid glands

  5. Thyroid Gland

  6. Ovary

  7. Testes

  8. Pancreas

  9. Spleen Duodenum Pancreas

  10. Gall bladder Spleen Kidney Pancreas

  11. Adrenal gland Kidney

  12. ENDOCRINE HISTOLOGY • Ovary • Testes • Pancreas • Thyroid gland

  13. Ovary Skip

  14. Testes

  15. Testes Seminiferous tubules

  16. Pancreas Acinar cells (secrete enzymes) Islet of Langerhans (secretes insulin)

  17. Thyroid Gland Secretes calcitonin and thyroid hormone

  18. Thyroid Gland

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