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Music at Bromsgrove Preparatory School

Music at Bromsgrove Preparatory School Prep School Teaching Staff. Miss Miller is Head of Preparatory School Music Mrs Bayliss is in charge of Junior Music Miss Coulson teaches KS2 Music

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Music at Bromsgrove Preparatory School

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Music at BromsgrovePreparatory School

  2. Prep School Teaching Staff. Miss Miller is Head of Preparatory School Music Mrs Bayliss is in charge of Junior Music Miss Coulson teaches KS2 Music

  3. The choir meets three times a week. Their main commitment is to sing in Chapel every Tuesday. They also sing in concerts throughout the year and other special occasions. In May 2010 the choir are going on tour to Edinburgh.

  4. Ensembles form a large part of the life at Bromsgrove Preparatory School. -Junior Band -Junior Choir Steel Pans -Jazz Group -Samba Band And a number of smaller groups practise on an informal basis. • We currently have: • Orchestra • Flute Group • Prep School Choir • String Group • Brass Band • Rock School • Recorders

  5. Groups cater for a variety of standards and ages. Rehearsals are held each week both in the Music School and around the Preparatory School. Ensembles have many opportunities to perform, at end of term concerts and other events throughout the year.

  6. Instrumental Lessons Instrumental lessons take place every week in the Music School. Lessons last 40 minutes. Lessons are available on a huge variety of instruments and of course, singing! If you are interested in receiving instrumental lessons, please contact Miss Donnelly, the Music Administrator.

  7. Class room music happens in the Keystage 2 classroom for junior pupils, whilst the seniors are taught in the Keyboard Lab. They follow a wide and varied curriculum, looking at different styles and forms of music

  8. Pupils explore music through: • Composition • Listening • Performance • Appraisal of work Whilst numerous instruments are used in class, singing forms a large part of lessons. Visits to Symphony Hall, workshops and visiting musicians help enrich the curriculum.

  9. Bromsgrove Music School is a fun and exciting place to be! The opportunities are endless. Please come and join us!

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