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The Online Bargain Basement

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The Online Bargain Basement

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K. The Online Bargain Basement Kathi Kearney Carolyn K.

    2. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K.

    3. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K. How do I choose? Thoroughly review any course you are considering Dont be a slave to the curriculum Curriculum is a tool, not an end in itself

    4. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K. Review Review ALL the course materials Review each lesson and activity Make sure course meets the students needs Academic requirements Learning style Easy to use

    5. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K. Do a trial run Some kids respond better than others to online learning Have the child run a few lessons Consider both your reactions and the childs reactions to online learning in general the particular curriculum

    6. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K. How to use Online Curriculum Make sure someone in the school can be available to support the child Technical support Content support Keep child motivated Keep records, if the curriculum doesnt include record keeping

    7. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K. Keep records Use a planner or logbook Track daily progress

    8. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K. Engage in discussion Set aside discussion time Online education can be a little lonely Discussion can be with Teacher Mentor or older student Classroom volunteer or aide

    9. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K. Just in case If you are completely dependent on an online course for complete instruction Print out some or all instructional materials Download the course website WebWhacker** Websites occasionally change to fee-based or disappear

    10. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K. Select a course Course materials completely free Course must be substantial Full semester or years material Course must provide high school course content, or substantial enrichment

    11. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K. Where to find courses? Pre-reviewed collection of high school (and early college) level courses, all free (Free) Online High School Courses & Curriculum Materials www.hoagiesgifted.org/online_hs.htm

    12. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K. Free Online High School Courses English Mathematics Science Social Studies Physical Education Computers Electives Foreign Languages Fine Arts

    13. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K. English Composition Grammar Literature Writing Creative Screenwriting Journalism Debate

    14. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K. Score Cyberguides Online literature units www.sdcoe.k12.ca.us/score/cyberguide.html

    15. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K.

    16. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K.

    17. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K. Mathematics Algebra I Geometry Calculus Pre-calculus AB and BC Calculus Probability & Statistics

    18. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K. Monterey Institute AP courses AP Courses Calculus AB and BC Environmental Science Physics B and C U.S. Government U.S. History www.archive.org/details/ap_courses

    19. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K.

    20. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K.

    21. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K. ALEKS Artificial intelligence-based learning system K-12 plus higher education math Not quite free, but $35 / 12 months / child for K-12 schools 48 hour free trial www.aleks.com

    22. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K.

    23. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K.

    24. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K.

    25. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K. Science AP Biology General Chemistry I and II Physics I AP Physics B & C Environmental Science Including AP Environmental Science

    26. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K. MIT Open Courseware MIT Freshman Physics course Including video lectures, notes, tests, worksheets, and more! http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/Physics/8-01Physics-IFall1999/CourseHome

    27. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K.

    28. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K. Social Science AP U.S. History AP U.S. Government Free Enterprise Western Civilization

    29. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K. Digital History Resources for AP U.S. History Text Exhibits Multimedia presentations Primary documents www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/

    30. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K.

    31. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K.

    32. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K.

    33. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K. Physical Education Gym on the web?? Access to local facility required

    34. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K. BYU Independent Study Exercise Sciences Bowling Swimming http://ce.byu.edu/courses/pe/999052076004/public/start.htm

    35. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K.

    36. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K.

    37. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K. Computers Computer Literacy Microsoft Office Products Internet Literacy Computer Programming Web Page Authoring Java, Linux, XML, and more

    38. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K. WebTeacher Web basics Browsing E-mail Multimedia Creating a web page Peripherals Digital camera FTP Virus protection Using the web in the classroom www.webteacher.org/

    39. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K.

    40. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K.

    41. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K.

    42. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K. Electives - Foreign Languages French, Spanish, German Italian, Mandarin Chinese Icelandic, Portuguese Ancient Greek Modern Greek Elementary, intermediate & advanced And more!

    43. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K. BBC Languages Exploratory & beginner language courses in a variety of languages Record the video series overnight MP3 downloads for phrase practice www.bbc.co.uk/languages/

    44. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K.

    45. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K.

    46. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K. U. of Texas -- Austin College French class Complete with interactive exercises, and sound files www.laits.utexas.edu/fi/

    47. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K.

    48. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K.

    49. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K. Annenberg Media Teacher Resources Course Library Hundreds of courses Grade levels K college Free video on demand (VoD) Plus many courses have DVD for sale www.learner.org/resources/browse.html

    50. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K.

    51. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K.

    52. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K.

    53. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K. Free Online Text Materials Full texts and additional resources in Science Math Geography Arts & Humanites Psychology Collections www.hoagiesgifted.org/online_texts.htm

    54. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K. (Free) Materials for Gifted Classrooms Posters, maps, and student guides C-SPAN Human Genome Landmarks Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) Women are Scientists And more! www.hoagiesgifted.org/materials.htm

    55. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K. Internet Investigations Free curriculum units Libraries EconEdLink economics EDSITEment humanities Illuminations mathematics NASA Explores space National Geographic Lesson Plans Nova And many more www.hoagiesgifted.org/investigations.htm

    56. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K. Internet Investigations Individual units Anatomy of a Murder: A Trip Through Our Nation's Legal Justice System Bens' Guide to Government Choices and Consequences by Court TV h.i.p. Pocket Change History through U.S. coins IMAGERS (U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)) Philosophy for Kids And many more!

    57. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K. Online Bargain Basement Internet is full of free courses, curriculum units, and resources for the classroom Check out the deals in the Online Bargain Basement! Questions?

    58. Copyright 2006 Kathi Kearney & Carolyn K. The Online Bargain Basement Thanks for coming down!

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