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The Science and Art of Homeopathy by Patricia Feijo. Case 1: Male, 11 yr. old. CC: Juvenile arthritis, bilateral knee swelling. Stiffness and swelling in both knees. Began 2 yr. ago, March 95, L knee stiffness. Noticed lying on the couch one day, home from school, during a snow storm.
The Science and Art of Homeopathy by Patricia Feijo
Case 1: Male, 11 yr. old. CC: Juvenile arthritis, bilateral knee swelling • Stiffness and swelling in both knees. Began 2 yr. ago, March 95, L knee stiffness. Noticed lying on the couch one day, home from school, during a snow storm. • CHRONOLOGICAL SUMMARY OF MEDICAL TREATMENTS: • 7/1/94 Body Rash ( IC Hydroxyzine 10 mg./eml syrup BDC) • 3/1/95 First sign of inflammation of L knee & stiffness. Fluid removed from knee for testing (IC IBU 400 mg. tab BOO ) • 3/10/95 Blood test showed Strep in blood ( IC Penicillin VK 250 mg/ eml LIQ 81 C) • 3/15/96 Medical Center Evaluation of L knee ( IC Naproxen 250 mg. tab MYC and IC Penicillin VK 250 mg. tab MYL) Test showed Juvenile arthritis • 4/15/95 Inflammation of R knee , L knee still inflamed ( IC Naproxen 250 mg. tab)
Case 1: Male, 11 yr. old. CC: Juvenile arthritis, bilateral knee swelling • 4/27/95 Medication changed (to IC Indomethacin 25 mg cap MYC) • 1/ 1996 Has been on Indocin 25mg since 4/27/95 Knees still swollen, R worse. Started on Pycnogenol • It is noted in the medical records that since the boy’s illness he has had insomnia , seems depressed, does not apply himself at school or at home. The parents are especially concerned about his lack of motivation and apathy. • 5/17/96 Seen by a new doctor, an MD specializing in “environmental medicine”, who put the boy on an extreme elimination/challenge diet to search for food triggers related to symptoms. Put on a “host” of nutritional supplements including antioxidants, and Nystatin (2 tsp.. 2x a day) Off Indocin. • 8/ 97 Some improvement; no fever and joints not as red hot. Still morning stiffness and stiffness on flexion, L knee swollen. No foods seem implicated, father is trying different supplements on his own. Doctor suggests he read a book, The Road Back. Suggests he see him again in 6 months.
12/20/97 Homeopathic evaluation: Case 1: Male, 11 yr. old • Stiffness in knees, W night, waking, overextending , cold, damp B gentle motion ( after walking about 20 steps). Holds on to handrails to go up/down stairs. • His knees become swollen when playing soccer. Tells me he likes gym class and recess. Says in gym he can’t stretch and is unable to do some things he used to do. Doesn’t like some teachers, they think he’s a trouble maker (acts out in class.) Father says teachers report a short attention span with hyperactivity. Lack of motivation, apathy, and poor memory. • He has a hard time sleeping (3), and wakes irritable(2). Favorite food : cheese, sweets, and milk (3). • Not much appetite, nausea after eating (2). Dry, itchy scalp (Seborrhea) (2). • He feels sad, but does not cry much. He fears death, and his legs getting worse. He likes to play on the computer, make things, and draw.
12/20/97 Homeopathic evaluation: Case 1: Male, 11 yr. old • GUIDING SYMPTOMS : Stiffness, Knee, on beginning to move - Rhus Tox (3) • after sitting - Rhus Tox (3) Rheumatic - Rhus Tox (3) • Swelling, Knee, Rheumatic - Rhus Tox (2) • Milk, desire - Rhus Tox (3) • Nausea, after eating - Rhus Tox (3) • Irritability, on waking - Rhus Tox (1) • Sleeplessness, from sadness - Rhus Tox (1) sm.. • Fear death - Rhus Tox (2) • Sadness, in children - Rhus Tox (1) sm.. • Sadness, from reverse of fortune - Rhus Tox (1) • Sadness, as from misfortune - Rhus Tox (1) • Indifference, while in company - Rhus Tox (1) • Aversion to mental work - Rhus Tox (2) • Assessment: Rhus Tox, single dose, 200c
1/19/98 One Month Follow Up: Case 1: Male, 11 yr. old • Improved dramatically. Running better, accuracy better. Schoolwork and attitude improved. • He is eating better, with more appetite. No more nausea. Scalp better. • Knees not swollen, very little stiffness. He falls asleep easily at night, and is waking earlier. Much happier. • (The father commented that he saw the return of his son in body and in spirit, noting that homeopathy did for his son in just a few weeks what no doctor had been able to do.) • Assessment: Wait • 6/ 1998 • 5 months later, the boy reports feeling fine with no symptoms of arthritis. He’s enjoying running as he used to do, playing sports and even climbing ropes! No drug , nutrients, or homeopathic remedy needed since the single dose of Rhus Tox.
Case 2: Female Dog , 4 ½ yr.. old , 49 pds. CC: Polyerosive arthritis of greyhounds, affecting R front leg, hip, and back (spine) • Result of ‘accidental breeding’ from a kennel , given to the Animal Rescue League because she could never race. Adopted at about 6 mo. of age, she was thin and walked pigeon toed. Her back legs would give out. Two mo.. later she fell, slipped on grass, and fractured the right back leg, and was put in a cast with ensuing cartilage damage (from disuse). She stopped eating, developed a bacterial infection with diarrhea, was treated with tetracycline and doxycycline. She fell again the following month. She has since had a R hip replacement and R front knee plate. She is on prednisone 2x a day, 1.25 mg. for the last couple of months.
Case 2: Female Dog , CC: Polyerosive arthritis • 3 weeks ago her R side became hot and tight (3). Was given tetracycline. Very swollen, she still looks “ready to burst”. Her appetite is good, but her stools are loose, orange (2). Urine is concentrated, no thirst even in heat (3). She does not tolerate heat, and likes to be outside especially in the cold (3). She loves lying in cold, wet grass, seems to feel better (3). Her skin is thin, fragile, and very dry and flaky.(2) She has anemia, and hypothyroid (low T4) and recurring cystitis. • She limps in a frenzy all over my office, very active (3) but clumsy (3), bumping into things she moves so quickly. Her owner says she loves people and attention, and is extremely jealous (4). She fears abandonment, and being left alone(3). She often screams in pain, and in a demanding way. She is sensitive and becomes anxious easily. In a house with many other animals ( about 40 ) she has established herself as the dominant dog. Lies on the owners bed and allows no one else on. She is scarred from fights with other dogs. Can be aggressive(2), to protect and get what she wants (3). Most of the time maintains hyperactivity. Requires assistance to get on her feet from a lying position.
Case 2: Female Dog , CC: Polyerosive arthritis Guiding (Characteristic) Symptoms : • Modalities : W heat ; afternoon ; closed, heated rooms ; R side • B cold ; open air ; cold bathing • Guiding (Characteristic) Symptoms: Jealousy - Apis 2 ( in women, Apis only) • Fear, alone - Apis 2 • Fruitlessly busy - Apis 2 • Awkward, Apis 1 (drops things, Apis 3 ) • Thirstless - Apis 3 ( during heat, Apis 3) • Extremeties, Inflammation, Joints - Apis 3 • Assessment: Apis 12c , 2x day
Case 2: Female Dog , CC: Polyerosive arthritis Follow Up : • 10-5-94 One month Follow Up: • Not so swollen, much better . More healthy energy , more content. Has not screamed in pain once since taking the remedy. Is being weaned off Prednisone. • Loose stools , orange/ brown. Urine scanty, not thirsty. Skin improving, not so dry. R back foot pad healed ; deformed growth sloughed off. • Continue Apis 12c • 4-19-95 • Off prednisone for several mths, hair grew back. • Skin good, brown firm stools. Eating well, drinking more water, urine somewhat scanty, no cystitis. Can get up on own. Moving about much better, more comfortable. Achy when the weather changes.