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Radiation Safety Training Annual Refresher Training. Eric R. Call Radiation Safety Officer. Annual Refresher Training. The University at Albany is committed to Radiation protection plan of highest quality, in compliance with NY State regulations.
Radiation Safety TrainingAnnual Refresher Training Eric R. Call Radiation Safety Officer
Annual Refresher Training The University at Albany is committed to Radiation protection plan of highest quality, in compliance with NY State regulations. Ensuring University personnel and members of the public exposure to radioactivity and all sources of ionizing radiation are maintained ALARA.
Refresher Training Concepts: • Radioactivity Basics • ALARA Concepts • Exposure limits • Safety Responsibilities • Emergency Procedures • Regulatory References
Radioactivity Basics Radioactivity – The spontaneous nuclear transformation of an unstable atom that often results in the release of radiation, also referred to as disintegration or decay. Units Curie(Ci) the activity in one standard gram of Radium = 3.7 x 1010 disintegrations per second Becquerel (Bq) 1 disintegration per second – International Units (SI)
Radioactivity Basics Radiation – Energy in transit in the form of electromagnetic waves (gamma-γ or x-ray), or high speed particles ( alpha-α, beta-β, neutron-η, etc.) Ionizing Radiation – Radiation with sufficient energy to remove electrons during interaction with an atom, causing it to become charged or ionized. • Can be produce by radioactive decay or by accelerating charged particles across an electric potential.
Radioactivity Basics Roentgen Rthe unit of exposure to Ionizing Radiation. The amount of γ or x-ray radiation required to produce 1.0 electrostatic unit of charge in 1.0 cubic centimeter of dry air. Radthe unit of absorbed dose. Equal to 100 ergs per gram of any material from any radiation. SI unit = Gray 1 Gray = 100 rads REMthe unit of absorbed dose equivalent. The energy absorbed by the body based on the damaging effect for the type of radiation. REM =Rad x Quality Factor SI unit = Sievert 1 Sv = 100 Rem
ALARA The University at Albany is committed to an effective Radiation Protection Program such that all exposures to ionizing radiation and levels of radioactivity to University personnel, members of the public and the environment are maintained As Low As Reasonably Achievable.
ALARA A philosophy, necessary to maintain personnel exposure or the release of radioactivity to the environment well below applicable limits by means of a good radiation protection plan, through education, administrative controls and safe lab practices.
ALARA Principles TIME • Minimize your time near the source, prepare for your protocol • Do not rush your experiment, work efficiently • Rehearse, do mock trials without radioactivity • Perform work outside controlled area
ALARA Principles Distance • Use remote handling tools, or work at arms length • Maximize distance from source of radiation • Inverse Square Law – radiation intensity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source
ALARA Principles Shielding • Any material between a source of radiation and personnel will attenuate some of the energy, and reduce exposure • Select proper shielding material for type of radiation, use less dense material for β’s, to minimize Bremsstrahlung (braking) radiation
ALARA Principles Containment – Protecting yourself and others, and containing the source of exposure • Always wear protective lab coat, gloves, and eyewear when handling unsealed radioactivity • Post areas of possible radiation exposure, and clearly define radioactive work areas • Do not engage in practices that will increase the possibility of release, inhalation, ingestion or absorption of radioactivity- Do Not Eat Or Drink In Labs • Perform post work surveys, to detect and prevent the spread of radioactive contamination • Segregate and minimize radioactive waste, minimize and monitor sanitary sewer discharges
Occupational Exposure Limits The University at Albany has adopted NY State and Federal (NRC) guidelines for limits on occupational exposure. From any source of radiation no individual adult shall receive a dose that exceeds: • The annual limit, which is the more limiting of: • The total effective dose equivalent equal to 5000 mrem, or • The sum of the deep dose equivalent and the committed dose equivalent to any individual organ or tissue other than the lens of the eye, being equal to 50,000 mrem. • The annual limits to the lens of the eye, to the skin and to the extremities which are: • An eye dose equivalent of 15,000 mrem • A shallow dose equivalent of 50,000 mrem to the skin or any extremity.
Occupational Exposure Limits Prenatal Radiation Exposure Any University at Albany female radiation worker may voluntarily notify the RSO of her pregnancy. This declaration must be in writing.The University adheres to limits for prenatal exposure outlined in NRC regulatory guide 8.13, available at the EH&S Office. • Dose to the embryo/fetus during the entire pregnancy, from occupational exposure to a declared pregnant woman, shall not exceed 500 mrem. • Exposure will be monitored on a monthly basis, to ensure a uniform rate, avoiding substantial variations. • This lower dose limit shall remain in effect until the declaration is withdrawn or the woman is no longer pregnant.
Safety Responsibilities Radiation Safety Committee • Granted authority from the Office of the President of the University • Comprised of senior management personnel and representation from departments where radiation or radioactivity is used • Shall approve all use of radioactive materials and radiation producing equipment within the facility • Establish and review an effective, safe Radioactive Protection plan, and the activities of the Radiation Safety Officer
Safety Responsibilities Radiation Safety Committee Radiation Safety Officer • Has been delegated authority to ensure the implementation of the Radiation Protection Program and is responsible for the day to day conduct of the program • Is a member of the RSC, and brings issues of compliance, efficiency and safety to the committee for resolution • Provides technical assistance and guidance to all users of radioactive material or radiation producing equipment
Safety Responsibilities Radiation Safety Committee Radiation Safety Officer Principle Investigator • Individuals authorized by the RSC to use radiation producing equipment or possess radioactive material, and supervise their use • Responsible for compliance with all guidelines, policies, and safety procedures set forth in the University’s Radiation Protection Plan • Supervisory person directly responsible for training and safety in the lab
Radiation Workers Responsibilities • Any individual who may use radioactive material or who may operate equipment that emits radiation, is responsible for compliance with the general safety requirements in the Radiation Safety Manual • Be familiar with and follow specific instructions for protocols and radiation protection provided by the Principle Investigator and Radiation Safety Officer • Keep radiation exposure to the lowest achievable by using protective devices and appropriate ALARA principles • Wear designated radiation monitoring badges and rings, if required
Radiation Workers Responsibilities • Maintain good lab practices and good housekeeping in radioactive materials labs • Do Not Eat, Drink, Smoke or Apply cosmetics in areas approved for radioactive material use • Monitor the area and equipment prior to, during and after the use of unsealed radioactivity, and repairs or modifications to radiation producing equipment • Report suspected spills or releases of radioactivity immediately to the RSO • Report any condition which may lead to or cause a violation in our Radiation Protection Plan • Become familiar with emergency responses that may involve personnel exposure to radiation or radioactivity
Emergency Response Unsafe radiological conditions should be promptly reported to the RSO in the EH&S Office,442-3495. After hours, call 911 Campus Police (or 9-911 on East Campus) to report emergencies such as personnel contamination, radioactive spills, lost or stolen radioactive material (including waste) or other potentially hazardous conditions. Any accident involving medical emergencies, shall take priority over the concern for radioactivity.
Spill Procedures All spills of radioactivity should be cleaned up as soon as possible to prevent the spread of contamination. Notify the RSO for assistance and supervision. • Notify others in the area to the presence of the spill • Isolate the contaminated area, using physical boundaries or radiological rope or tape from your spill kit • Prevent the spread of contamination, cover liquid spills with absorbent material, dry spills with damp material • Survey spill area boundaries and personnel for contamination • Notify laboratory PI and RSO
Regulatory References The University at Albany’s Radiation Protection plan is outlined in the University’s Radiation Safety Manual. It is governed and licensed by NY State Department of Health (10 NYCRR 16), and regulations by NY Dept. of Environmental Conservation and Transportation. In strict compliance with regulations of the federal government.
Have a Safety Question? Give Us A Call At: 442-3495 Environmental Health & Safety
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