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Mis Sold PPI- What to Do

If you have mis sold PPI then there is provision to file PPI claims to get compensation for your losses. You can write former letter to your lender for compensation and further contact to FOS for full compensation of your losses. For more details visit: http://www.ppiclaims.uk.com/

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Mis Sold PPI- What to Do

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PPI Claims Welcome to http://www.ppiclaims.uk.com/

  2. About mis sold PPI: • It has been noticed that loans and mortgages that were sold in last ten years comes with PPI protection and in most cases it was sold as compulsory product with lending product. In such situation, people have to buy this payment coverage product even they do not need that. All such PPI plans that were sold with such misconceptions comes under the category of Mis sold PPI. Banks are legally obliged to pay back the amount to consumers.

  3. What is mis sold ppi claim • If you have a mis sold PPI then you are entitled to make PPI claim in order to get back the amount that was out. There is legal provision with the efforts of FSA and FOS for banks to pay back the entire amount to the victims who have faced financial losses due to mis selling of PPI. Banks are obliged to pay back full compensation to the victims for their losses. Entire process will complete under supervision of FOS. At the end of mis sold PPI claim process, you will win compensation for your losses.

  4. PPI claims Benefits • If you have been paying unnecessarily premiums for payment protection insurance and faces financial losses with it due to unfair trading practice of banks then it is your legal right to get back your entire amount. PPI claim is quite beneficial in this context. You will get back your all amount that was out at the end of the process. You can arrange PPI claim process for yourself and hence you can save fee for the process.

  5. Can I claim for older ppi plans • You can claim for PPI plans that are not more than six years old. Claims can be made even you have clear off all payments. • If you have PPI plan more than six years old that is still alive then also you can claim to get your money back • If your policy is more than six years old then there is lower chances of recovery. However, if you have all your documents safe then you may file claim to get back the compensation.

  6. What to do if banks refuses to pay back • If your bank refuses to pay back the amount on certain grounds or doesn’t make any response to your claim letter then you may contact to Financial Ombudsman Services for further process. Further, you will need to follow the instructions guided by them in order to get back the compensation amount. You should know that it will take time to complete the process. So keep patience till the end of the process to get back your amount.

  7. Thank you !!! For more information please visit at: http://www.ppiclaims.uk.com/

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