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Top 5 ias toppers success stories to follow

Preparing for UPSC civil services or IAS exam? Just follow these topper success stories and you will get lots of things which will help you in your preparation.

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Top 5 ias toppers success stories to follow

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  1. Top 5 IAS Toppers Success Stories to Follow The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) declared the final result for Civil Services Examination on its official website upsc.gov. So, let us take a look at the top 5 IAS Toppers Success Stories to Follow. Sumit Kumar Sumit Kumar attained 53rd Rank in his 3rd attempt in Civil Services Examination, 2018. Sumit Kumar completed his B.Tech from IIT Kanpur in 2013. He then joined Prince Waterhouse Coopers, a consultancy firm. Sumit left his job and stated preparation in 2015. He had chosen Anthropology as his optional subject. He stated that time management is a key factor while making preparations as well as in writing examination papers, be it Prelims or Main Examination. In addition, he said group discussions, making quick notes; practice etc. saves a lot of time for the candidate. Competition Magazines is also beneficial for current affairs he further adds. Akshay Agrawal Akshay Agrawal attained 43rd Rank in his 1st attempt in Civil Services Examination, 2018. He was doing his postgraduate studies in Singapore and left his high-paying job in Singapore to prepare for Civil Service Examination. Previously, he got selected in Indian Economic Service Examination 2018, with AIR-4. He stated that good writing speed is very important during the examination time. Akshay said that competition magazines are a good source of inspiration for aspirants since they present many success stories. Also, they are excellent sources to cover current affairs which are necessary for this exam. Shubham Gupta Shubham Gupta attained 6th Rank in his 4th attempt in Civil Services Examination, 2018. Shubham Gupta is an Economic graduate from Delhi College of Arts and Commerce, Delhi University. He started his preparation for Civil Service Examination in 2015. His second attempt helped him crack the CSE exam 2016. Shubham secured 366 Rank and got him Indian Audit and Accounts Service. Finally, in his fourth attempt he achieved 6th rank and accomplished his goal of becoming an IAS officer. He stated that Dedication, Commitment and Perseverance are the formula of his success. Ginjan Dwivedi Ginjan Dwivedi attained 9th Rank in his 3rd attempt in Civil Services Examination, 2018. Ginjan said that her inspiration came from her father who is a retired IPS officer. He has been her childhood role model. She achieved this feat in her third attempt and secured 9th rank in the examination. Ginjan stated that patience, dedication and hard work are the secret to her

  2. success. She also adds that one should never lose hope while preparing for the exam. Read, revise and practice are the strategy she followed during her preparation. Junaid Ahmad Junaid Ahmad attained 3rd Rank in his fifth attempt in Civil Services Examination, 2018. To prepare for the civil services exam, the UPSC topper used to study for five to six hours every day. He got rank 352 in the civil services exams last year, but his persistent hard work helped him eventually become the UPSC third topper. Previously, he was training as an IRS at a Faridabad academy. Junaid said that hard work, patience and perseverance are the things which are required to crack this exam. So, if you want to read such success stories and important IAS preparation tips from toppers and get inspired, then subscribe to Readersbuzz, India’s leading e-magazine on current affairs. The online blog helps aspirants with latest contents on banking, general knowledge, IAS interview, toppers success stories, technology related information, upcoming exams etc. To read more, visit the website: https://www.readersbuzz.com/.

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