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State of the Agency Wayne ARC

State of the Agency Wayne ARC. Presentation December 9, 2008 Bret Vanzo David Calhoun President Executive Director . Agenda. Accomplishments for 2008 Strategic Planning Goals for 2009 Years of Service Recognition and acknowledgements Board Actions

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State of the Agency Wayne ARC

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Presentation Transcript

  1. State of the AgencyWayne ARC Presentation December 9, 2008 Bret Vanzo David Calhoun President Executive Director

  2. Agenda • Accomplishments for 2008 • Strategic Planning Goals for 2009 • Years of Service Recognition and acknowledgements • Board Actions • Health Reimbursement Account • Board Actions: Bonus

  3. Accomplishments for 2008 • “Farm Restaurant” gifted by Jim and Lindsey Redmond, renamed the “Lindsey Redmond Wayne ARC Center” • Family Support Services approval of 4 Parent Support Groups • Implemented Wage and Salary Upgrades • Received approval of building modifications for the Medical Model Day Habilitation program

  4. Accomplishments for 2008 • 26th Annual Golf Tournament netted $20,000.00 • First Annual Canal Walk, in partnership with the United Way, 164 walkers and $5,000.00 raised • Awarded a Wage Subsidy program through Wayne County DSS • Received initial approval of the Spring Farm project, including Everybody Rides

  5. Accomplishments for 2008 • Training and implementation of FISH philosophy in all residential locations • Developed the new Quality Assurance department • Added Corporate Compliance as an e-learning in-service training • Relocated an IRA from Maple Court to East Miller street • Continued participation in the Disabilities Certificate Program furthering the education of 6 residential staff

  6. Accomplishments for 2008 • Finalized computerization project to document residential habilitation • Renovated Harrison Street building • The Agency’s Perk Committee developed an Agency wide Volunteer Program • Employee of the Quarter and Employee of the Year program was developed and implemented

  7. Accomplishments for 2008 • Hired a Purchasing Agent and started bulk purchasing • Developed a new Nursing Department • Developed new training room at Harrison Street with all new AV equipment • Redesigned the Agency Web Site • Developed Agency Intranet site

  8. Accomplishments for 2008 • Increased enrollment at RCC • Over 500 individuals were served by the MSC department • Renovation of 150 Van Buren Street kitchen • The Agency’s Annual Appeal netted over $3500.00

  9. Strategic Plan • Goal 1:Increase the awareness of Wayne ARC to promote the organization and its services • Goal 2: Provide programs and services that meet the changing needs of our community • Goal 3: Expand and develop collaboration with other organizations

  10. Strategic Plan • Goal 4: Increase the capacity and efficiency of the organization • Goal 5: Recruit and retain a highly qualified workforce • Goal 6: Enhance the technological capacity of Wayne ARC to fully meet its mission

  11. Strategic Plan • Goal 7: Strengthen financial stability • Goal 8: Identify and provide services to unserved and underserved populations • A Progress Report on the Objectives and Activities are available to all staff

  12. New York State Budget Crisis • Fiscal Year 2008 $1.2 billion dollar deficit • FY 2009-10 budget deficit estimated to be about $ 8 billion, three year projection $47 billion • There will be State and Federal budget decisions which will impact our services • All new OMRDD development has been placed on hold • As of November, 2008, OMRDD has cut $200 million

  13. Wayne ARC Outlook • We are financially strong and viable • The FY 2009 Budget is conservative • We will all have to be cost conscious and frugal • We will have to limit Capital projects • Our greatest Strengths are our History, Community, membership with NYSARC and our dedicated staff, we can weather any storm.

  14. Years of Service Recognition • Attendance awards will be presented by Program Directors at staff meetings • I will call you up by Program and years of service. Please stand with your Program Director for pictures • Thank you all for your years of service and commitment to Wayne ARC

  15. Board Actions • Each year the Board of Directors of Wayne ARC takes separate votes on the following areas. • Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) • Longevity Pay • Health Care Dollars • Bonus

  16. Board Actions • The Board of Directors votes each year on these items and makes decisions based on the performance of the agency and our financial status • REMEMBER each year is a separate vote

  17. Board Actions • The Board of Directors at its December 1st meeting voted a 2% Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for all employees of Wayne ARC in 2009. Your COLA will be implemented on your COLA date • If you have questions regarding your COLA date please talk with your Program Director or Human Resources • The Cost for the 2009 COLA is $283,572.00

  18. Board Actions • The Board of Directors approved the continuation of Longevity Pay for employees • The Cost of Longevity Pay for 2009 is $60,314.00 • Total increase in wages and benefits for 2009 is $1,217,464.00 • Total Cost of wages and salaries for 2009 is $ 14,668,494.00 • Total Cost for Employee Benefits in 2009 is $ 3,435,161.00 • The amount listed above does not reflect year end bonuses

  19. Board Actions • HRA dollars will be at the same level as last year • Total cost of HRA dollars for 2009 will be $434,657.00 • Total HRA dollars paid by Wayne ARC from 2006-2009 is $1,656,652.00 • In order to assist staff with the higher cost of health insurance the Agency has covered a portion of the premium increase by $ 52,642.00

  20. Board Actions:Bonus • BONUS for consumers • Consumers will receive between $50.00 and $100.00 based on when they came into the program • The Bonus will be paid as a Wal-Mart gift card • Total Consumer bonus $26,375.00

  21. Board Actions: Bonus • This year the Board of Directors voted to give staff a Bonus for 2008 • The bonus will be paid on December 12th by separate check. The agency will pay FICA tax on your Bonus

  22. Board Actions:Bonus • For staff working full time they will receive a bonus of $1000.00 • Total Amount of December Bonus: $500,000.00 • In the past five years the Board of Directors has authorized bonuses totaling: $ 2,145,382.00

  23. Closing • The Agency Holiday Party is December 20th at the Holiday Inn in Waterloo • Thank you all for a very successful year at Wayne ARC • On behalf of the Board of Directors, myself and the Executive Staff, we wish you all a safe and happy holiday season and a prosperous new year.

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