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Program Overview

Program Overview. What: UW Educational Outreach : Tsunami Science and Preparedness Program Developed jointly by University of Washington and NOAA Sponsored by NOAA and USAID under the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System First offering in the International Tsunami Training Institute

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Program Overview

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Program Overview • What: • UW Educational Outreach: • Tsunami Science and Preparedness Program • Developed jointly by University of Washington and NOAA • Sponsored by NOAA and USAID under the Indian Ocean Tsunami WarningSystem • First offering in the International Tsunami Training Institute • Takes advantage of Pacific Northwest center of expertise in Tsunami Science and Preparedness • First cohort of participants from five Indian Ocean Countries impacted by the 2004 Sumatra Tsunami Page 1

  2. Program Overview • Why: • The integrating goal for this program is “Creating Tsunami Resilient Communities” • To achieve this we need: • Active collaboration among national, provincial and local emergency management agencies and local communities • Professionals who are aware of how their roles relate to national, regional and local efforts at disaster mitigation • Comprehensive, integrated summary level training in essential aspects of tsunami science, emergency planning and operational programs Page 2

  3. Program Overview • When: • July 22, 2007 – August 2, 2007 Two-week intensive suite of three courses • Where: • University of Washington Seattle Campus • Pacific County / Willapa Bay Field Trip (July 26) • Aberdeen Community Meeting (July 30) Page 3

  4. Program Overview • How: • The course topics include: • The science of tsunamis • Effective technologies for community-specific tsunami hazard assessment • Tsunami monitoring and warning systems • Tsunami mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery • Specifics of community level education and training • Tools for establishing national programs Page 4

  5. Program Overview • How: • In addition to standard instruction methods, these courses rely on: • Peer learning – multi disciplinary background of participants • Group discussions – country teams and mixed discipline teams • Authoring a Tsunami Resilient Community Planning Exercise for a specific community in each country • Access to a wide varietyof on-line resources including simulation tools and exercises Page 5

  6. Program Overview • Who: • Program staff – UWE, NOAA and USAID • Instructors and guest speakers – Northwest and U.S. tsunami hazard specialists • Participants from Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, India and the Maldives • Emergency managers and disaster responders • Government officials and planners • Scientists, engineers and modelers Page 6

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