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The Spiritual Significance of Karthika Purnima

In this period, devotees observe fast and pray to the goddess Durga to appease her and make their wishes come true. The rituals performed during this festival are extremely auspicious in nature, as they bless people with good health, wealth and prosperity in life.<br>

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The Spiritual Significance of Karthika Purnima

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  1. The Spiritual Significance of Karthika Purnima Karthika Purnima, also known as Kartika Masam or pournami, is one of the most important festivals celebrated in Hinduism. It is believed that this day marks the end of the dark fortnight, which starts on the new moon day of Durga Ashtami and ends on the new moon day of Kartiki Purnima. In this period, devotees observe fast and pray to the goddess Durga to appease her and make their wishes come true. The rituals performed during this festival are extremely auspicious in nature, as they bless people with good health, wealth and prosperity in life. What is Karthika Masam? Karthika Masam is a Hindu holy day that takes place in the month of Kartik. It is considered to be one of the most important holy days and is believed to be the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. The holiday celebrates Lord Vishnu's victory over the demon king Hiranyakashapu and his son, Prahalada. It also marks Lord Shiva's defeat over Taraka, who was an asura with great mystical powers. According to ancient mythology, Lord Vishnu began to feel pain on seeing how much trouble had been caused by these asuras. He took the form of Krishna and attempted to kill both Hiranya Kasipu and Prahlada but they were immortal because they had pleased Brahma by performing severe penances. So, instead, he tricked them into killing each other. In commemoration of this event, lamps are lit throughout India during this time period Reasons to fast on Karthika Masam Fasting on Kartika Masam, also known as the day Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva took their annual bath together after which they became refreshed and renewed, is believed to make devotees share in their divine joy. It is a time when everything that is old or tired in life is thrown out and replaced with the freshness of health, vigour and happiness. Fasting on Kartika Masam also helps prepare one for the great festival season ahead. In India, especially in South India, it is customary to offer prayers and fasts at the temple of Lord Shiva during this period. A special puja ritual called kalashabhisheka is performed by pouring water from a pot into the kalasha (vessel) atop a linga (stone phallus) symbolizing rebirth and renewal. Importance of Karthika Masam Karthika Masam is a day in which we pay respect to goddesses Saraswati, Lakshmi, and Parvathy. This day falls on the full moon during the month of Kartik. The significance to this festival is that it commemorates the return of Indra from exile with his wife Indrani. It is also believed that one can attain knowledge and wisdom by fasting and praying on this day. On the day of Kartika Masam, devotees keep strict fast. They are supposed to give up all their worldly desires like sex and food for at least 12 hours before they break their fast at night time. Fasting is done as part of worshipping goddess Sarasvati who personifies wisdom. Goddess Sarasvati teaches us to control our speech; words uttered should be truthful, useful, kind and necessary; words should be chosen carefully without exaggeration or omission so that no harm would come upon others through them.

  2. Karthika Snanm Karthika Masam is a very auspicious day for Hindus. It is the time when Goddess Durga descends on earth to set things right. The festival is celebrated for ten days as it marks the victory of light over darkness, good over evil and knowledge over ignorance. The fasting that takes place from sunrise to sunset also reflects the austerity and discipline required in life. This day is also important because it falls on a new moon day, which means that it's a good time for spiritual work and meditation. A dip in holy waters early morning is believed to be one of the holiest acts. A visit to temples like Tirupati Balaji or Vaishno Devi temple, taking part in pujas at home and observing fasts are other ways devotees observe this festival with utmost devotion. Karthika Somavaram Karthika Masam is a sacred day for Hindus. It celebrates the victory of Goddess Durga over the demon Mahishasura. On this day, devotees worship Goddess Durga in the form of the divine mother, with offerings such as flowers, sweets and light. The victory is believed to have taken place on October 18 or 19 and hence it is also called Kartik Poornima. It falls at the time when Uttarayana or the northward journey of the sun begins. There are many folk tales associated with this day that emphasize its significance and importance. Damodara Pooja Pooja can be done at any time, but the most auspicious day for Pooja is Karthika. It is believed that by performing Karthika Pooja on this day, one will be blessed with spiritual prosperity and all worldly desires fulfilled. By reading and listening to Bhagavad Gita, Durga Saptashati, Ramayana and Mahabharata on this day, it is believed that one will become an embodiment of knowledge and wisdom. The importance of reading scriptures on this day cannot be underestimated as it prepares one to face the upcoming challenges in life while also relieving oneself from worldly pains by gaining a true understanding of life. Benefits of fasting on karthika Chaturthi Karthikai Chaturthi is a holy day that falls on the full moon day in the month of Kartika. This occasion is celebrated by Hindus by fasting, praying and donating to charity. The benefits of fasting are numerous as it helps you purify your body, mind and soul. In addition, fasting provides you with an opportunity to reflect on your life, and past mistakes and come up with a plan for future successes. It also improves self-control which may lead to other positive changes in one's life such as giving up bad habits like smoking or drinking too much alcohol. Fasting has been found to improve one's concentration levels because it reduces stress hormones in the body which increases anxiety levels. Fasting can have physical effects such as weight loss, increased energy levels, improved mental clarity and better sleep patterns. Lastly, fasting gives one time to reconnect with his/her higher power through prayer and meditation. These reasons make fasting on Karthikai Chaturthi a rewarding experience both spiritually and physically

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