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The Dos and Don'ts of Maintaining Your Lab Storage Cabinet

Maintaining your lab storage cabinet requires diligence. Regular cleaning, proper organization, and weight management are essential. Avoid harsh chemicals and overloading shelves. Perform routine inspections to ensure safety and functionality, addressing any issues promptly. To know more in details, visit our website today: https://santechlab.com

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The Dos and Don'ts of Maintaining Your Lab Storage Cabinet

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Dos and Don'ts of Maintaining Your Lab Storage Cabinet

  2. 01 Do: Regular Cleaning Clean your lab storage cabinet regularly to remove dust, spills, and contaminants that could compromise the integrity of stored materials.

  3. 02 Don't: Use Harsh Chemicals Avoid using harsh cleaning chemicals or abrasive materials that could damage the cabinet's surface or leave behind residues that may contaminate stored items.

  4. 03 Do: Organize Contents Keep your lab storage cabinet organized by categorizing items, using labels, and implementing a systematic storage system to facilitate easy access and prevent clutter.

  5. 04 Don't: Overload Shelves Avoid overloading shelves beyond their weight capacity to prevent structural damage or collapse, which could endanger lab personnel and damage stored materials.

  6. 05 Do: Perform Regular Inspections Conduct routine inspections of your lab storage cabinet to check for signs of wear, damage, or malfunction, such as loose hinges, damaged seals, or corrosion, and address any issues promptly to maintain safety and functionality.

  7. Thank You for Reading. www.santechlab.com +91 98722 35402 contact@santechindia.com D 168, Santech Industries, Sas Nagar, Industrial Area, Sector 73, Mohali - 160055, Punjab, India

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