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This guide provides dos and don'ts for filling out job applications, including tips on preparation, following instructions, filling out information, and post-test analysis. It covers common concerns like leaving spaces blank, using correction fluid, and the importance of being accurate and truthful. Make sure to bring necessary documents, avoid common mistakes, and present yourself professionally. Enhance your chances of success in your job application process with these valuable insights.

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  2. FILLING OUT APPLICATIONS PRETEST • Is it ok to leave blank spaces on a job application? • Should you use white-out on a job application? • Is a necessity to request a specific salary. • Does information have to be consistent with your resume? • If unsure of an answer, it is ok to be vague? • Is it cheating if you proofread with a partner?

  3. ARRIVE PREPARED WITH WHAT YOU WILL NEED • Resume, social security card, driver’s license, etc. • Names & addresses of previous employers, as well as starting dates & salary information • Names, addresses & phone number of references

  4. ARRIVE PREPARED WITH WHAT YOU WILL NEED • Black pens (have extras) • Pocket Dictionary

  5. READ AND FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY • Review the entire application before you begin • Be sure to write your answers on the correct lines and in the right spaces

  6. COMPLETE THE APPLICATION THOROUGHLY & NEATLY • Print clearly – do not be in a rush • Think about your answers before you write them in

  7. COMPLETE THE APPLICATION ASTHOROUGHLY & NEATLY AS POSSIBLE • Don’t indicate specific salary requirements • Keep your information consistent with your resume

  8. ANSWER TRUTHFULLY, BUT DON’T PROVIDE NEGATIVE INFORMATION • Turn “negatives” into “positives” (such as “job ended” instead of “got fired”)

  9. DON’T • DON'T leave blank spaces. • DON'T be unclear. If the question calls for a specific answer, don't try to dodge it by being vague

  10. DON’T • DON'T use correction fluid. If you type your application, use a correctable typewriter or liftoff strips to correct mistakes. Better yet, fill out your application online • DON'T write in script.

  11. DO • DO make copies of applications, and practice filling one out before you complete the original • DO type or neatly print your answers, and then proofread the applications and essays several times for accuracy. Also ask someone else to proofread with you

  12. DO • DO make sure that everything that is supposed to be included is enclosed • DO fill out your own applications. Type the information yourself to avoid crucial mistakes

  13. DO • DO start with the simple applications and then progress to the more complex ones • DO describe how you can make a contribution to the companies to which you apply

  14. ONE FINAL THING: • If using a computer, be sure to use spell check

  15. POST TEST • What items would you bring with you when filling out a job application? • Can you use white-out on a job application? • Is it wise to have some one other than yourself look over an application? • Should you make a copy of applications that you fill out? • Is it common to skip filling out an application and say - see attached resume?

  16. Assignment • I will be handing out an application for you to practice with – • Please fill it out and return it to me in Thursday in class.

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