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Data analytics company

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Data analytics company

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How to Unlock Value in Data Using Data Visualizations[#VIZ] ChaitanyaSagar “CS”cs@perceptive-analytics.com 646.583.0001

  2. | Spreadsheet Solutions Data Analytics New York San Bruno Boston Hyderabad

  3. Our Services Spreadsheet Solutions Analytics Data Visualizations Marketing Marketing Mix ModelingPrice Promotion AnalysisCatalogue Optimization SegmentationWeb AnalyticsChurn Analysis Risk Management Credit Risk ManagementLiquidity Risk Management Capital Allocation Analysis Collateral Management Fraud Detection Supply Chain Inventory Optimization Demand Analytics Distribution Network Optimization Sourcing Analytics Freight Lane Analytics Verticals Consumer Packaged Goods Retail Healthcare

  4. Our Services Spreadsheet Solutions Analytics Dashboards Reporting Simulations Financial Modeling Spreadsheet Applications Contract Negotiation Litigation ModelingDecision Support Tools

  5. Location Strategy to Improve Effectiveness of a Branch Network perceptive-analytics.com/tag/case-study/

  6. Reinventing Coupons: Strategies for Successful Coupon Campaign perceptive-analytics.com/tag/case-study/

  7. Questions? Use ask-a-question feature in GoToWebinar cs@perceptive-analytics.com 646.583.0001 #VIZ

  8. Which industry do you work in? • Retail and Consumer Packaged Goods • Health Care • Banking, Financial Services and Insurance • Information Technology / Consulting/Others cs@perceptive-analytics.com 646.583.0001 #VIZ

  9. Which Function Do You Work In? • Analytics • BI • Sales and Marketing • IT • Finance/Operations / Human Resources cs@perceptive-analytics.com 646.583.0001 #VIZ

  10. Overview The need for visualizations How visualizations help unlock value How to build visualizations -Purpose -Design Tools Q&A Pic y HoriaVarlan cs@perceptive-analytics.com 646.583.0001 #VIZ

  11. The Need for Visualizations cs@perceptive-analytics.com 646.583.0001 #VIZ

  12. Our Needs Outgrew Charts More data! high dimensional ˠ cs@perceptive-analytics.com 646.583.0001 #VIZ

  13. Humans are Visual Brain can absorb large amounts of information and find patterns (and deviations!) Pic byDan Foy cs@perceptive-analytics.com 646.583.0001 #VIZ

  14. “Mind is a Pattern-Matching Machine” Edward De Bono Mechanism of the Mind (1969) cs@perceptive-analytics.com 646.583.0001 #VIZ

  15. cs@perceptive-analytics.com 646.583.0001 #VIZ

  16. Anscombe’s Quartet

  17. How are the Data Sets Different? • All four data sets are identical • Distribution is different • Median and Mode could be different • Not Sure cs@perceptive-analytics.com 646.583.0001 #VIZ

  18. Statistics May Hide Something cs@perceptive-analytics.com 646.583.0001 #VIZ

  19. Statistics and bikinis show a lot, but not everything. • Toby Harrah • American baseball player cs@perceptive-analytics.com 646.583.0001 #VIZ

  20. Where do Data Visualizations Fit in Data Analytics Process? cs@perceptive-analytics.com 646.583.0001 #VIZ

  21. Where does Data Visualization Fit in Data Analytics Process? cs@perceptive-analytics.com 646.583.0001 #VIZ

  22. How Visualizations Help Unlock Value cs@perceptive-analytics.com 646.583.0001 #VIZ

  23. Make Sense of Vast Data Quickly cs@perceptive-analytics.com 646.583.0001 #VIZ

  24. Make Sense of Vast Data Quickly cs@perceptive-analytics.com 646.583.0001 #VIZ

  25. Elicit Questions You Did Not Ask Before cs@perceptive-analytics.com 646.583.0001 #VIZ

  26. What should we do to make India a land of equal opportunity for all, free of prejudice and discrimination? • - Ratan Tata cs@perceptive-analytics.com 646.583.0001 #VIZ

  27. Sample Responses • @RNTata2000 in all democracies there is a gap on what ple want and what politicians r delivering,they r not doing the right thing, lobbying? • @bangaarm @RNTata2000 Budget 2012: This year is Tax Holiday. No income tax on your earnings. This is to bring back all the black money to India • @sri_v22 @RNTata2000 1. Kill corruption 2. Electoral reforms so that honest ple can get into politics 3. Media & activists should increase their role • @joseaaa @RNTata2000 Can't be articulated with 140 characters. Quality education for the masses is magic potion that can address most of the problem. • @dharmeshsharma8 @RNTata2000 Could we have your view on this topic? cs@perceptive-analytics.com 646.583.0001 #VIZ

  28. Elicit Questions You Did Not Ask Before cs@perceptive-analytics.com 646.583.0001 #VIZ

  29. Discover New Data Relationships cs@perceptive-analytics.com 646.583.0001 #VIZ

  30. Discover New Data Relationships cs@perceptive-analytics.com 646.583.0001 #VIZ

  31. Show Others What You See cs@perceptive-analytics.com 646.583.0001 #VIZ

  32. Show Others What You See http://guns.periscopic.com

  33. How to Create Visualizations cs@perceptive-analytics.com 646.583.0001 #VIZ

  34. Analyst Data Tool Insights cs@perceptive-analytics.com 646.583.0001 #VIZ

  35. Analyst Data Tool Domain / Situation Imagination cs@perceptive-analytics.com 646.583.0001 #VIZ

  36. Purpose Design cs@perceptive-analytics.com 646.583.0001 #VIZ

  37. Purpose Pic by Mervi Eskelinen Audience Answers Tasks cs@perceptive-analytics.com 646.583.0001 #VIZ

  38. Guidelines • Understand your goals • Determine the most important dimensions of your data • Determine key data relationships • Show data close to reality e.g. maps, time lines etc. • Choose encoding wisely “Function first, suave next” • What questions do you want answered? cs@perceptive-analytics.com 646.583.0001 #VIZ

  39. Design Pic: Ecotrust Canada cs@perceptive-analytics.com 646.583.0001 #VIZ

  40. Visual Encoding cs@perceptive-analytics.com 646.583.0001 #VIZ

  41. cs@perceptive-analytics.com 646.583.0001 #VIZ

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