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Ever since it's inception, Angular has added new features and fixed bugs in their releases. In June 2020 Angular released its latest Angular 10 version. Angular is a front-end JavaScript framework used to create user interface for the various web and mobile applications. In this video, we cover the all the new additions, deprecations and updates that come with Angular 10. Here are the topics covered:<br><br>1. Angular versions<br>2. What's new with Angular 10?<br>3. How to update to Angular 10?<br><br>About Simplilearn Angular training course:<br>This Angular Certification Training Course will help you master front-end web development with Angular. Gain in-depth knowledge of concepts like facilitating the development of single-page web applications, dependency injection, typescript, components, and directives with this Angular Course.<br><br>Simplilearnu2019s Angular certification course helps you understand the design of single-page applications and how Angular facilities their development. This Angular certification provides knowledge of concepts such as TypeScript, Bootstrap Grid System, dependency injections, SPA, forms, pipes, promises, observables, and Angular class testing.<br><br>Angular Course Key Features<br>1. 100% Money Back Guarantee<br>2. 50 hours of blended learning<br>3. Three industry-based projects and 12 quizzes<br>4. Free introductory JavaScript course<br>5. Flexibility to choose classes<br><br>ud83dudc49Learn more at: https://bit.ly/2Druybm<br>
What’s in It for You? • Angular Versions • What’s New With Angular 10? • How to Update to Angular 10?
Angular versions Angular 10 Angular 8 Angular 5,6 Angular 2 Angular 7 Angular 9 Angular 1 Angular 4
Angular versions Angular 10 Angular 8 Angular 5,6 Angular 2 Built on JavaScript and completely based on controllers Angular 7 Angular 9 Angular 1 Angular 4
Angular versions Angular 10 Angular 8 Angular 5,6 Angular 2 Incorporated the component based approach. Angular 7 Angular 9 Angular 1 Angular 4
Angular versions Angular 10 Angular 8 Angular 5,6 Angular 2 Included router updation. Angular CLI 1.0 was introduced Angular 7 Angular 9 Angular 1 Angular 4
Angular versions Angular 10 Angular 8 Angular 5,6 Angular 2 Angular CLI was optimized and the commands ng-update and ng-add were added Angular 7 Angular 9 Angular 1 Angular 4
Angular versions Angular 10 Angular 8 Angular 5,6 Angular 2 Prompts were introduced which provide tips in CLI about the functions Angular 7 Angular 9 Angular 1 Angular 4
Angular versions Angular 10 Angular 8 Angular 5,6 Angular 2 Ivy renderer and Bazel were introduced Angular 7 Angular 9 Angular 1 Angular 4
Angular versions Angular 10 Angular 8 Angular 5,6 Angular 2 Came with better framework and Angular material. Included full switch to the Ivy renderer as a default compiler Angular 7 Angular 9 Angular 1 Angular 4
Angular versions Angular 10 Angular 8 Angular 5,6 Angular 2 Angular 7 Angular 9 Angular 1 Angular 4
What’s New With Angular 10? Warnings about CommonJS imports Older versions of TypeScript not supported Optional strict setting NGCC Ngcc features URL routing updation Compiler update
What’s New With Angular 10? Warnings about CommonJS imports Older versions of TypeScript not supported Optional strict setting NGCC Ngcc features URL routing updation Compiler update
What’s New With Angular 10? New default browser configuration Deprecated APIs Bug fixes Core Converting pre Ivy code Service workers