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Learning management system ( LMS )

Learning Management System is a software application which manages the course module, administration, tracking, reporting, and documentation.<br>Moodle is one of the dominant player in the e-learning marketplace. Being an open source software makes it more customizable with enhanced user experience<br><br>We, 3E offers industrial level LMS solution with advanced features Reach us at<br>Mob: 91-9916832878<br>Email: hello@3esofttech.com

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Learning management system ( LMS )

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  1. LearningManagementSystem

  2. WhatisLearningManagementSystem? • Learning Management System is a software application which manages the course module, administration, tracking, reporting and documentation. • Performs learner registration • Track learner progress • Course Completion • Record test scores • Allow instructor trainers to assess the performance of their learners.

  3. MOODLE • MoodleisafreeandOpen-SourcewebapplicationsoftwareLearningManagementSystemwritteninPHP.

  4. ApplicationDomains CorporateTraining AcademicInstitutionsandDistant LearningPrograms

  5. WhyMOODLE? • It runs on almost all platform, supporting a lot of useful function and customization. • It is available in 78 different languages • It is used all over the world by teachers and educators and it's probably the best E-Learning tool on internet. • Free and Open Source

  6. MoodleFeatures Customizedthemes:AMoodlethemeallowstheusertochangethelookandfeelofaMoodlesite.Themescanbeappliedonthesite,category,courseandactivitylevelsbyuserswithpermissionstodoso.Themescanbedesignedforspecificdevicessuchasmobilephonesortablets.

  7. MoodleFeatures CourseContentManagement:ContentManagementSystem(CMS)courseformatallowsyoutomanageyourwebsitefromwithinMoodle.WebpagescanbeeditedwithinMoodleandorganizedintohierarchiesandmenus.Theycanbemadeaccessibleviamenublocks.

  8. MoodleFeatures ActivityModule:Activitymodulesprovidethemainactivitiesincourse,suchasForums,Assignmentsubmission,Database,Workshopevaluation,Quizreports,SCORMcompliant,CustomCertificates,LTIcompliantetc. SCORMcompliant AssignmentSubmissions MoodleQuizSettings

  9. MoodleFeatures Languages:Moodle LMS can be translated in over 100 languages. This feature allows the Moodle user’s to take the course in their preferred language from any part of the country. Puts the “distance learning” on a different measurementscaleineLearningindustry. Languagesettings English Spanish

  10. MoodleFeatures UserAuthentication:AuthenticationpluginsallowyoutoconnectyourMoodletodifferentauthenticationsystemssothatyoudon'tneedtocreatenewaccountsinMoodle. OAuth2plugin OpenIDconnect Emailbasedselfregistration

  11. MoodleFeatures Miscellaneouspluginsandfeatures:Adminreports,Gradebooks,Editors,Caching,MessagingOutputs,Repositories,Portfolios,Plagiarism,WebServiceProtocols,Calendars,SearchEngines,MediaPlayers,DocumentConverters,Antivirus,etc. MessagingOutputs Plagiarismplugin

  12. MoodleIntegrationwithEcommerce • Moodle integration with Ecommerce provides additional features like: • Single Sign On • Account sync and course auto-enrolment • Auto-registration to courses, webinars and conferences. • User friendly • It is beyond just adding payment and shopping cart abilities to Moodle. It’s about getting the best of the both LMS and Ecommerce worlds in an integrated solution

  13. Moodle-MobileLMS MoodleMobileappbumpofftheboundaryofclassroomteaching,asthecoursecontentcanbeaccessedanywhere. •Easilyaccesscoursecontent-browsethecontentofyourcourses,evenwhenoffline •Connectwithcourseparticipants-quicklyfindandcontactotherpeopleinyourcourses •Keepuptodate-receiveinstantnotificationsofmessagesandother events,suchasassignmentsubmissions •Submitassignments-Uploadimages,audio,videosandotherfilesfromyourmobiledevice •Trackyourprogress-Viewyourgrades,checkcompletionprogressincoursesandbrowseyourlearningplans •Completeactivitiesanywhere,anytime-attemptquizzes,postinforums,playSCORMpackages,editwikipagesandmore-bothonandoff-line

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