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NAFPI 04 FOD Town Meeting. SMSgt (S) James T. Henry HQ ACC/LGMP. # Preventable over 20K 28 # Preventable under 20K 32 Total Prevent cost $4,334,802 # Non- Preventable 37 Non- Preventable cost $4,605,168 Total # of FOD 97 Total FOD cost $8,939,970
NAFPI 04FOD Town Meeting SMSgt (S) James T. Henry HQ ACC/LGMP
# Preventable over 20K 28 # Preventable under 20K 32 Total Prevent cost $4,334,802 # Non- Preventable 37 Non- Preventable cost $4,605,168 Total # of FOD 97 Total FOD cost $8,939,970 Total # of Flying hours 401,144.4 # A/C Impound for FOD 98 FY04 Chargeable FOD Rate 2.44* Total # Lost Tools 1362 Total # Recovered 628 Tool Recovery Rate 46.1% Total # Items Lost 2141 Total # Recovered 634 Item Recovery Rate 29% Total Recovery Rate 36% CAF FY 04 FOD Roll Up
CAF FOD RATE Rate= (# of preventable FODs / flying hour) * 10,000 Good ACC standard 2.0
CAF FOD Peel-Back FY04 97 Incidents #1 FOD driver continual to be from aircraft hardware
HOT CAF FOD ISSUES • Ensure Unit FOD Managers are attending JEMIC • Reducing the number of Dropped Objects • Stress the importance of reducing hardware related FOD incidents • Brainstorm new and innovative ideas to get the FOD message down to the lowest level • New FOD training video with message from MG Harrell • New labor rate chart on AFSC website • FOD/DOP LSET focus item • Blade blend updates in the engine AFTO form 95 • New AFI 21-101 out • ACC IC in coordination
Up Coming Changes • New Safety manual AFM 91-223 has been released see reference for engine confined FOD in chapter 5 and 6 • MSgt Robert Evans alternate Command FOD/DOP Manager DSN 574-1846 • Updates to Compliance Standards (C&SRL) 90-2409 • Visit safety web site
Hourly Labor Rates for Repairs Due to Mishaps • (See AFI 91-204, Safety Investigations and Reports, paragraph 1.9.) • FY04 Labor Rates • Field Level Labor Rate $32 • Depot Level Labor Rate $146 • Field Level Labor Rate is derived from http:// www.opm.gov/oca/wage/index.aspand AFI 65-503, US Air Force Cost and Planning Factors, Attachments A19-2, A31-1 & 2, and A32-1 & 2. • Depot Level Labor Rate is the average of the unplanned workload sales rate for the three Air Force depots, these rates are publishes annually
AFI 21-101 ChangesHighlights • When FOD is identified, other than minor sand nicks or scratches, notify the Wing FOD Monitor prior to blade blending. Ensure evaluated or repaired FOD is documented in the AFTO Form 95 IAW TO 00-20-1. • Reports all wing FOD/DO incidents to HQ ACC/LGMP within 24 hours of occurrence. • FO Manager Coordinates FO prevention needs with the airfield manager and other agencies when construction is in progress on or near maintenance areas or other areas where FOD incidents could occur
IC 21-101 ChangesHighlights • Daily FOD walks are mandatory prior to first engine start of the day • Vehicle operators will also perform a vehicle roll over check on the tires • FOD incidents caused by transit bases, depot or contractors will be referred to the responsible command for liability. • Guidance for squadron level FOD monitors • DOD Domestic Object Damage: Any damage to an aircraft engine, aircraft system or equipment cause by internal failure of a component.
FOD Best Practices • Established procedures to perform FOD roll over checks on vehicles at the FOD check points. • Created a traveling FOD board, routinely placed around the base to increase awareness. • Ensure FOD posters are regularly shown on the local "Commander's TV channel." • In addition to daily FOD walks and spot inspections, schedule wing FOD walks to increase awareness across base. • Increased the number of sweepers dedicated to the flightline area with low profile pickup heads.
DROPPED OBJECTS • Dropped object prevention is one of COMACC’s top priorities • Dropped objects endanger civilian communities and erode our credibility • Reducing dropped objects is a co-equal goal along with Dropped object prevention for ACC • More than 200 incidents experienced in ACC this FY • Cost is more than 1 million dollars in parts and labor • Dropped object prevention is everyone’s responsibility
Keys to Dropped Object Prevention • Adherence to tech data/torque procedures • Proper installation of panels, hardware and security devices • Promote awareness from the top down • Conduct thorough investigations and include QA • Look for trends and send out DOP flashes when necessary • Communicate with other DOP monitors with like aircraft, (benchmark) • Take pictures of preventable incidents and post them in high traffic areas, including EOR buildings • Brief dropped objects and causes at roll call the next duty day • Remind personnel of the increased potential when night flying, surging or during local exercises
MAF FY04 FOD INCIDENTS 7 Non Preventable Incidents 6 Preventable Class B Incidents
MAF FOD PEEL-BACK 21 FY04 Incidents
HOT MAF FOD ISSUES • FOD Prevention belongs to everyone • FOD Incident Reporting: AFI 21-101 requires wing FOD monitor to report all FOD incidents to MAJCOM FOD manager within 24 hours • FOD Cost Accounting: AFI 91-204 Safety OI requires actual damage cost reporting • FOD Cost Accounting: AFI 91-204 Safety OI requires actual damage cost reporting