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10 things you should know about pregnancy

Pregnancy is a broad topic that can be written about endlessly. Below, we present 10 aspects that most future mothers have probably already heard about, but we will try to systematize this knowledge. <br>

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10 things you should know about pregnancy

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  1. 10 things you should know about pregnancy federalhealth.net/10-things-you-should-know-about-pregnancy Pregnancy is a broad topic that can be written about endlessly. Below, we present 10 aspects that most future mothers have probably already heard about, but we will try to systematize this knowledge. Pregnancy is not a disease This is a common and often repeated opinion. However, a lot of women the next day after taking a pregnancy test rush to the gynecologist to get time off from work or are in arrears on the couch because they now have to save money. If the pregnancy is not in danger and is developing properly, and the expectant mother feels well, there are no contraindications to lead the current lifestyle. Of course, we are not talking about alcohol-drenched parties until dawn or hard physical work. However, you do not have to give up travel, sports adapted to the possibilities of a pregnant woman or work. Take care of a proper diet Every expectant mother wants to give her child the best from the very beginning. Therefore, certain eating habits during pregnancy should change. You should not eat: raw meat, fish, and eggs unpasteurized milk products, highly processed foods. Adequate fluid intake is also very important. 1/4

  2. Belongs: Drink at least 2 liters of mineral water a day, Coffee if it has been drunk in large quantities so far, Eliminate colorful carbonated drinks and the so-called energy. The diet should be based on wholesome products, seasonal fruits, and vegetables. One cannot forget about the proper supply of protein and omega-3 fatty acids, the source of which is oily sea fish and oils, e.g. linen. Choose whole grains rich in fiber. But let’s not get crazy. A piece of homemade cake or a cube of chocolate will certainly not hurt your baby. Say NO to drug users! Studies clearly report the harmful effects of alcohol and cigarettes on a child’s development. A safe dose of alcohol for the fetus has not been established, and sensitivity to ethanol may vary. It is therefore absolutely necessary to discontinue stimulants for the duration of pregnancy and breastfeeding. Know your rights The Labor Code provides special protection for pregnant women. It is forbidden, inter alia, to: employing a pregnant woman overtime; employing a pregnant woman at night; employing a pregnant woman in a system that requires work over 8 hours a day; seconding a pregnant woman outside her regular workplace without her consent; employing a pregnant woman in an intermittent work system; working more than 8 hours a day in front of a computer (a 10-minute break is necessary after each 50 minutes worked in front of the computer); Work in strenuous conditions, e.g. in a forced position or for more than 3 hours in a standing position during a working day (after every 15 minutes of standing there is 15 minutes of rest); Lifting loads over 3 kg; Working at height, using a ladder, etc., Work in exposure to noise exceeding 65 dB in relation to the 8-hour daily or average weekly workload; Work in conditions posing a risk of contracting smallpox, rubella , shingles, cytomegalovirus, HIV, hepatitis B or toxoplasmosis; Work in exposure to carcinogens, ionizing radiation or in contact with certain chemical substances, Work in canals, trenches, mines. 2/4

  3. If the adaptation of the working conditions to the above guidelines results in a reduction of the pregnant woman’s remuneration, she should be entitled to a compensatory supplement. The expectant mother is entitled to be released from work and to retain the right to remuneration during this time if it is necessary to perform the examinations ordered by the attending physician when they cannot be performed outside working hours. When a doctor determines that a pregnant woman is incapable of working, the employed woman is entitled to 100% of the sickness benefit basis. The exemption may be issued not only by the gynecologist. Don’t give up on sports Moderate exercise is highly recommended during pregnancy. As long as there are no health contraindications, it is worth taking a walk or signing up for fitness for pregnant women. The swimming pool is a moot point due to the likelihood of intimate infections. You should give up activities that are highly stressful or carry a high risk of injuries, such as skiing, team sports, martial arts, or strength exercises. Read More about Heart Disease in Women Remember about immunization According to the recommendations of the Chief Sanitary Inspector, it is recommended to vaccinate pregnant women against influenza. It is safe for both the mother and the fetus, and pregnant women are at increased risk of complications from this disease. In addition, it ensures immunity for the child until the age of 6 months, which is the moment when it is possible to vaccinate the infant against the flu. The second recommended is pertussis vaccination with diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis vaccine. Other inactivated vaccines are used in particularly justified cases of exposure to infection, while live vaccines are not given to pregnant women. Don’t neglect your visits to the dentist Due to the numerous changes taking place in the body of a woman, teeth become weak during pregnancy. It is easier than for caries or gingivitis, so it is worth going to the dentist when planning pregnancy. He should also visit him every trimester of pregnancy to get an oral health assessment. If you experience pain or bleeding gums, you should not delay the consultation with the dentist. It is recommended to perform larger procedures in the second trimester of pregnancy. Take advantage of the birthing school 3/4

  4. Attending childbirth school is recommended especially for primiparous women, and it is best to start classes after the 20th week of pregnancy. In addition to learning breathing techniques, the person in charge, who is usually an experienced midwife: Will present the rights of women in the field of perinatal and postnatal care, Will tell you about the course of labor and how to relieve pain, Learn about the exercises that prepare the body for childbirth, Teaching relaxation techniques and the massage that can be performed by a partner or a close person, Will help to complete a layette for a baby and pack a bag for the hospital, Can organize a workshop with a person who will advise you on choosing a car seat, Will talk about cord blood banking, Will instruct you on caring for your baby, Will present the advantages and methods of latching a baby to the breast. It is worth choosing a school where classes are conducted by a midwife with experience in a hospital where the woman plans to give birth. Often, as part of the classes, it is also possible to visit the delivery room in a specific facility. Think positive! The forums, websites, and social media are full of stories from other mothers about the course of pregnancy, childbirth, and raising children. Unfortunately, this information is often incomplete, out of context, and not scientifically substantiated. In addition, the brain remembers these negative, pathological stories better, which results in the fact that the pregnant woman – instead of enjoying her condition – worries in advance, stressing herself and her baby unnecessarily. A good mother is a happy mother, so you should focus on the positives of each situation and stick to it, and treat Internet messages with a pinch of salt. It is best to go to a specialist – a doctor, midwife, or psychologist for advice. 4/4

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