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Expert Tips to Protect Your Child’s Teeth

Want to keep your child from getting tooth decay by starting his dental care early? Read now to find expert tips to take care of your kid’s oral health. Visit http://stldentistforkids.com/ for more info.

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Expert Tips to Protect Your Child’s Teeth

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  1. Expert Tips to Protect Your Kids Teeth www.stldentistforkids.com

  2. Did you know pediatric dental disease is 5 times more common than asthma and 7 times more common than hay fever? www.stldentistforkids.com

  3. A child’s first set of teeth, the primary teeth have extreme importance because having a strong and healthy primary teeth helps your child to chew food easily, speak clearly and guides proper eruption of permanent teeth. So, here are a few tips to take proper care of your kid’s teeth. www.stldentistforkids.com

  4. REGULAR DENTAL CHECKUPS According to a CDC report shows that dental care costs are nearly 40% lower over a 5-year period for children who see a dentist by age 5. So, it’s important to for your child to visit a dentist by his first birthday to avoid severe oral diseases in future. www.stldentistforkids.com

  5. SAY NO TO ‘BABY BOTTLE DECAY’ Most people have made this as a habit to put their child down for a nap with a bottle of juice, formula, or milk. This should be avoided because sugary liquids cling to their teeth, feeds bacteria and causes tooth decay. www.stldentistforkids.com

  6. BRUSHING, FLOSSING AND RINSING Creating a regular healthcare routine for kids is a key for better oral health. So, encourage healthy habits like brushing, flossing and rinsing from the very early age. Get fancy, fun brushes and kid friendly rinse flavor to motivate them. www.stldentistforkids.com

  7. Looking for the best pediatric dentist in St. Louis & Wentzville MO? Visit www.stldentistforkids.com Call: 314-822-2764 E-mail: info@stldentistforkids.com www.stldentistforkids.com

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