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Ghee is full of omega-3. As per research, it improves quality and treatment of cancer patients. It actually helps in rejuvenation. Indian scientists have discovered that desi cow ghee could protect us from cancer. Cow ghee enhances the availability of enzymes responsible ...A spoon of cow ghee full of health - & Poses no danger to Cardiac health and could protect us from cancer. Desi Cow ghee enhances the availability of enzymes responsible for detoxification of cancer-causing substances and decreases the availability of those responsible for activation of carcinogens

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  1. Cow's Ghee helps in Cancer

  2. Cow's Ghee helps in Cancer Cow's Ghee helps in Cancer Desi Cow Ghee or clarified butter oil – often blamed for obesity and heart diseases – is not that bad after all. Indian scientists have just discovered that cow ghee could protect us from cancer diseases. Cow ghee enhances the availability of enzymes responsible for detoxification of cancer-causing substances and decreases the possibility of those responsible for activation of carcinogens, scientists from the National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI) have reported in the latest issue of the Indian Journal of Medicals Research. Ghee poses no danger to cardiac health if the total fat entrance is restricted to the prescribed limit, researchers said. One must ensure that the entrance of total fat (including ghee) should not exceed the prescribed limit of fat consumption. In the experiments done in lab, scientists studied the effects of desi cow ghee compared to soybean oil on female rats which were artificially given breast cancer causing chemicals. They observed that the initiation and progress of mammary cancer decreased in rats which were fed on pure cow ghee. Though, there was a greater proportion of tumours in animals fed on soybean oil.

  3. One probable factor in pure cow ghee is the presence of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which is known to possess beneficial properties. Cow ghee is a rich natural source of CLA, whereas, vegetable oils lack this particular fatty acid. Most vegetable oils contain high amount of unsaturated fatty acid as well as linoleic acid – which is considered pro-carcinogenic as it forms free radicals known to damage DNA. The ghee available in India is mostly made from buffalo milk. And though the study was done on cow ghee, scientists said buffalo ghee is also expected to be similarly effective because both contain CLA.

  4. Desi Cow Ghee, Omega-3 And Cancer Desi Cow Ghee, Omega-3 And Cancer Protection Protection Ghee is full of omega-3. As per research, it improves quality and treatment of cancer patients. It actually helps in rejuvenation. Omega-3 Fatty Acids May Help Improve Treatment and Quality of Life in Cancer Patients Adding omega-3 fatty acids to anti-tumor medications may improve treatment response and quality of life for cancer patients according to a new study by researchers at the University Hospitals of Leicester in the United Kingdom. The study, published in the OnlineFirst version of the Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (JPEN), the research journal of the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (A.S.P.E.N.), examined 50 patients with advanced pancreatic cancer. Patients were given 1,000 mg of gemcitabine weekly followed by up to 100 g of omega-3 rich lipid emulsion for three weeks followed by a rest week. This was continued for up to six cycles, progression, unacceptable toxicity, patient request, or death. The study found evidence of activity in response and disease stabilization rates, reduction in liver metastasis volume, and improved quality of life scores in this group of patients.

  5. While this is the first study to use omega-3 fatty acids with a chemotherapy agent in a cancer setting, the researchers believe the results are encouraging enough to warrant further investigation in a randomized phase III trial. Docosahexaenoic acid content is significantly higher in ghrita prepared by traditional Ayurvedic methods BACKGROUND: Desi ghee (clarified butter) also known as ghrita, has been utilized for thousands of years in Ayurveda. Ghee is chiefly prepared by traditional method in Indian households or by direct cream method at industry level. Ayurvedic classics mention that ghrita made from cow milk is better. However, there is no scientific compare available on preparation methods and essential fatty acids content of ghrita. OBJECTIVE: To investigate fatty acid composition of ghrita prepared by Ayurvedic/traditional method and commercial method (direct cream method).

  6. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (FAME) extracted from ghrita sample were analysed on Gas Chromatography (GC) Shimadzu B using capillary column BPX70 (0.32 mm*60 m, ID of 0.25 mm). The fatty acids in the samples were identified by compare peaks with the external standard 68A (Nu-Chek-Prep, Inc.USA). Valued differences between the experimental groups were assessed by analysis of variance. RESULTS: Distribution of fatty acids was compare in ghrita samples prepared by traditional method and direct cream method which is commercially used. Saturated fatty acids were predominant in both the groups. Monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids were in the range of 17-18% and 3-6% respectively. DHA content was significantly higher in cow ghee prepared by traditional method using curd starter fermentation. CONCLUSION: The findings suggested that ghrita prepared by traditional ayurvedic methods contain higher amount of DHA; Omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, which is a major component of retinal and brain tissues and remains important in prevention of various diseases.

  7. Read More: 1. 2. 3. Pure Desi Ghee Price Online: 1 kg Ghee Price is Rs 2400/- Health Benefits Of Drinking Milk With Ghee At Night Desi Cow Ghee For Hair Growth, Hair Fall Treatment & Regrowth Benefits Benefits Of Applying Desi Ghee For Face Overnight Best Ghee For Babies, Infants Skin And Ghee Massage For Babies Ghee For Mental Health Desi Cow Ghee vs Buffalo Ghee vs Jersey Cow Ghee 4. 5. 6. 7. Disclaimer : This is strictly for educational purposes only and NOT to be considered medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider concerning questions you have regarding a medical condition, during pregnancy, and before starting, stopping or modifying any treatment or medication. In the case of a health emergency, seek immediate assistance from emergency personnel. Never delay obtaining medical advice or disregard medical advice because of something you have or have not read on this post / website / Video. Healthcare professionals should exercise their own clinical judgment when using our content, tools or databases

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