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You've been using Windows cut and paste incorrectly the entire time.

To copy, hit Ctrl C on your keyboard after highlighting text, photographs, and other items. Instead of hitting Ctrl V to paste, you may bring up the Clipboard History menu by pressing Windows V on your keyboard. Up to 25 of the most recent things you've copied are included here, including text, HTML, photos, and more. When you click on an entry, your selected item will be pasted.

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You've been using Windows cut and paste incorrectly the entire time.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. You've been using Windows cut and paste incorrectly the entire time. Are you aware that Windows 10 and Windows 11 include a fantastic cut and paste feature that will make your life much easier? Many business listings It's called Clipboard History, and it's completely transformative. To copy, hit Ctrl + C on your keyboard after highlighting text, photographs, and other items. Instead of hitting Ctrl + V to paste, you may bring up the Clipboard History menu by pressing Windows + V on your keyboard.

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