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Types of Psoriasis

Are you looking for how to cure psoriasis permanently, here we explain what is psoriasis, which kind of symptoms we will get, what are the types of and causes of psoriasis. How to cure the psoriasis scaling, itching and autoimmune diseases using best psoriasis treatment creams. There are many other types of psoriasis please visit to know the types of psoriasis

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Types of Psoriasis

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  1. Types ofpsoriasis

  2. Herewearementioned8 different types of psoriasis.Theyareasfollows PlaquePsoriasis NailPsoriasis Types ofPsoriasis GuttatePsoriasis InversePsoriasis Pustularpsoriasis Erythrodermicpsoriasis Psoriaticarthritis 8)ScalpPsoriasis

  3. 1) PlaquePsoriasis Itwilloccuranywhereonourbody.It causesdry,Inflamed,redskinlesions coveredbysilveryscales.Mostofthe peoplewith psoriasis have plaque psoriasis.

  4. 2) NailPsoriasis It affects nails of fingers and toes, nail pitting , Nail psoriatic nailswill be seperate from the nailbed.

  5. 3)GuttatePsoriasis This kind of psoriasis affectsyoung adults and children.It lookslike small water drops shape onyour skin. It will appear on Arms,legs, scalp.

  6. 4) InversePsoriasis Thismainlyaffectsarmpits,under breastsandAroundthegenitals. Thesepatchesareshinyandbright red. Fungal infections may trigger this type ofpsoriasis.

  7. 5) Pustularpsoriasis This uncommon form of psoriasis affectsadultsmorethanchildren.It causesred,swollenpatches,which produces white, noninfectiouspus- filledblistersItwillappearonsmall areasofhands,feetandfingertips..

  8. 6) Erythrodermicpsoriasis Thiskindofpsoriasiscancoverentire bodywithbrightred,peelingrashthat can itch andpainful.

  9. 7) Psoriaticarthritis Itcanaffectanyjointinthebody.Itcan cause stiffness , joint swelling and progressive joint damage. It can vary from person toperson.

  10. 8)ScalpPsoriasis This common form of psoriasis appear onentirescalp and itsspread to back of neck, forehead, behind and inside oftheear.It looks like single patch orseveral.

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